

Direction to the future hidden in life activity

2020-08-06 09:21:45 | Consciousness for Future

Consciousness for Future

Direction to the future hidden in life activity

Life was born in the earth which is a common planet in the universe. Life beings have transformed the earth from the desolate land and the sea into a diverse and abundant environment. Organisms that were divided into various forms adapted individually to the environment, autonomously carried out metabolism and growth, have created the tissues while changing generations. Organisms followed the path of diverse and complex forms in evolution. Over the course of animals to humans, the mainstream of evolution processed to create new species, forming more complex organization, adding functionality based on the foundation of previous species. Now, human beings can clearly recognize their own consciousness and recognize themselves as the subject, and form groups with the people around them. Living creatures that had started to activate a single cell autonomously has become complex organisms with the intelligence. The intellectual functions of humans might not appear by chance or suddenly. Intelligent behavior requires the development of the cerebral organ, and the complex physical functions that support it. Life forms the cerebrum as a result of gradually complicating body functions and nervous system. What gave intellectual direction to living things?

Considering the evolutionary path, life has accumulated life tissues centered on proteins from the early stages, and there was a way to life forms with intelligence in the mainstream direction. The mainstream of biological evolution is always choosing a direction in which one's self becomes complicated unless it is an organism whose evolution has stopped in the tributaries. It seems to be latently aware of the direction of change to future situations while maintaining the vitality of life. Even if there is an accidental accumulation of events, each living organism has a potential direction to proceed, and in the mainstream direction, the individual chooses in a complicated direction and expresses intelligence. If so, the direction that should be on the road to the future should be hidden somewhere in the present. If the body tissues that sustain life were aiming for intellect as a result, we have to consider what gives direction to it because it is impossible for intellect to occur only by chance, as it needs too much complex living organization. It is a potential direction in the universe that gave birth to life, and it is supposed to be contained in all substances. Since the connection of matter gives rise to a new unique property to living beings, so this latent direction is reaching human beings and moving away from the desire not only to keep life physically, but also to develop the areas where spiritual desire domains.


Consideration of desire

Originally, the activation of life is maintained by the circulation of the response to the stimulus that caused any shortage. The reaction to the shortage becomes a desire and an adaptation to the environment. Pre-human life evolution focused on the functions of the body tissues that might construct the formation of cerebrum in the future. So, humans have acquired a cerebrum and become aware of the own self clearly, and the spiritual domain appeared within each individual. Thinking and imagining have various possibilities beyond the limits of the body. At the very least, we sometimes want to seek something in our daily lives and we have a desire to know the unknown. Or, in our spare time, we have a desire to enjoy hobbies and entertainment. There are some degrees of freedom and flexibility in the spiritual area and the various desires lead to motivation for our actions, but we have to act within our physical restrictions. The physical desire that is the basis of living things. With the emergence of the spiritual realm, human beings are diversified and their desires are intertwined and activated. What will happen in the future if a human being is on the top of the flow of evolution now? What about we will become more complex? Now that the form in which life is autonomously activated has become intelligent, it is necessary to consider for us what is the factor that suggests a direction for the present to the future.


Conflicts between complex desires

Considering roughly the desires that occur in humans, we started in a stage of satisfying the desires around us in our daily lives. Since then, tools that make life easier are invented, which have broadened the field of view and increased the interest between people, expanding the range of desires. In the meantime, the forms of desire have become complicated and the number of targets in spiritual realm is increasing along the diversified desire. When we have extra time to live, we have a desire to enhance our leisure time. Such spiritual needs differ in nature from the physical needs that sustain life. Even if you start acting with interest, the desires unlike ones which the body wants. When you get stuck, you become tired or encounter troublesome, you do not feel pushing to act. Unlike the physical desire to sustain life, the desire that arises from interest is less compelling. Whether or not a desire motivates you to act is up to you.

If the object of desire is in the form of food or to maintain living, it is easy to understand because acquiring it will act as a motivation, but if the purpose is to satisfy intellectual interest and deepen knowledge and technology, the degree of consciousness leading to fulfillment varies. While some people are willing to work hard to achieve what they want to do in the future, others may choose to spend their leisure time in the middle rather than tackle the challenges. Even if you are mentally free to follow your dreams, the possibilities of actual action are limited by your physical limitations. When you are physically tired in your daily life, your physical desires increase, your mental desires are suppressed, and you may fall laziness. If you take action based on the desire to do something interesting, fun, and fulfilling in your own spirit, the results will work well. Or, you will be tired and stop to work, if you cannot stand sleeping. Motivation goes back and forth between plus and minus. From the various conflicts that have arisen, there are a number of options that move forward in mental realm.

Also, there is a conflict between self-desired and group-desired. When you face the desire to satisfy your own self more strongly, you may stick to protecting yourself to get profit. If you feel a nuisance or a disadvantage to others, you may resist the accumulation of self-interest. Even if the human spiritual needs are diversified, self-assertion leads to disassociation if the influence on the group is dissatisfied. The rise of consciousness is in the movement of conflict that arises from various desires, and there is a chance or unconscious choice. The human spirit against egoism is complicated by its underlying direction of consciousness. The way forward in our time of consciousness is how to choose the direction to rise.


Something more is hidden in human’s intelligence.

We consider an Intelligent action such as the efficient planning and getting outcome of the purpose and discovering the means of the process. If further desires overlap, it becomes a strong motivation, but if it is understood that the desires have exceeded, conflicts and restraints will occur, gradually weakening and disappearing. However, humans think that when the desires of the mind are diversified and activated by the intertwining of the desires, there is a possibility that the potential consciousness may cause a reorientation. To think from the structure of the body, the brain stores the information received from the sensory organs in memory and recognizes the environmental situation as experience. However, not only are the memories that we can remember, but there are things that suddenly come to our mind as a whole image.

For example, phenomena in music and art works, novel flows, and discoveries of theory, unlike the ones that simply accumulate experience, show a completed form in an instant, similar to a flash. It is said that it flashes in an instant even though there is a lot of information on the completed form. First of all, it means that you can grasp the whole thing and see the result. We think that humans have hidden functions and that they may be exposed suddenly. Judging from the basic living mechanism and the cooperation built in the brain, the formation of the cerebrum has a flow in a direction that is somewhat flexible and has a certain degree of freedom, and something more is hidden in consciousness. I think that what was done was inspired by some uncertain consciousness and then the whole was realized by our own cerebrum.

Even ordinary humans can feel their current time in their whole living in which they are placed in their daily life. We have the ability to see from the whole including ourselves. This is a function to intuitively see the whole movement and correct the trajectory, rather than conceptually thinking about the whole thing with words. The ability to look ahead is hidden in the latent by the ability to think of the present. We have the cerebral cortex, which abstracts a lot of information, but we have another part that intuitively gives a bird's eye view of the whole, and may suggest a future ahead of the function of the brain.

Intuitively, the sense of looking down at your whole life goes back and forth between the past and the future. Without a clear reason, you may feel a bit hesitant to think that now isn't the case, rather than conceptually capturing current situation. Even if your own awareness is the main subject, you may suppose a structure in which there is something latent in the lower layer and the consciousness as the subject is formed on it. There are situations in which movements are intuitively corrected even when the purpose and the motivation were carefully thought up and created. In a group floating the relationships, we can always think of how we can trust and feel secure in its purpose and direction, and we are cultivating our sensitivity in relation to the potential of each individual.


Human groups will be more complex among individuals

Beyond the basic principle of living activities, humans have reached the realm of spirit, and still develop inventing various communication tools and diversifying the organization of groups. Humans complicate the spiritual realm not only within the scope of the individual but also within groups. And the entanglement of individuals who have the subject of own self will have the individuality as a set of the whole. The more complex the system in the world, the more diverse spiritual desires will arise. People have different talents and circumstances, and there are differences due to experience and learning in a group environment. These differences create a feeling of each lack of mentality, which forms into new group needs.

When humans gather and become active and then conflict, the process of creating new movements in the group begins to occur, even if they are buried in the activities that are repeated every day. The changes that take place in the spiritual area then spread throughout. Considering the position of the individual, whether it is advantageous or disadvantageous, superior or inferior, there are things that affect the overall flow. If the result of the skill of a specific individual is favorable, it will superior as a group beyond individuals. There is evolution in the group, even the change that started from one unique personality would slowly spread to the whole group to alter the existing common sense. If the flow of life continues, secretly choices for future humanity will continue. Our brains at present do not have the ability to know the mechanism of future development and its possibilities. Still, people's choices within the group tend to be more complex, and the coping with them is more diverse, moving unnoticed in a fixed direction.

Our brain is not only responding to the typical patterns, but also to the sudden accidental events. If the number of people who belong to the group increases and the exchanges become active, the number of conflict combinations can be quite large and diversified. It would be impossible for our current brains to pattern every cases. There is a theory that many nerve cells in the cerebrum of today's humans are not all activated yet. If so, it could be considered a preparation for the more complex mental activity in the future. Even if the function of the body does not evolve, the function of the brain will be constructed to cope with the development of the mental area and prepare for the future. In the future of us humans, there is room for further development of functions that work in the spiritual field. And as various human beings are activated by gathering and the cooperation becomes complicated, the whole race of human beings will progress to the future while developing in a more complicated direction.



All living things are forced to remain activating over their life time. This coercive force comes from a combination of substances. In other words, it is a development of the activation of matter that gives rise to life in the universe. Being alive means that each subject of living beings always shares the progress of the same time. The essence of life is hidden in the mechanism that causes changes of matters over time. If a large number of micromolecular substances with specific properties are gathered to form, it develops an incredibly flexible and complex organization, a living thing, over long time. Moreover, that activated mass organized an intellectual being is something much more incredible, and it is beyond the scope of scientific reasoning. We may not be able to objectively understand the cause of reality in the functions of living things, in our objective view as human beings, what we see, touch, and feel only in our life time.

In our objective analysis, we cannot pursue why it happened because of our physical limitatons as human beings, only we apply its causal relationship. If so, focusing on justifying observations and fitting them to patterns of rules, we are unlikely to determine the direction to the future. Because you will miss it among the common sense even if there is something hidden there. It may be either ignored or misinterpreted. We are lack of our perception as an individual so that we are not aware of it now. At this point, the way to elucidate the true mechanism of life is far away. Even so, we humans have constructed our own spiritual world as our group of intelligent beings, communicating through each thought, and expanding our interest in various things. The desire to understand what you do not know will stimulate the mind and deepen your knowledge-seeking behavior, which will raise individual consciousness in groups, and then it will expand a new group. We will expect the rising of group consciousness in the next stage.

Written by Ichiro, 2020/08/05, 

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