

Population growth causes mental diversity

2024-02-01 10:36:50 | The complexity of life

Population growth causes mental diversity

Diversity of living species transformed into diversity of spirit in humankind

The human population has grown exponentially in the 20th century and currently exceeds 7 billion. Each person has their own individuality, and there are as many spirits as there are. So, we can say that the human spirit is rapidly increasing and becoming more diverse than ever before. In other words, we can say that life thing is transitioning from a diversity of species to a diversity of spirits. Similar to the explosion of species of life that occurred during the Cambrian period, it is the explosion of spiritual differentiation that occurred in the 20th century. If we look at the flow of life on Earth, it began with a single cell, then many cells came together, differentiated their roles, and formed organizations. At the point, hundreds of millions of years ago, a huge number of species emerged. It was the differentiation of an unprecedented number of species, and is called the Cambrian Explosion due to its geological name.

From then until the present day, only species that adapted to the environment remained and developed independently. In animals, a nervous system develops, which forms the brain, leading to the cerebrum, resulting in the human species. Humans have acquired language over the course of hundreds of thousands of years, and language for communication has been replaced by language for thinking. In humans, the motivation for action is different from previous species, and it is no longer just the desire to survive. In other words, by thinking with the brain, various motives arise in each individual's mind, and these have come to play a major role in desires. Looking at the flow of life in the current situation, it seems that the expansion of diversity that existed in the original species of life has turned into an expansion of the diversity of spirit in humans during this 20th century period.

With the emergence of the human species, which has developed a large brain and has become intelligent, the motivation for the actions of living things has shifted beyond the framework of the desire to survive. Even in the past, humankind has expanded its range of activities through individual actions. However, since their numbers have increased rapidly over the past 100 years, I think it is possible that they have developed completely new personalities and abilities. In other words, there will definitely be people who are unfettered by conventional social customs and stereotypes and will create the new flow of humanity. The significant increase in the overall number makes the potential even greater. What is expected from this is new humans who will steadily head in a new direction. New humans can appear anywhere in the world. I believe that the future human race will converge in a direction that will lead to its superiority, with new humans that will emerge from the diverse personalities and spirits all over the place.

On the other hand, until now we have continued to live our daily lives with routine habits without realizing it. As the new humans find a way to consolidate, it is thought that they will naturally replace the existing forces. When people in the future look at this, they may describe it as the sudden appearance of a new human race. For a while now, the situation will continue to be a mix of old humans and new humans. So, what direction should they take as a new human race? Is it a direction that will bring about development in the continuation of humanity, or will it be a direction that gradually weakens into collapse?

The future of life is likely to continue while becoming more complex. However, wrong steps could lead to collapse. Considering the current situation where the economy and distribution are overflowing with waste, at the very least, a system of material greed that is obsessed with making money and heading towards discrimination cannot be said to be an environment in which to nurture new humanity. If humankind's material desires grow and they become selfish and self-centered, it is predicted that the population will decrease and the world will collapse. There will be new opportunities in the future, such as not being obsessed with material desires such as making money, not pushing others away and asserting oneself, being able to respect others and acknowledge their abilities, and being able to look at oneself and be aware of one's role. In order to respond to the current situation, we believe that the conditions for further activation of harmony and balance will be created.


Expectations for new humans

A new human race is the germination of a new spirit, and I believe that they will suppress material desires and contribute to centralizing the spirit. Originally, various actions based on human personality include good and bad. There are both people who are aware of the current situation and people who are not, and it is mentally important to understand the differences between them and move towards harmonizing with the whole. As a result of aggregation, the characteristics and abilities necessary for aggregation, such as a heart of empathy and a heart of mutual respect for living together, are emphasized, and people's spirits develop in various individualities.

Therefore, when humans who make up a society work together, a division of roles arises. There is a division of labor depending on each person's individuality and ability, and stratification will inevitably occur. As a result, it is impossible for everyone in the group to be equal. Even in the world of thought and introspection called the spirit, there can be hierarchies and discrimination in its development. In the present era, where the population is increasing explosively, differences in individuality and abilities are commonplace, and the world is colored by overwhelming diversity. In the process of aggregation, we should consider the situation of inequality without discrimination.

Each person has the same form as a human being, and if there are no genetic disadvantages, they should be the same human being, but it is inevitable that hierarchies and discrimination will arise based on individuality. If there is discrimination in a social group that makes it difficult to understand the division of roles, from a psychological perspective, mental activation will stagnate depending on the degree of discrimination. Rather than discriminating people based on their ability to respond to their material desires, we need to think of a way of dividing roles based on their mental abilities, which stem from their individuality. Although this involves stratification, rather than differentiating in evaluation, we will find a way to consolidate from the perspective of making the most of individual differences.

We should also consider that the objects and degrees of desire vary, and that evil equality is related to the collapse of individuality and the path to extinction. The equality spoken of by people who discriminate based on material wealth or class is superficial equality limited to material things.

There is a difference between material equality and spiritual equality. Spiritual equality means respecting the individuality of others, suppressing the desire to be selfish, and freedom from not being able to see what should be visible, moving toward a situation where there is no constraint on the limits of one's own spirit. On the other hand, material desire creates discrimination when it is concerned with self-interest, and new discrimination repeatedly appears. However, since the desire of the spirit aims at the ideal of altruism in which we live together, there is no inequality in the spirit of centralization, and what is more, it is something that can survive even death and be inherited.


The spirit that gathers in humanity

So what does it mean to say that the spirit is concentrated? Just gathering like-minded people together is not a consolidating. What happens is that each of us has the desire to do something in the direction of raising our consciousness, and this becomes spiritual energy that leads to empathy. And humans are not the only living things on our planet. Life on Earth is thought to have originally been one entity, from which diverse species have evolved. The fact that the spirit of humanity, as a single species, is moving toward convergence means that the diversity of all kinds of life is also converging. The earth is an environment in which all living organisms exist, and a balance has been created throughout the planet, including all lives.

Every species of life that lives within the confines of the planet Earth has its own unique relationships, and the balance between them is also important. If humans are still in the middle of the development of life, we should not only look at the continuation of our species but also contribute to the overall life on Earth. If we do not follow the proper direction, the current human race may head toward extinction and become extinct. Even so, there is a possibility that life should start all over again. However, I believe that the development of the spirit to this point is still inseparable from the harmony of the entire planet.

The planet Earth has an environment that allows for the existence of life. The elements that make up life involve substances on a global scale, creating mechanisms such as carbon and nitrogen cycles and food chains. Once life emerges, it continues for billions of years, creating a situation where life cannot be eradicated except by the collapse of the planet. Already, a living mass is not just living, that is, constantly activating its metabolism. The flow of life has entered the next stage as humans gradually become more complex and possess a spirit. In the flow of life, diversity and redundancy, imbalance and harmony are mixed together, and while responding to the current distortions, biases, and imbalances, we gather and organize at each stage to create the social structure. So, we are here.

If we think about humanity here, how can 7 billion human personalities be able to work together? Humankind has only a few hundred thousand years of history. Over the past few billion years, living things have split into many species, with humans at the center of the mix. And at this moment, as the number of humans increases, diverse possibilities emerge in each personality, and as they converge in a direction, a new humanity emerges at the center and slowly aggregates. It will take time, but the perspective of seeing humanity not only as a species of life, but also as a species of spirit that has evolved from it, will be greatly taken up.

It is only through the influence of the invisible realm of the flow of life that human beings have come to the point where they can clearly understand their own consciousness and think. Then, humans will begin to act based on the motivation of the mental energy, and new humans will become concentrated with the expectation that new consciousness will rise. In the flow of life, human beings have been given the framework by life to develop a unique organ called the cerebrum and have a mind. Humankind will be tasked with creating a new framework that takes into account the entire Earth. The new human spirit of the future will germinate in this explosion and will be established with a new direction. That spirit will take action towards the unity of the new Earth. In the context of population growth, diversity in species of life is transforming into diversity of spirit in humanity. In other words, up until now, life has preserved its individual habits, but humanity will preserve its spirit and develop it.

Written by Ichiro, 2024/01/31, 


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Humanity is becoming more complex

2023-12-22 12:10:16 | The complexity of life

Humanity is becoming more complex

Life is a process of increasing complexity, where material desires and spiritual desires are intertwined.

The world is overflowing with various goods, products, and services. We live in an information society filled with various desires. We have some money and our lives are already fulfilled materially. However, are we fully satisfied with the richness of our hearts? It seems like we live in an era where money and property are considered justice, and those who have a lot of them can buy convenience. In addition, various desires are intricately intertwined and affect the mind, making it easy to fall into stress. You may be caught up in a vortex of mental stress without realizing it, and the effects of mental stress may cause you to experience physical symptoms. If so, it means that the relationship between our mind and body is still underdeveloped. When we become aware of a physical or mental illness, it is up to the individual to decide whether to make it easier or make it even more painful.

Today's world is a social environment where a variety of desires are intertwined and complicated. Our desires are partly influenced by the environment and information around us, and we may think that these are what we need or want. So, when you introspect on the desires that arise in your inner realm, you hesitate when you have doubts about whether you really want something. Or do you try to tackle it for the time being, or do you unconsciously dismiss it as a trivial desire? It seems that we are training ourselves to endure the conflict of how to respond to the intertwined desires within us.

In terms of the social environment, there is concern that the trend of modern scientific development is in the direction of causing mental stress. I think that their direction was not only directed towards mental enrichment, but also toward material wealth such as property and money. It would be a hopeless situation if the advancement of science, which has made life more convenient and materially abundant, turned to money as a means of achieving that goal, making us poorer in spirit.

The Internet has greatly expanded communication, but there is also a tendency for people to become corrupted, such as by stirring up excessive desires or slandering others, due to the confusion of various types of information. There are good and bad developments in science, and it seems that not only are humans divided into roles, but everything is tied to money, diluting their individuality and turning them into robots. There is even a fear that this will lead to the opposite direction of diversification of individuality. Even if we want to rely on someone, and even if the authority of people in higher positions, such as the prime minister or university professor, is acknowledged, no one believes that they are saying the right thing. The environment surrounding medical care, such as disease treatment and medicine, is distorted, with an emphasis on profit and equipment, with an emphasis on business. Although we can already see them directly in media images, things are not as simple as they seem. We are intertwined in a situation where actions toward wealth which are tied to selfish material desires, and actions toward altruism.

The insatiable desire for material things is one of the evils within the self. However, it is also necessary in the sense of reflection and introspection, and it has a role as “the stone of other mountains” (other people's mistakes are lessons for us), as the Japanese saying goes. As has been said for a long time, even if you don't have money or status, you can train your spirit and reach higher heights.

Various desires appear without interruption in the area of the mind that we are conscious of. It is a combination of various stereotypes, social customs, and our own immature experiences. When you look around you, it is one thing for wealth to be concentrated in certain people who pursue material wealth, and it is also possible for people to take advantage of this system and try to gain an advantage by discriminating against others.

Another way to do that is to sharpen your consciousness as a stone from another mountain. It's good to be aware of and develop your strengths in your own personality. But being inferior is necessary for perseverance and the spirit of overcoming. It is impossible to determine whether various desires are good or bad. How to deal with such complications is certainly a matter for each individual in the current situation. We live in an era where individuality is diversifying, so there are many different ways of thinking. Some people simplify things and limit themselves to habitual behavior and shut themselves up in a shell, while others abstract away complexity and create systems for specific targets. Or perhaps some people have a spiritually liberated heart.

But that's not all. We are based on a body that has the “activation of living” that life has built over a long period of time in the past. We should think about our own desires in relation to the mental process of self-awareness that occurs in the human body. It is not just a dualism of body and mind. The body is not a simple mass made up of materials, but rather an exquisite balance that has been built over a long period of time by the consciousness of living. Above this is the realm of the mind that is dominated by one's own spiritual desires, and there is the spirit that takes dynamic action from there. When we become aware of a desire, our behavior is related to the degree of mental action. Mental stress is a distortion that occurs in the realm of the mind, and by correctly recognizing yourself and sharpening your consciousness, you should be able to think of actions that will not cause stress.

However, when we encounter something that cannot be determined from the accumulated information, we are influenced by our emotions and sensory judgments based on first impressions, leading to confusion. You will be in a situation where you will have to make decisions based on predictions that go beyond the information you have obtained. Here, a new framework arises in the mental process of predicting the future and taking optimal action. There will be a new form of humanity as a complex life form. Although the mind is a product of humans, who have the most complex brain of any animal, there are many situations in which we are unable to control it due to discrepancies between the desires of our living bodies and the realm of our minds. Even if we respond to our actions based on psychological motives, they become complicated because they are caught between the internal desires of individuals and the external desires of society and organizations. And there is also the reality that our own mental effects cannot keep up with our actions as we would like.

What I want to say is that even though I worry about trivial things every day, such as relationships with people, ownership of things, and my own position, the basics are the overarching idea that “life tends to become more complex.” This means that the point is to gradually move away from limiting the desires of the mind to oneself, cultivate a spirit that can respond flexibly, and expand in a direction that involves humanity as a whole. Your body is not controlled entirely by a single organ called the cerebrum, but the realm of the mind that encompasses the entire body realizes you. What's more, the brain's mind acts on it, and it has the potential to greatly expand in the future.

My consciousness is an area of my mind that has arisen from everything I have lived through, and I feel that it is also related to the future of humanity as a whole. In other words, we have an area of the mind that governs each life, and we believe that what we build by thinking with each individual brain will develop our spirit. There will be a future in which the realm of the mind will become more complex and expanded beyond the point where the mind is concentrated and progresses.

What is the basis for determining the richness and admirability of a spirit? I think it is based on the standpoint that the spirit is equal among all human beings, and that it is fundamentally motivated to improve one's self-awareness. At present, there are 7 billion responses in the world. This seems to be one of the increasingly complex issues that will be imposed on the future consolidation of humankind as a challenge in the realm of the mind.

Written by Ichiro, 12/21/2023,

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