


2020-12-28 00:31:15 | 未来への意識
















Written by Ichiro, 12/28/2020, 


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Fiction: The first consciousness created the universe

2020-12-12 21:43:02 | Life and Consciousness

Fiction: The first consciousness created the universe

The Creator created a "First Consciousness" in the absence of anything, letting this consciousness noticed the change and led it to rise. It left for another dimension. Then this story begins.

The "First Consciousness" can only be noticed. It has no information or knowledge to refer to. Then it realizes that there is nothing and looks for change. Then, it realizes to make it if there is no change. But there is nothing around. There is no way to change where there is nothing. It realizes to make a change in the "First Consciousness" itself. It’s a given job to lead from change to rise. Something changes, something moves. Change has something to move and its place, and it requires the force to work on change and the process of change. “First of all, I need an area to place moving objects.” The "First Consciousness" created a vast three-dimensional space. That's what we call the universe.

A change is the process of movement of something that moves, so the process itself should be something that moves. “Next, I create something that is in the area of ​​space and keeps carving of progress.” For us it's time. What keeps carving is not matter, but it fills the space. Those who keep ticking share the space. And the substance will be created from what ticks this time. It is not a substance that keeps tick of it, but it is related to each other and tremors of the vibration that is the basis of the substance is created. Small tremors attract and repel to become vibrations, and in cooperation with the keeping ticking, they grow into various small lumps. The basics of matter are divided into the same tendency and different tendencies, and become attracted and repelled, becoming atoms as so-called basic matter.

There is no time for "First Consciousness". When various changes occur in the three-dimensional space created in it, the results can be seen at the same time as the changes. It can go through many trials and errors from the changes that have occurred and the results to the rise. Then, it noticed that if the basic matter is placed in a three-dimensional space and the change goes up, it becomes a mass that changes autonomously and develops into consciousness.

It has seen a situation in which a mass of matter consciously developed and spread into diverse and abundant changes. If matter becomes complex autonomously, there is a possibility that consciousness will sprout in the mass. It is the reproduction of consciousness in various ways for the "First consciousness", and the possibility of rising to the "Next consciousness". For that purpose, it realizes that it is effective to take various forms of development of substances and to make combinations hierarchically complex and sophisticated.

The first substance is a collection of things that keep ticking, and is agglomerated by the change in the course. The set attracts and repels while continuously changing, and begins to have mass and movement as matter in a three-dimensional space. This change in movement has begun a near-infinite trial and error process to create consciousness in the mass. Fortunately, the "First Consciousness" is not related to time, and it looks at the whole from the outside of the three-dimensional space, so it instantly sees both cause and result in all kind of movements. Once the combination method that becomes the optimum basic substance occurs, the direction can be adjusted to that movement. By combining the basic substances, it can see the process in which the autonomously activated mass becomes conscious. Then, it realizes that the autonomously activating mass of matter called life is an effective means for the "First Consciousness." It has noticed a situation in which small consciousnesses cooperated by mutual relations and reacted to rise each other.

The direction has been decided for the time being. It is time to prepare the optimal space for life, conditioned from the method how to create several three-dimensional universes. it creates matter, giving it change, and occurs a life with signs of consciousness. The effective means here is the life form of a human being with a brain, and the life of that human being is set to have the direction of one soul. It aims to create a set of consciousness that would bring about a change in the rise of consciousness in the flow of material being generated from non-material and then material being changing to non-material (soul).

The combination of substances is done through innumerable trial and error. No matter what combination grows and forms, there are countless steps to failure and disappearance. Since the "First consciousness" is viewed from the outside of the dimension, it is instantly understood and accumulated as an experience. In various processes, a flow is set to leading to choose a valid path. Eventually, the optimum conditions for the flow of life to become human beings will be found from the combination of basic substances, and human beings will gradually appear in the universe. In order for life to occur, there are stars of appropriate temperature and size, and the orbits under them require planets with appropriate conditions. A universe that meets such conditions is created in the "First Consciousness."

The "First consciousness" contains all the universe within it. It builds the universe where life grows by trial and error. It is in the course of growth, circulation, development, etc. that consciousness grows in life and rises. And when the consciousness sprout and the intellect originate in each life, it is necessary to have the consciousness that it is present in the flow of progress. In order to be aware of the current position in the three-dimensional space, life will know the changes in the flow from the past to the future in each consciousness. Therefore, in order to be aware of the progress of the flow, the perception of the surroundings is limited to the present. From this flow, life will individually develop a tissue called a sensory organ. Due to the evolving changes in life, all non-life movements decay over time. This will provide a path to development where consciousness becomes more complex. As time goes by from the past to the future, the consciousness of life is in the present and only refers to past records.

There is no time in the "First consciousness". The past and the future are mixed with the present. However, that does not make life aware of itself in the individual consciousness, so it is necessary to incorporate ingenuity that always makes it aware present. If there is no time to flow from the past to the future, and if there is no change in causality, then individual consciousness is unaware. It is necessary to give the illusion that life is living in the present. Otherwise life cannot live the course of development.

In the universe where life arises, if a living organism with a clear awareness of oneself arises, it will be the foundation of diverse development depending on the environment. It can only be achieved in three-dimensional space. Moreover, the consciousness that arises there can be strengthened as a collective consciousness, even if it is impossible for each individual. And it leads to the possibility of reaching the source of "First consciousness" beyond the three-dimensional wall.

The "First consciousness" noticed the change and created an upward flow in life, which built a system in the universe that became a "New consciousness" in the set of individual consciousnesses. Due to the life of human beings, the history of consciousness collected in that life is accumulated, and the "First consciousness" is watching until the accumulation is sublimated to the “Next consciousness” of the new universe.

Written by Ichiro, 12/12/2020, 

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