
Zazen 法話のページ


2022-07-14 | 仏教



Introducing my friend, Ven. B. Thero , 
The head of Can Der Lui Dutch School in Baddegama, Southern Province, Sri Lanka. Ven. B. Thero became a monk at the age of 18 and graduated from a Buddhist university in Myanmar with a scholarship from the Netherlands. After returning home, he became the head of the Dutugemunu, Royal Temple in Baddegama City.

Ven. B. Thero is actively involved in welfare activities in Sri Lankan temples, supported by donations from foreign countries and local believers. The main activity of the temple can be said to be welfare support, which is quite different from Japan. He has trained 28 disciples thus far.

Ven. B Thero said, "Thank you for coming far away. It is the first time for a Japanese Buddhist monk to come to Sri Lanka and give a lecture at a Theravada Buddhist facility. As you know, Sri Lanka is in a state of social turmoil, and everyone is worried and doesn't know what to do. I would like you to speak about what we can do and how we should think. I read your lecture manuscript, and I completely agree with it. I want you to tell 150 students, teachers, and monks in the high school auditorium about it. After you speak in English, a junior monk will interpret it into Sinhalese. I always say to everyone that Buddha is not a god. He is a human being. He is a historical figure but also an existence within every one of us. Buddha is about oneself. Buddha's teachings are not just about religion; they cover politics, economics, commerce, and everything. That's what makes them wonderful. Buddha's teachings are in our daily lives."
The speaker responded, "Thank you very much for your hospitality."

The lecture was held in a six-year high school auditorium across from the Senehasa Senior Home Hospital. First, the Japanese national anthem was sung, followed by the Sri Lankan national anthem, which surprised the speaker. The local Buddhist elder sat beside him and said, "Thank you for translating the Sri Lankan scripture 'Suttanipata' into English. This fundamental teaching forms the core of Buddha's teachings, so it must be passed down to young people. Please explain it clearly." The elder then gave a sermon to his students for about an hour and a half, making it a peaceful lesson.

 Finally, the speaker said, "I am truly grateful for this opportunity. The direction of Buddhism from now on is international cooperation. Let's join hands with each other."

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