
『インテグリティ ーコンプライアンスを超える組織論』重版出来!


Farewel to Nori-P

2009年08月08日 | 社会・時事など

 後記:彼が本当にクスリをやっていなかったのかについては僕は懐疑的である。34歳が酔って前後不覚になって真っ裸になることがあり得るだろうか? 皆さんの周りの34歳にそんな人がいますか? でも尿検査で違法薬物は検出されなかったんだっけ。

のりPの復活は許してはならない。人生には取り返しのつかない失敗もある。There is an irreparable mistake in our life.



彼女を芸能界から抹殺する。クスリ撲滅のためにはそれが唯一の道。No excuse.



 ■ 犯人蔵匿罪、犯人隠避罪(第103条)


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Truth is stranger than fiction.

2009年08月08日 | 社会・時事など
Nori-P was arrested. Who on earth could imagine she might be arrested before this incident? Truly, fact is stranger than fiction.

In Japan, little occupation is free from drugs. Even politicians, not to mention TV stars haven given way to the temptation of drug .

Luckily, lawyers so far have been able to be immune from drug abuse. But I doubt they can keep clean forever. Because the quality of lawyers is degrading in Japan (because of their increase in number), they are soon threatened and tempted to drug abuse.


I changed my wall paper into the sample picture of dawn in the ocean. The picture energizes me, because I am an early bird loving dawn.
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2009年08月08日 | 野球

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sat night

2009年08月08日 | 社会・時事など
This blog has descended to a mere English composition blog...


Drugs undermine not only our body but also our mind. This is shown by Nori-P's unexpected change after her marriage to the "surf" guy.

She may not have acquired her notorious tattoo on her ankle.


The implications of Nori-P drug incident is not to be estimated small; they are huge and must be huge.

The young are apt to abuse drugs (more easily to resort to drugs)after this incident. Drugs are far from distant and another world's thing; they have become daily, common, and familiar thing because of the celebrity's abuse.

Narcotic law should be revised, strengthening punitive clauses.


I suppose I am a rather communicative person nowadays, but it is difficult for us Japanese to be communicative in English. Now I manage to make myself understood in English, sometimes even failing to doing so.


I hope I can be more prolific even in English on this blog. Every journey begins with a single step.
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sat evening

2009年08月08日 | シンガポール留学記
Today I am not in good condition; I may be tired after the dancing all night yesterday and only four hour's sleep. I have a tough time grasping English papers.


However hard we may strive, we Japanese cannot catch up with the English native speakers use. It is the same as foreigners cannot beat us in Japanese(though some foreigners had got Akutagawa-prize, the famous literary award in Japan).

That's why Uchida Tatsuru (Japanese professor and essayist)asserts that English should be just a tool, not to be think highly of as a superior language.

He also exemplifies someone's statement in some international conference, "The standard language of this conference is not English; it's poor English." The statement suggests that the unskillful English of non-native speakers should be treated as a good, enough vehicle in communication.


biannual/semiannual 1年に2度
biennial 2年に1度


simile : brave as a lion
metaphor : He is a lion in battle.


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2009年08月08日 | シンガポール留学記
Yesterday I went to welcome reception with my national costume "kimono", which raised me to one of the most outstanding figures in the newcomers. Many asked me to take a picture with me. I felt like becoming a celebrity.

You can see the picture on website.


Nori-P incident is so intriguing. Her life stands for ups and downs.
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Sat Morning

2009年08月08日 | シンガポール留学記
The three intriguing news of Reiko Ohara's death, the request of arrest warrant of Noriko Sakai(nicknamed as "Nori-P"), and the divorce of Yada(Yata?) Akiko may be steaming up the Japanese.

Especially, the drug abuse of Nori-P, one of the most popular, pure personalities(ex-idol) of Japan is astonishing. Anything goes in Japanese showbusiness!

She was the poster lady of "Saiban-in seido", the newly-established citizen jury system. The government and the Ministry of Justice may be perplexed of the incident.
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