

Properties of matter and its direction

2021-08-30 04:02:24 | Matter and Life

Properties of matter and its direction

There are many substances on the earth with various forms and properties, and they maintain an environment where life is activated while circulating. It is a fact that substances essential for the metabolism of life are constantly circulating on the earth. That is why the situation in which life is born and continues is established. Life is mainly composed of complex substances such as amino acids and proteins. In other words, not only the atoms from hydrogen to uranium, which are said to exist naturally, but also a number of atoms are combined to produce the ones with properties necessary for life. Elements such as hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water, and its properties play an important role in life. Furthermore, various substances are combined to form complex substances such as amino acids and proteins, which make up life. It seems very strange that what life needs is exactly exists on Earth, and various substances do not appear randomly and uniformly.

We know the properties of atoms that are combined and expressed, but we do not know the mechanism by which the combination expresses new properties. Why do multiple substances combine to give rise to completely different properties? And the substance seems to be structured so as to contribute to the activation of the whole life such as plants, insects and animals. Elements such as hydrogen and oxygen are basic substances with unique properties. However, just as water is produced from hydrogen and oxygen, the combination of elements creates new properties that are completely different from the original substance. Atoms are generally composed of nuclei and electrons, and there are protons and neutrons in the nuclei, which are numbered according to their number. And, due to the difference of the number, the atoms clearly show the difference in characteristics and properties. Not only the difference in the state of gas and solid, but also the difference in various characteristics such as melting point, boiling point and how to connect etc. is observed. In other words, we can observe that atoms with different numbers of protons and neutrons and associated electron distributions express distinctly different properties and are different substances. Atoms that naturally exist on the earth are maintained by circulating the substances necessary for the activation of life by the exquisite balance of the bonds between these substances. Many substances are made up of basic substances, and life maintains its activation by using its deliverables.

As in the current scientific method, one method is to analyze substances in detail and pursue what is the basis. However, I feel that the fact that life is autonomously activated cannot be explained by detailed analysis. Even substances that are stable in the macro region that we can observe, but they are uncertain and unclear when it comes to the distribution of electrons in the micro region. Even in light called electromagnetic waves, it shows its properties as particles in experiments. The matter defined in the macro domain that we can observe may be a stereotype by our sensory organs. Originally, matter contains uncertain elements, which may be used by life. It is common in our daily lives that the perspective of an object changes depending on the stereotypes and perceptions of the observer. It is possible that so-called matter has a principle hidden in an area that we cannot see, and that we cannot notice it.

It is understandable that if the same substances have the same melting point, such as when the same substances gather to form crystals, the same substances tend to form agglomerates when they cool from a molten state. However, it seems to have a mechanism in the structure of the substance itself, because of the fact that different substances do not exist separately but make complex structure that forms a large mass to some extent. Some kind of pulling force works to connect atoms and molecules, and the phenomenon can be named, but that alone is not convincing. The pulling force between specific substances worked because there was a direction in the relationship between the substances. This direction recognizes the other party and develops into a more complicated structure. Matter itself, whether it is an atom or a molecule, has the power to bind in some energy state. It is thought that substances can become new substances and maintain stable properties because the force of selecting and binding specific objects acts on them. For example, hydrogen bonds and intermolecular pulling forces are not random and non-uniform, but work differently depending on the object to be bound and the situation. In other words, we can think of it as a mechanism that allows substances to recognize their direction under various conditions.

Something like energy with the direction of pulling force seems to be beyond the physico-chemically observable range. It seems like a latent direction in the universe. Names such as hydrogen bonds and intermolecular attractive forces are given to such binding forces, and their properties and characteristics are being investigated in detail. However, it is not clear why the force is generated by the explanation of the distribution of electrons and the attractive force of electric charge. So, I feel like it's a sophistry, but I would like to consider that what connects substances has a latent direction and it is a direction that constitutes a complex property to life. In other words, the different properties of water from hydrogen and oxygen appear like the potential direction (memory or consciousness) that hydrogen and oxygen have that direction and those atoms have the property of water. I think that matter is controlled by a potential direction (consciousness of matter) in the sense that it appears in a stable and fixed manner. Moreover, life solves the cycle of activation in the combination of substances. Life is made up of essential substances that are combined based on many atoms. The consciousness that gave birth to life uses the deliverables of energy in the direction in which matter is connected.

Even if it is not stable in the micro domain, it becomes a substance with stable properties for life in the macro domain, and a regular circulation of the substance occurs for activation. I think that the contradiction of micro-instability is overcome by the consciousness of life by seeking stable properties of matter. Matter that is once stabilized in the consciousness of life seeks a combination that activates, and is linked to the direction of achieving results by quiet energy. A substance that is once stable in the consciousness of life is linked to the direction of achieving results by quiet energy in search of a combination. In fact, the material around us feels stable and static. The fact that the basic things are combined to reveal different properties means that, to be honest, the basic things themselves have something like pure energy that tries to achieve that property. In that case, the expression of properties can be thought of as the combination of basic substances is produced by a certain direction in life.

The latent direction (consciousness) of a substance is the basis of the nature of the substance and becomes the force that connects it to various substances. In other words, the consciousness of matter fixes the stable properties of macro domain from the micro uncertain situations. What forms a substance is a manifestation of the consciousness that underlies it. In this sense, matter has consciousness as pure energy (mental energy) that cannot be physically captured. Matter that already exists has traces of its properties in the macro realm of this world. It has the function of the force that immobilizes a substance as the property of the substance, and there is the force relationship of tension that keeps the shape and property. This power of consciousness, as mental energy, is a force that expresses unique forms and properties in time and space, and fixes the properties of matter. The consciousness of matter produces directional pure (mental) energy.


It is true that energy is hidden in the mass of matter through experiments such as nuclear fission and fusion. The mass in matter is observed to be actually equivalent to energy because it is expected to be energy when a mass difference occurs. Therefore, instead of paying close attention only to the force relations according to the laws of physics, it is possible to think that what is inherent in matter is a different energy. By replacing the viewpoint, it can be considered that what was originally a mental energy that cannot be physically measured is manifested by being in an environment that is expressed as physical energy. This is because macro methodologies do not seem to work for the movement of matter in the micro domain.

When a substance is combined and a new property appears, the substance is reproduced because the property is fixed in the direction (consciousness of the matter) latent in the substance. In this universe, there was a consciousness to realize the purpose of life, and a mechanism was set up to express the properties of matter. It means that substances with properties necessary for life will appear. The nature of matter is the surface of the latent consciousness of achieving the desired state. The existence of matter is to express the properties to realize life. The existence of various substances means that the traces accumulated from the past in the time and space of this universe have been fixed as the properties necessary for the future. Where the properties of the substance are fixed, it is in the space around us, which can manifest various properties in the state of space and changes in time. Directional consciousness is hidden in the substances of the world. In the current flow of time, it is expected that there will be a mechanism that repeats binding toward future matter, that is, with direction, and that mechanism was prepared in the universe.

The consciousness of life may have created time and matter, and gradually prepared for intellectual life. That is why various substances have been created. When the combination or property of matter is fixed in space, it will be referred to in physical chemistry in the macro domain, and it may appear as various laws. Just as electromagnetic waves transmit information in time and space, the consciousness of matter has a direction to shape the matter in the memory of its traces. The subject that forms it is the consciousness of life, which determines the composition of matter. It means that the consciousness of life interferes with the consciousness of matter and influences the combination of matter. It can be seen that the place where the consciousness of life and its direction intervene is the consciousness of matter in the micro, and the place where the consciousness of life does not directly intervene is the macro area. We believe that life has arisen over time and changes in matter, but in reality, it may be different. The consciousness of life may have created time and matter, and gradually prepared for intellectual life. That is why various substances have been created. When the combination or property of matter is fixed in space, it will be referred to in physical chemistry in the macro domain, and it may appear as various laws.

Written by Ichiro, 8/29/2021,

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2021-08-01 00:19:03 | 生命と物質













Written by Ichiro, 7/31/2021, 

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