

What comes beyond the old age?

2021-02-15 00:45:39 | 老人の使命

What comes beyond the old age?

In a normal organism, when it becomes an adult and its reproductive activity ends, it will die at the end of its life. This is a period as an activity of one life for all living things. The mission of continuing generations, that is, dying after completing reproductive and child-rearing activities, is a flow involved in the evolution of species as a living individual. One living individual will live only for a limited period. However, unlike other living things, human beings continue to activate the mental energy even after completing child-rearing activities. That duration may be almost half of human’s life. What does this mean? If human beings, like other living things, only leave genes which they inherited from their parents, they will be simply aging toward death. However, after children leaving his or her parents due to marriage, etc., parents still have a long period of several decades, which is almost half of life. Some people live long until they see their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In the case of human beings, does it just happen that the period of aging toward the limits of the body is so long? While other living things are mainly based on the continuation of generations, human beings may have a new effect of gaining intelligence, which is to be aware of themselves and reflect on them.

In the second half of our life, we will be freed from the hassle of child-rearing life. Many people seek fulfillment in their lives and seek fun and joy in their lives. After spending a considerable amount of time striving for each purpose, they will end at their death. At that moment, what was in the memory of the individual's brain will be lost. Then, what is the meaning of the latter half of human life other than self-satisfaction? If you are born as a human being, death will come as it was destined. As in the history of predecessors who have longed for immortality from ancient times, human beings will not be able to tolerate their disappearance if they are aware that they are alive as the subject, a center of the world. We often hear that elder persons unilaterally impose their own opinions and become stubborn and do not listen to others. In contrast, some are greeted with a gentle spiritual fulfillment upon death. There is also a figure that ends the life with a calm feeling without causing trouble to others. Even the old age, it is divided into those who understand their own situation and those who do not. It is clear which is preferable for those who will be left behind after the person disappears. However, even though he had a reputation for being a good person or he was some troubles, only a part of his thoughts can be remembered by others. The human character of the deceased is only memorable to the family and those around him. If all his memories disappear, it will not be useful for posterity unless it is left in the text. What will happen to the enormous memories he had experienced over the long term of his life at the time of his death?

Consider what is remembered in the brain. Personal experiences and introspection are stored in the human brain as memories. I think we remember the scenery and words as they are. However, what is stored in the brain is not the image that you see with your eyes or the words that you hear with your ears, so they are not memorized as they are. It is signalized through organs such as the retina and eardrum, and it is converted into a signal that the brain can understand by the action of neurotransmitters. The memory of the brain is engraved in the coordination of the three-dimensional cell structure and arranged, so that we can understand it in an instant. We are trapped in the illusion of remembering what we see and hear. So, it is not placed as a shape or sound in the brain, but it is converted into a unique signal and stored in the brain. Even if differences in each individual, a considerable amount of memory is engraved on one person. What is memorized in the brain is “intellectual information” that is recognized only by the brain, unlike the information of genes related to all cells in the body. Then, if all of these memories disappear in the death of a person, what is the meaning of the experience he has accumulated over a long period of living time?

Genetic memory contributes to the maintenance of vital activity in the body. In the mechanism of life, we prioritize the function of maintaining the activation of the entire body and continuing the generation. Genes control the basic life-supporting functions common to each species, and even humans who are aware of themselves cannot be aware of the gene’s information by themselves. The consciousness that human beings consider themselves as the subject is engraved in the brain as a memory of their actions and thoughts. In humans, the self-centered consciousness is a new emergence of a complicated nervous system, which seems to indicate a direction for the future. The function of the body has a predetermined function as a cell, and the cell has a life span and divides and proliferates. However, nerve cells in the brain do not divide after being immobilized and store memory. Even if the physical functions of human species are the same, the contents stored as memories in the brain are not the same for each person. It varies from person to person, and each has its own genetic potential and environmental conditions. Therefore, from the perspective of the precise system of life, the fact that the number of people on the earth and the enormous amount of memory engraved in their brains disappear every day may be useless for the future of life. I cannot believe that it will continue to be useless for intellectual life system. I think this large amount of memory will remain somewhere. There is no proof of that, but in the experience of the latter half of life, I feel that even after life has acquired intelligence, it is steadily collecting memories and preparing for the future.

In human, his activating movement of life decays with aging and eventually stops. The continuation of activation in individual replaces with the continuation of generation, and it is expected to contribute to the evolution of species. The memory acquired by life time will disappear if it does not remain in the gene. However, considering the flow of life, I don't think so. Human beings have developed brains, are aware of themselves, and have greatly developed the area of mind. And the flow of life is evolving without stopping. Various information is engraved in the memory of the human brain over time. It is information that feeds on mental energy, unlike information on genes that simply maintain physical function in the protein combination. In other words, it should be necessary for the next brain that will make up the human beings to the future, in order to rejuvenate mental energy away from concerns of daily life. Regardless of its content, it should be handed down to the next human because it engraves the changes that have occurred over time.

Brain cells do not recognize the actual image as it is, but the brain recognizes it as signals translated. And this mechanism is common to human beings regardless of individual differences such as race and language. In other words, the way of understanding by the mechanism that generated the intellect is common to human beings performed in the brain. If so, it is not surprising that there is a resonance effect on the nerve cell signal. It does not vibrate three-dimensional matter, but it vibrates consciousness as mental energy. This is because in the situation where the combination of signals is taken into the brain, there are not only substances that intervene but also those that activate the state of mental energy. So, isn't it possible that what has been cultivated in each mind will remain while resonating with some collection, apart from what constitutes the subject?

When a person feels the limits of living, he or she resists the feeling with the basic consciousness of trying to live. When we act with a purpose as well as living, it becomes the energy to activate the spirit and the power to develop the intellect into the future of life. It is envisioned that in the ultimate of the spirit, it will be necessary to help overcome the difficulties and become even more complex in increasingly diverse and complex situations. If the consciousness to live collects matter and constitutes living things, it is inevitable that the material energy used there will go to the energy that cannot be seen in the sensory organ. Material energy develops into spiritual energy through the work of consciousness.

In old age, even if various material desires occur, or if the world becomes complicated, people can resign and feel calm and patient. Humans have a "relaxed spirit" and can divert their power with gentle patience to their desires. The energy of the mind does not stop the activation of the intellect, even when the limits of life are seen. Therefore, I think that what has been cultivated in each spirit and the accumulation of causality that has composed memory information may remain even after leaving what constitutes the body.

Isn't it possible that the resonance and aggregation of brain signals will gradually affect the mental energy and exceed the limits of the brain in the future? In other words, in the flow of life, the consciousness of living is the basis of living things, and then human beings become conscious of being self-centered, so that the functional reform of the brain is further promoted. I think that we will be to correct our senses by the resonance of the mental energy of the brain itself, not just the information from the sensory organs that we see and hear.

I believe that it will work not only to add brain functions to the more complex, but also give us new functions. What I think is necessary for the development of future intelligence is something like "sense of the brain." As a development of functions in the brain, so-called senses beyond the five senses may occur in the brain function.

Written by Ichiro, 02/14/2021, 

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