「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

Lasting Happiness, Peace and Emotional Well-Being - 永続する幸福、平和および情緒面の健康 - 1

2013-02-24 13:02:48 | Sedona Method
Lasting Happiness, Peace and Emotional Well-Being - 永続する幸福、平和および情緒面の健康 - 1

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Your Key to...
The Sedona Method

Reading Sections


1. Beyond the Suppression-Expression Cycle

Life as We Know It Letting Go Suppression and Expression The Third Alternative: Releasing The Continuum of Letting Go Practical Releasing Feelings Only Lie The Mind Is Like a Computer Written Releasing: What Do You Want in Your Life? Write Down Your Gains Coming Back to Life

2. Your Formula for Success (http://markettorrent.com/topic/6397?page=6)

Frequently Asked Questions Harness the Strength of Your Different Modes of Sensing When Two or More Are Focused on a Goal Kenneth: Letting Go of His Attachment to a Story Common Pitfalls to Avoid Exploration: Look for the Freedom that Is Here and Now Growth Can Be Fun

3. Your Roadmap to Emotional Freedom

Freedom/Imperturbability Uncover Your Intuition The Nine Emotional States Apathy Grief Fear Lust Anger Pride Courageousness Acceptance Peace Exploration: You Are Not Your Feelings Make a Commitment to Your Growth Chart of the Nine Emotional States

4. Dissolving Your Resistance

What Is Resistance? Releasing Resistance Three More Ways to Dissolve Resistance Exploration: Getting in Touch with Resistance Written Releasing: The “Things I Have to Do” Worksheet Process for Letting Go of Resistance Staying in the Flow

5. Your Key to Serenity
Stuck on a Feeling? Frank: Serenity amidst Chaos Releasing Wanting to Change Allow Yourself to Dig Deeper as You Move Forward

6. Taking Your Releasing to a Deeper Level
Are You Motivated by What You Want? How It All Began Five Basic Steps to Release Underlying Wants Exploration: Seeing Through to Perfection by Letting Go of the Wants

7. Letting Go of the Four Basic Wants
Wanting to Control Wanting Approval/Love Wanting Security/Survival Wanting to Be Separate The Anatomy of an Imaginary Tree of Limitation

8. Setting and Attaining Your Goals
Becoming “Hootless” Robert: Manifesting Without Fretting about It Releasing Your Feelings about Setting Goals Crafting Your Goal Statements The Goal Process The Action Steps Process Releasing on Your Goals and Action Steps Exploration: Experience It, Let It Go, and Make It So Going Two Steps Further

9. Beyond Attachments and Aversions
What Purpose Does this Process Serve? The Likes/Dislikes Process Suzanne: Increasing Comfort with Sales Calls Written Releasing on Your Likes/Dislikes Opening Doors

10. Power Decision-making

The Advantages/Disadvantages Process Laura: Uncovering a Forgotten Decision Written Releasing on Your Advantages/Disadvantages Carol Sue: Creating an Amicable Divorce Persistence Pays Off

11. The Cleanup Procedure
The Cleanup Procedure Why Does Completion Benefit You? Tom: Resolving a Professional Misunderstanding A Short Cleanup Process A Final Thought

12. Putting It All Together
The Three Aspects of Mind The Six Steps The Six Steps Exploration: There Are No Problems Super Charge Advantages and Disadvantages Take Just One Feeling or One Moment at a Time Stephanie: There’s No Such Thing as “Wasted Time”

The Six Steps

The Six Steps

1. Allow yourself to want freedom/imperturbability (your goal) more than you want approval, control, security, and separation.

2. Decide that you can release and be free/imperturbable (achieve your goal).

3. Allow yourself to perceive that all your feelings culminate in the four wants: the want of approval, the want to control, the want of security, and the want of separation. Then allow yourself to let go of the wants.

4. Make it constant. Release wanting approval, wanting to control, wanting security, and wanting to be separate all the time, whether you’re alone or with people.

5. If you are stuck, let go of wanting to control or change the stuckness.

6. Each time you release, you are lighter, happier, and more effective. If you do this continually, you will continually be lighter, happier, and more effective.

Now, let’s consider each of the Six Steps in turn.

Step 1: Allow yourself to want freedom/imperturbability (your goal) more than you want approval, control, security, and separation.

This step is not saying that you have to want freedom more than anything else. It also doesn’t mean that you won’t attain your goals or start to experience freedom until you have completely eliminated any sense of wanting approval, control, security, or separation. It does mean that the more you tip your inner scales in the direction of freedom/imperturbability, the more quickly you will see results in your life from the Method and the faster you’ll pull your goal into your awareness.

Interestingly, wanting freedom/imperturbability is what attracts us to this type of work. Many, if not most, people would prefer to remain unconscious. They’d literally rather not see that there’s a way out, that there’s an alternative. Because you have gotten this far into the process of the Sedona Method, rest assured that you’re one of the lucky people on this planet who are willing to change it for the better from the inside out.

You can reinforce your desire for freedom by choosing freedom as often as possible. If you’re having any doubts about whether or not to proceed with the Method, there’s a question that will help you to discriminate. It is very helpful, especially if you’re having difficulty letting go of an uncomfortable feeling.

• Would I rather have this stuckness (this feeling), or would I rather be free?

Most of the time, as soon as you ask this question, you’ll notice how the energy around the stuckness is starting to shift. Very often, the question by itself will cause you to let go of whatever it is that you’re holding on to in the moment.

Yes, we used the word “want” in the Step 1 statement. If you use this want to convert all your other wants into the desire for freedom, then you’ll no longer need it and it will fall away of its own accord.

Step 2: Decide that you can release and be free/imperturbable (achieve your goal) .

Every time you release, it’s just a decision, a simple choice. You have that choice to make in every moment of every day. Of course, this fact doesn’t indicate that you’ll always choose to release from now on. But as you make that choice―as you decide to do the Method and be free―it gets easier and easier to do. The more you can recognize that freedom is easily and readily available, the more likely you are to choose it.

Step 3: Allow yourself to perceive that all your feelings culminate in the four wants: the want of approval, the want to control, the want of security, and the want of separation. Then allow yourself to let go of the wants.

This step is the heart of the Method. As you continue to explore releasing, you’ll become more in tune with how your underlying basic wants cause you to feel other than the way you would choose and to act in ways that you later regret. As you increase your attunement, you will find yourself letting go spontaneously―immediately and with greater ease.

Step 4: Make it constant. Release wanting approval, wanting to control, wanting security, and wanting to be separate all the time, whether you’re alone or with people.

Every time there’s a problem, you have an opportunity to release and turn it around. Change your whole perspective on life by recognizing that every down is an opportunity to go even higher. Making the use of releasing constant is not a rule about a lot of doingness―although it might seem that way in the beginning―because you’re forming a new habit. It’s about becoming more aware of the unlimited potential that’s just behind whatever you’re experiencing. Making its use constant doesn’t mean that you’re asking the releasing questions all the time. It means that you’re relaxing into who you really are. You’re being at ease and as open as you’re able in order to release whatever emotion is arising in the NOW moment. You’re seeing the truth.

Letting go can become as second nature and apparently automatic as suppression and expression are now for most of us. Since we’re always doing something with our feelings anyway, why not just let them go?

Step 5: If you are stuck, let go of wanting to control or change the stuckness.

This step is so important that I devoted an entire chapter to it, Your Key to Serenity (see page 127). It is the safety valve of the Method, a single action that will set you straight, in most cases, and get you back on track when you’ve derailed. Specifically: When we want to change or control how we feel, we get stuck. Thus, when we let go of wanting to change or control how we feel in the NOW moment, the whole dynamic is changed.

It is so simple. Let go of wanting to change or control it if ...

• You’re feeling overwhelmed.

• You’re moving away from releasing.

• You’ve forgotten to release.

• You feel like you just can’t let go.

• You’re not sure what you are feeling.

• You find there are certain patterns that you’re having more difficulty letting go of than others.

• You simply want to cut to the chase and let go NOW.

Step 6: Each time you release, you are lighter, happier, and more effective. If you do this continually, you will continually be lighter, happier, and more effective.

As I mentioned in the Introduction, Lester used to call the Sedona Method the “bottoms- up method,” meaning that, as you use this technique, you’ll notice that what you may consider a peak: experience right now will eventually become where you bottom out. It’s not that there won’t still be ups and downs. As you release, your highs get higher but so do your lows. You might feel your feelings more acutely, because, as you release, you become more open, more sensitized, more discriminating. But even though you’re feeling your feelings more, you’re also letting go of them much more easily; because of that, you’ll see a rapid increase in your freedom over time.

This is the reason I encourage you to write down your gains as you work with this book. As you keep track of the positive changes in your life, you recognize, “Yes, I feel freer, I feel happier, things are getting easier, I’m becoming more effective.” As you acknowledge that, you’re feeding energy to the positive instead of the negative, and this will also cycle you back to Step 1. As you see that you are getting freer and happier, it strengthens your desire to have more of the same.

Explore a question that Lester used to ask himself: Could it get any better?

If it can get any better, when you release, it will.

Especially if you have a tendency to want to understand, after reading this chapter you may feel like the Sedona Method makes more sense. It is all based on repeatable formulas that work whenever you allow them to.

Exploration: There Are No Problems

Super Charge Advantages and Disadvantages
Take Just One Feeling or One Moment at a Time
Stephanie: There’s No Such Thing as “Wasted Time”


In Part Two, “Real Life Applications,” we’ll be exploring some of the many ways you can apply the Sedona Method in your life, beyond the obvious one of feeling better NOW. Every chapter in this section could be expanded into its own book about a specific application―and it may be in the future. My current purpose, however, is to help you begin using the Method across a broad range of conditions and scenarios. My goal is to help you integrate this material into your life and make it your own. As you work with it, you’ll discover ever more ways the Sedona Method can serve you in your success and freedom.

At the end of Part Two, I have devoted an entire chapter to supporting the world, if you’re inclined to get involved. I invite you to join me in communicating this message of freedom throughout our often-troubled world by sharing The Sedona Method with the people you care about. Together, we can spread peace, joy, prosperity, and well-being worldwide.



13. The Secret of Letting Go of Fear and Anxiety

A Shortcut for Releasing Fear Releasing Your Fear about Others Jennifer: If Not Now, When? Putting Your Fears Behind You Bob: Turning the Corner on Chronic Anxiety Two More Quick Tips

A Shortcut for Releasing Fear

Releasing Your Fear about Others
Jennifer: If Not Now, When?
Putting Your Fears Behind You
Bob: Turning the Corner on Chronic Anxiety
Two More Quick Tips

14. Beyond the Tyranny of Guilt and Shame

Lies Perpetuated in the Name of Guilt and Shame Annie: Setting Down Her Burdens Four Brief Processes for Releasing Feelings of Guilt/Shame Breathe a Deep Sigh of Relief

Lies Perpetuated in the Name of Guilt and Shame

Annie: Setting Down Her Burdens
Four Brief Processes for Releasing Feelings of Guilt/Shame
Breathe a Deep Sigh of Relief

15. Breaking those Nasty Habits

A Different Approach to Breaking Habits Letting Go of the Memory of the Habit Advantages/Disadvantages and Likes/Dislikes Releasing Your Habits Rick: No Longer Ruled by Chocolate A Couple of Extra Points

Letting Go of the Memory of the Habit
Advantages/Disadvantages and Likes/Dislikes
Releasing Your Habits
Rick: No Longer Ruled by Chocolate
A Couple of Extra Points

16. Your Wealth Builder

Bank in the Bank, Not in Your Head Releasing on Your Parents’ Financial Activities Releasing Fear about Money Likes and Dislikes about Money Cleaning Up on Money Julia: Freedom to Deserve the Best The Advantages and Disadvantages of Money Visualizing Your Ideal Finances Setting Goals and Taking Action Steps A Final Idea

When you’re ready, let’s switch gears.
Cleaning Up on Money
Julia: Freedom to Deserve the Best
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Money
Visualizing Your Ideal Finances

17. Relationship Magic

Stop Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places What If Your Partner Is Already Perfect? The Disagreement Dissolver Releasing to Support Relationships The Oneness-Separation Paradigm William: Nothing Seems All that Serious Anymore Picturing Your Ideal Relationship Releasing Improves All Kinds of Relationships

Claire: Creating Safety in Her Relationship
Going from Fear to Love
The Likes/Dislikes Process
Accepting What Is
The Cleanup Procedure
Advantages and Disadvantages

The Oneness-Separation Paradigm
Picturing Your Ideal Relationship

18. Developing Radiant Health

Five Steps for Coping with Illness and Discomfort Duke: Freedom from Seeking Sympathy Releasing on Your General Health and Well-being Embracing What Is Going Beyond Your Parents Going Beyond the Fears that Make You Sick George: Loving His Body in Every Condition What If Your Body Is Okay as It Is? Cleaning Up on Your Body Advantages and Disadvantages Picturing What You Want: Combining Imagery and Releasing A Final Word

19. Organizational Freedom and Effectiveness

Emotional Intelligence/Emotional Mastery Moving Beyond the Control Paradigm Building and Leading a Cohesive Team James: Releasing for Workplace Success De-stressing Stress Working Under Time Deadlines Effective Selling Goal Mastery Power Decision-making Working with Difficult People A Final Thought

20. Supporting Our World

Releasing to Support Our World Practice
Share this Message with People Who Are Open to It

The Next Steps

Guidelines for The Sedona Method Support Group

部分1 - セドーナ方法コース
1. 抑制表現サイクルを越えて
2. 成功のあなたの定式
3. 情緒的な自由へのあなたのロードマップ
4. あなたの抵抗を溶かすこと
5. 殿下のあなたの鍵
6. より深いレベルにあなたがリリースすることをとること
7. 4つの基礎的な必需品を手放すこと
8. あなたのゴールのセットおよび実現
9. 付属と嫌悪を越えて
10. パワー意思決定
11. 掃除手続き
12. それをすべて置くこと
部分2 - 実生活適用
13. 恐れと心配を手放すシークレット
14. 罪と恥の暴政を越えて
15. それらの不快な習慣をやめること
16. あなたの富建築者
17. 関係マジック
18. 放射する健康の開発
19. 組織的な自由および有効性
20. 私たちの世界の支援

This is the end of the file.
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