

The structure of life and the human spirit

2024-02-28 22:38:14 | Consciousness for Future

The structure of life and the human spirit

From the perspective of a small being like a human, the universe is a vast space with no idea where the end lies. However, even if the universe is so vast that we can't even imagine it about all, the existence of life in it suggests that there must be some sort of mechanism in place. That endless space of the universe is a desolate world of nothingness with a constant low temperature, and occasionally there are hot stars that violently explode. There are several groups of planets hidden behind the star like the Sun. On planets that have a range of unique environmental conditions such as temperature, pressure, and material composition, some kind of mechanism is activated that grows and becomes more complex on its own. Although the environmental conditions for life to occur are said to be quite harsh and narrow, at least the universe has an environment in which life can flourish.

Even though many celestial bodies in the universe appear to be in a constant cycle of creation and decay, they are constantly producing the elements necessary for life. It is true that on our planet, Earth, the atmosphere, water, carbon compounds, amino acids, proteins, etc. were created. Life created on a planet takes billions of years to evolve into a conscious being. The phenomenon of “evolution” in which life gradually becomes more complex, is an established fact on Earth. When life inhabits a planet with a suitable environment, life has a mechanism that allows it to identify and recognize only what it needs from its surroundings. As this develops, the consciousness of seeking what is needed arises. In order to continue activating life efficiently, this consciousness takes time to make more complex changes inside the body while being conscious of its relationship with the surrounding environment. 

Normally, a collection of matter that has become a complex organization in the closed environment of a planet would gradually change back to its original disordered mass even once it appears. However, a collection of living substances gradually becomes more complex as they continue to be activated over billions of years through generations. As a result, human beings, a self-aware and introspective life form, will emerge, just like the Earth is today. This is certainly a strange phenomenon, but if the structure of life existed from the beginning of the universe, it would be more like an agnostic phenomenon than a mystery. Furthermore, life has a mechanism in which habits and instincts are memorized across generations in its closed collection of materials. Even when generations change, the living habits and behaviors of the species are remembered, and over a long period of time, the species' form and function change suddenly. It has also changed from the previous species to a more complex one.

Not only that, some species of life grow in groups or form social structures. Even if individual life resides in a closed collection of materials, the possibility cannot be ruled out that there is a shared consciousness when the same species acts in groups or in social organizations. For organisms of the same species to share consciousness, it is thought that there must be some kind of relationship that transcends space. If such a system of life was prepared in the universe, even if we wonder what kind of being prepared it and why, it is an unknown phenomenon that we cannot understand. However, life does exist, and it is a highly intelligent mechanism even from our perspective, so I think it cannot be dismissed as a mistake to think that the mechanism of life was created intentionally.

In practical terms, life is made up of a liquid that has mysterious properties called water, and many proteins with complex three-dimensional structures that combine effectively to form cells that are closed with membranes, and that each cell function properly. It is a differentiated and organized collection. Such a phenomenon in which a collection of cells come together to act as a living organism cannot occur through a chance combination. Moreover, over a long period of repeated generational changes, it has gradually become more complex and reached the human race. I can't help but think that there was some kind of intention behind it. Advances in science have led to the creation of a variety of sophisticated robots, but even if their visual, auditory, and motor abilities are superior to those of humans, it is unlikely that machines will be able to self-reflect through self-awareness. As humans, we are able to identify ourselves, predict the future, and freely choose the motivation for our actions.


Who created the life system?

If unknowable life could not have been created by chance, then did some being create it intentionally? First of all, it seems reasonable to think that there was an intention on the part of the creator at the same time the universe was created. Considering the origin of the stars and planets in the universe and the composition of matter, an existence that contains this intention must be able to encompass the entirety of the universe. To prepare something on the scale of the entire universe means that a being who can do this would not only be able to encompass the entire universe, but also transcend time and space. He is probably not something that is familiar to us as a so-called human-shaped God.

In other words, it seems like an ultimate being with far more advanced consciousness and knowledge than us. This being is creating the mechanism that generates matter in the three-dimensional universe and the mechanism that manifests and evolves life. Let us now consider a higher-dimensional existence that transcends space and time and is capable of creating a system for life in this universe. If this being transcends time and space, why did the being take the time to create a consciousness of life in a mass of matter? And if this being can look out over all of time and space, why is there a need for life to evolve? Is this being to give freedom to the evolution of life and deliberately include stochastic errors to see a variety of results? I would like to consider that point.

One premise here is that if the ultimate being transcends dimensions, this being cannot interfere with the space that we perceive as the three-dimensional world, nor can this being interfere with physical things in three dimensional space. In other words, the ultimate being prepares all the mechanisms at the moment of the creation of the universe, and then watches over this world without directly interfering with it. Therefore, the mass of matter that activates life is created as something that evolves through alternation of generations while maintaining its activation. Living organisms began to develop a consciousness that sought to recognize their surroundings, and humans reached the point where they were able to become self-aware. In other words, there is an evolution of consciousness, and in fact humans have developed a large brain and are now able to become self-aware.

From this, it is possible that the ultimate being in a higher dimension who could create life in the three-dimensional world was focused on the evolution of consciousness. This is because consciousness can be maintained without three-dimensional matter. If this is the case, it is possible that beings in higher dimensions have evolved consciousness in the third dimension and are circulating it back and forth between three and higher dimension. I would like to develop this idea, which may be called a "fantasy", a little further.

It is possible that beings in higher dimensions who are thought to possess a high degree of consciousness and knowledge have constructed a mechanism for the evolution of consciousness by repeatedly watching over the creation and destruction of life in the three-dimensional world. As a collection of spirits that have evolved consciousness, the remnants of living organisms with consciousness and memory are gathered across dimensions, and it is possible that this is the ultimate conscious entity. It is assumed that the spirits or souls that have completed their individual lives come together to form a collective body of consciousness that transcends time and space in a higher dimension. If humans were to be created as an evolved form of life, they would need to have a diverse and sophisticated level of consciousness. If it is concentrated and developed, then that pure consciousness will be able to transcend dimensions.

Returning to the original topic, if we assume that there is a flow of life in this universe and it is inevitable that humans appeared, then a path toward advanced consciousness is being drawn before us. However, it is not decided how we will run on top of it, so it will be up to us to decide whether we will reach the ultimate peak of hope or reach a precipitous cliff where nothing can be done but collapse. There is no guarantee that humanity on one planet will continue to develop as it is. Just because there is an ultimate existence and there is a flow of life leading toward it, does not mean we can feel secure. In the future, there is a possibility that humans will go astray and become extinct from the surface of the planet, so that the evolution of life will begin again from scratch.

Assuming that the development of life on the planet is moving toward a higher level of consciousness, I believe that there is at least an area that exceeds the consciousness of humanity at this point in time, and that human consciousness will become more advanced only when the mind is concentrated there. From that perspective, there are some concerns about whether this is really a good thing for humanity today. In the current state of the world, I think, there are three things that seem to be moving in the wrong direction and making mistakes.

First, there are many different races and ethnic groups in this world, and their languages are diverse. As a result, it is undeniable that there are imperfections in language understanding when communicating with each other. Second, there is an emphasis on economic superiority, and the incentive power of money has a strong influence on individuals, and attention is focused on those who have more or less material wealth. Third, there is a tendency to disregard patience through discussion, and there is a tendency to resort to short-sighted power and violence rather than intellectual solutions.

However, this does not mean that humanity has no future. When we think about the future of life on Earth, we can predict that there will certainly be a shape to the future as life is on the trend of becoming more complex. In other words, the path to the ultimate is drawn ahead of us, and we can think about it and take action. Since there is one closed entity called the Earth, and the flow of life has occurred there, I feel that there is a path forward toward the ultimate goal. This is because when we look at it from the perspective of the flow of life, the gathering of humanity on Earth feels like a pressure toward a larger collective consciousness that is trying to unite them into one. Assuming that there is a collection of higher-dimensional consciousnesses, the three-dimensional world is forced to choose between future possibilities in a cycle that corrects imbalances and distortions, not by physical forces but by forces on consciousness. Maybe we are being guided in the direction we should go after all.

In addition to the desire to continue living and revitalize, which is the basis of life, human beings can seek desires based on the motivation enriching our mind. When the motivation for a goal is to make actions more efficient or convenient, this is a good thing in the sense that it frees up time and contributes to enrichment of mind. However, if this is motivated solely by financial or material desires, such as attachment to money or brands, then the humans will deviate from the established path of life and the future will become uncertain.

As an example of recent times, we have become aware that simply seeking material wealth can lead to mental stress. It is true that in modern times, human relationships have become complicated due to the development of society, causing mental stress. This raises the question of whether the convenience of life and the abundance of material goods contribute to richness of mind or not. However, these thoughts permeate people through space and serve as a cohesive spirit that sets the direction. In today's situation where population growth forces us to diversify our individuality, we can look forward to a convergence in the future that takes advantage of diversity. It does not suggest that the hidden potential of humanity will ever be diffused.

The human spirit has been transitioning from solving problems related to physical desires to creating spiritual desires. In the future, the pleasure that gives us an advantage over others will become meaningless from the perspective of mental consolidation. A new spirit means being aware of what flows from a higher place of consciousness, and having the motivation to move toward that higher level of consciousness. It is not a denial of the self, nor is it a religion that relies solely on God, but rather the self aims for a higher state of mind. We can expect that the spirit will be concentrated among people who are moving toward moral integrity and spiritual richness.

From a spiritual perspective, each life in the universe circulates beyond birth and death. In other words, I feel that there is a cycle of life that seems to continue forever, in which conscious life forms appear on the planet, then disintegrate, and the remnants of that consciousness form the foundation of new life forms. What we can say from the trend of life becoming more complex is that there will always be a future form of humanity with higher consciousness. With this one point, we can feel secure about the future.

Written by Ichiro, 2/28/2024, 

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