


2014-09-06 20:37:07 | Telegraph (UK)
ECB papers over rift with rate cuts but holds back on meaningful QE
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 9:18PM BST 04 Sep 2014
Central bank launches radical plan to drive down the euro, but won't make any difference, warn analysts


The European Central Bank has cut interest rates far below zero in a radical attempt to drive down the euro and vowed a blitz of private bond purchases to lift the eurozone out of its slump, but stopped short of fully fledged quantitative easing to avoid a conflict with Germany.


Stock markets surged across southern Europe, with Italy's MIB index up 2.8pc and Spain's IBEX up 2pc. Yields on 10-year Spanish bonds fell to a historic low of 2.15pc as euphoric investors scrambled to buy debt across the EMU periphery.


The ECB cut the deposit rate to -0.2pc in a barely disguised attempt to force down the euro, sending the currency plunging to a 14-month low of $1.30 against the dollar. Nomura said the euro is likely break below $1.27 this month.


Mario Draghi, the ECB's president, said the central bank would buy a "broad portfolio" of asset-backed securities (ABS) for the first time, including mortgage bonds, but refused to give details on the scale. The plan also includes covered bonds.


The "modalities" will be clarified in October. Bundesbank chief Jens Weidmann voted against the measures.


Mr Draghi said the combined actions should boost the ECB's balance sheet by €1 trillion (£792m), taking it back to the crisis levels of 2012. Citigroup described the moves as "turbo-charged QE", though it is unclear whether there will in fact be much fresh stimulus. Most of the increase will be in the form of ECB lending in exchange for collateral, a far weaker tool than QE. Between €800bn and €1 trillion of loans were already announced in June, implying that the new asset purchases may prove modest.


"The day began with a bang but ended with a whimper because there is little new here. They are fleshing out the message from June," said Marchel Alexandrovich, from Jefferies. "Draghi said they are going to buy 'high quality' assets only, but if the ECB's just going to cream off the top, that's not going to help banks free up capital."


Nordea said asset purchases were likely to be €100bn-€200bn over the next 12 months. Buying may not begin in earnest until early next year since the ABS market is not ready.


This would be a form of "QE lite" but it would be trivial compared with the huge operations of the Bank of Japan and the US Federal Reserve, together worth €120bn a month at their peak. Europe's ABS market is tiny, leaving the ECB with little to buy. Barely €60bn of small business securities are investment grade. The think tank Bruegel said mortgage bonds could add €500bn of "targetable assets".


"All this little stuff they are talking about is not going to make any difference," said Ashoka Mody, a former eurozone bail-out strategist for the International Monetary Fund. "These actions come extremely late and lowering the interest rate marginally is beside the point. I don't see how anything other than large fiscal stimulus can help now," he said.


The chief benefit may come through devaluation. The euro has fallen 4pc in trade-weighted terms since early May as it becomes a cheap funding currency for the global "carry trade", a role once played by the yen. This counters deflation and is a much-needed shot in the arm for French and Italian firms.


The main interest rate was cut 10 points to 0.05pc, or the "zero-bound" in Mr Draghi's carefully chosen words. The message for banks is that there is no point waiting for yet lower rates before locking into four-year loans under the ECB's new lending scheme (TLTROs). Mr Alexandrovich said the goal is to ensure large bids at the first TLTRO auction this month. "He has avoided an embarrassing situation of too few bids and should secure a punchy number," he said.


The new measures failed to lift inflation expectations as measured by the "five-year/five-year forward break-even rate". "This is telling us that the market is not yet giving the ECB the benefit of the doubt. It must be a disappointment for Draghi because this is what he highlighted in Jackson Hole," said Lars Christensen, from Danske Bank.

この新対策も「five-year/five-year forward break-even rate」で測るインフレ期待は改善出来ませんでした。

The ECB cut its inflation forecast to 0.6pc for this year, now far below the 1pc level used to gauge extreme shocks in its stress test for banks.


Half the eurozone was in deflation over the four months from March to July (annualised), with Italy down to -1.6pc, Belgium -1.5pc, Spain -1pc and France -0.4, levels that make it harder to stop debt ratios rising.


Mr Christensen added: "These measures are not going to boost demand in the real economy. The ECB will have to set much clearer targets and act on the same scale as the Fed if it wants to be credible."



2014-09-06 20:36:54 | Telegraph (UK)
Nicolas Sarkozy to announce comeback plans 'in coming days', say aides
By Henry Samuel, Paris
Telegraph: 5:48PM BST 03 Sep 2014
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy threw a 'fit' over Nicolas Sarkozy's comeback plans over the summer, friends reportedly said


Nicolas Sarkozy could announce whether he intends to mount a political comeback in the coming days, political sources said on Wednesday.


The former French president, who turns 60 in January, is expected to announce his decision to mount a political comeback as early as this weekend, they say.


However, he is reportedly meeting stiff resistance from his wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, who friends say is "mad with anger" at the prospect.


In an apparent last stand, friends said his model-turned-singer wife sparked a domestic crisis during their summer holiday in Bali over his reported plans to become head of the leaderless UMP, the main opposition party, this autumn before standing in the 2017 presidential election.


"Carla threw a fit at him. She doesn't want him to return," a friend told Le Parisien newspaper.


"She can't stand the nastiness, the hatred," the friend said. "She was wounded and she is still mad with anger."


She remains convinced that the media wants "to skin her man alive", according to the news magazine Le Point.

ニュース雑誌のLe Point誌によれば、夫人は今もメディアが「夫の皮を生きたまま剥がしたがっている」と確信しているとのこと。

However, some assert that his wife's apparent recalcitrance is all part of a carefully orchestrated plan to make voters think he is prepared to give up marital bliss for the sake of France.


Observers say that given Mr Hollande's political, and now personal, woes, the coming days would be a good time for Mr Sarkozy to lay down the gauntlet.


Rivals hope the former president's judicial woes will thwart his plans.


Mr Sarkozy was placed under investigation in July on suspicion of seeking to influence a judge in an ongoing case concerning him.


He also faces probes into whether he received illegal campaign donations from figures including Colonel Gaddafi, the late Libyan leader. He denies wrongdoing.



2014-09-06 20:36:40 | Telegraph (UK)
Multiple sclerosis could be 'switched off' by retraining immune system
By Sarah Knapton, Science Correspondent
Telegraph: 5:41PM BST 03 Sep 2014
Scientists believe they are close to developing a drug which could 'switch off' autoimmune diseases like Multiple sclerosis by training the body to stop attacking itself


Scientists believe they have discovered a way to 'switch off' autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis or Type 1 diabetes by retraining the immune system.


Autoimmune diseases are so debilitating because they trick the body into attacking itself.


But a team at Bristol University has shown that the immune system can be taught to stop treating harmless everyday proteins as if they were dangerous invaders.


In Multiple sclerosis (MS) the immune system attacks the myelin sheaths which protect nerve fibres.


The nerves carry messages to and from the brain and if they are disrupted it leads to a host or problems such as loss of mobility, vision impairment and fatigue.


However by synthesising proteins from the sheaths in a lab, and then injecting them into the blood stream at increasing doses, the body begins to learn that they are safe.


This type of therapy has already been used for allergies in a treatment known as 'allgergic desensitisation' but it's only recently that scientists have thought that it could be useful elsewhere.


Researchers at the University of Bristol, said the 'important breakthrough' could improve the lives of millions of people who are suffering from a range of diseases.


First author Dr Bronwen Burton said: "The immune system works by recognising antigens which could cause infection.


"In allergies the immune system mounts a response to something like pollen or nuts because it wrongly believes they will harm the body.


"But in autoimmune diseases the immune systems sees little protein fragments in your own tissue as foreign invaders and starts attacking them.


"What we have found is that by synthesising those proteins in a soluble form we can desensitise the immune system by giving an escalating dose."


The team hope that the breakthrough could lead to the development of immunotherapies for individual conditions, based on the protein or antigen that the body is responding too.


As well as MS, conditions which could be 'switched off' include Type 1 diabetes, Graves' disease and systemic lupus erythematosus.


MS alone affects around 100,000 people in the UK and 2.5 million people worldwide.


Professor David Wraith, of the university's School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, said the research opened up 'exciting new opportunities.'


"These findings have important implications for the many patients suffering from autoimmune conditions that are currently difficult to treat," he added.


The goal is to reinstate 'self-tolerance', where an individual's immune system ignores its own tissues while remaining fully armed to protect against infection.


Currently autoimmune diseases are treated with drugs which suppress the immune system but they are associated with side effects such as infections, development of tumours and disruption of natural regulatory mechanisms.


The treatment is currently undergoing clinical development through biotechnology company Apitope, a spin-out from the University of Bristol, where it is being trialled in humans.


The breakthrough was welcomed by charities who said it offerd a 'low risk' alternative to current treatments.


"This is a really interesting and encouraging study, and adds to our understanding of how scientists might be able to alter the way the immune system responds in people with MS," said Nick Rijke, Executive Director of Policy & Research at the MS Society

「これは実に興味深く励まされる研究であり、研究者がどんな風にMSにかかっている人達の免疫システムの反応の仕方を変えられるかもしれないのか、その方法についての理解を深めてくれます」とMS協会のExecutive Director of Policy & Research、ニック・レーケ氏は言いました。

The research was published in the journal Nature Communications.



2014-09-06 20:36:25 | Telegraph (UK)
Mario Draghi cannot launch QE without German political assent
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:41PM BST 03 Sep 2014
It is surely wishful thinking to suppose that the ECB is ready to launch full-fledged QE at its meeting this week, given its political make-up


Global markets are behaving as if quantitative easing were a done deal in the eurozone. They are betting that the European Central Bank will pick up the baton from the US Federal Reserve in a seamless transition, keeping the world's monetary system smoothly supplied with liquidity as Fed winds down QE in October.


The Eurostoxx 50 index of equities is up 8pc since mid-August in spite of the EU showdown with Russia. Belief that the ECB will soon sweep into crowded bond markets on a vast buying spree is a key reason why yields on 10-year German Bunds have broken all records, falling to 0.88pc last week, with French yields down in lockstep to 1.23pc.

EUのロシアとの対決にも拘らず、EUROSTOXX 50は8月中旬から8%上昇しました。

Yet there is in fact no stimulus, and nor is there likely to be much for a long time. Europe's policy settings continue to be contractionary. Company loans are still shrinking at a rate of 2.3pc. Inflation has dropped to 0.3pc, and factory gate prices have fallen 1.1pc over the last year.


France's Francois Hollande is pushing through €50bn of austerity measures over three years to comply with EU rules, guaranteeing mass unemployment through his presidency.


Italy's Matteo Renzi is caught in the same vice, forced to keep cutting in order to plug a budget largely caused by a triple-dip recession and near deflation - themselves the result of ECB policy.


Even Germany has stalled. There is no recovery in sight. Eurozone retail sales fell in July and consumer confidence dropped to a six-month low in August. Lena Komileva, from G+Economics, calls it "a self-sustaining public, bank, business and consumer balance sheet contraction", replicating the onset of Japan's Lost Decade. Nothing is actually being done to break free of this suffocating dynamic.


It is surely wishful thinking to suppose that the ECB is ready to launch full-fledged QE at its meeting this week, given its political make-up, or that it will signal action over coming months on a big enough scale to pull Europe of out structural depression.


Some have construed Mario Draghi's call for fiscal stimulus at the Jackson Hole conclave two weeks ago as a radical shift in EMU policy, heralding a reflationary blitz along the lines of Abenomics in Japan. You might equally construe it as a primordial scream by a man placed in an impossible position.


The politics of EMU remain as poisonous as ever, a simmering conflict between debtors and creditors. The ECB still suffers from the design flaws of monetary union, ideological fetishes and mutual suspicions that have prevented it from acting at each stage of the crisis until the last desperate moment. In key respects, the North-South divide is becoming harder to bridge.


Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) - Germany's anti-euro party - won almost 10pc of the vote in Saxony's election over the weekend, gaining seats for the first the time in a state legislature. Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats suddenly have a UKIP threat on their flank, serious enough to upset the German electoral balance.


The AfD calls for an outright ban on ECB bond purchases, deeming QE to be a stealth bail-out for Southern Europe, a fiscal union by the back door, outside democratic control, amounting to a budgetary coup d'etat against a sovereign Bundestag. In this they are correct. Goldman Sachs said in a note on Wednesday that any QE bonds will "most likely never be resold" and therefore can be said to "represent a form of fiscal sharing across Europe".


Markets forget that Germany's consitutional court ruled in February that the ECB's back-stop plan for Italian and Spanish debt (OMT) "manifestly violates" the EU treaties and is probably "Ultra Vires", meaning that the Bundesbank cannot legally take part.


The ruling did not prohibit QE as such. You can argue that QE is easier to justify on legal grounds since it is a neutral tool of monetary management, with bond purchases across the board rather than a selective rescue of insolvent states.


But Germany's economics professors are poised to challenge QE at the court as well, and may prevail on other grounds. "The judges have a bad gut feeling about this. They would be even more worried about the unlimited sums involved in QE than they were about the OMT," said Christian Schulz, from Berenberg Bank.


Mr Schulz said it is unclear whether the ECB could go ahead with QE once a case had been filed at the court, and that itself would be a nasty shock for markets. Mr Draghi will have to tread very carefully since he cannot plausibly press ahead with QE in the face of overwhelming opposition from the German political class. "It is not just the Bundesbank, the government in Berlin is opposed. QE against Merkel's opposition could be very costly," he said.


Mr Draghi's Jackson Hole comments should not be confused with his London speech in July 2012 to do "whatever it takes" to save the euro. On that occasion he was working hand in glove with the German finance ministry, by then alarmed that the crisis in Italy and Spain was spinning out of control.


This time Mr Draghi is in conflict with Berlin. He is using the threat of QE to pressure Ms Merkel to abandon Germany's policy of pro-cyclical budget surpluses, so damaging for EMU as a whole, calculating that she may accept fiscal stimulus as a lesser evil than QE.


There are hints that this game of brinkmanship may yield something. Die Zeit says the finance ministry is preparing an emergency stimulus package, though only if the German economy weakens further. Yet it looks like small beer. The German authorities are still convinced that they will recover later this year without the need for any real action.


For all the talk of stimulus, the ECB's balance sheet continues to shrink as banks pay back their long-term loans (LTROs), down to €2 trillion from more than €3 trillion two years ago. Marchel Alexandrovich, from Jefferies, said Italian and Spanish banks have repaid €79bn over the past two months. "These banks may simply be swapping one source of cheap liquidity for another," he said


The implication is that Mr Draghi's €800bn blitz of "TLTROs" - auctions of super-cheap credit for four years, this month and in December - may not add much stimulus. Yet this is what the ECB is counting on to turn the tide. Since the results will no be known until early Spring, it guarantees paralysis deep into 2015.


David Covey, from Nomura, says the ECB is likely to unveil a plan to purchase up to €50bn of asset-backed securities (ABS) this week, already deemed acceptable by the German-led bloc of ECB hawks. Yet nothing is likely to be done before the end of the year, and purchases will be spread over many months. It is a pin-prick in macro-economic terms. "There is much room for disappointment," he said.


Mr Draghi has raised hopes that are beyond his political gift, and which he cannot easily fulfil. His speech at Jackson Hole is one of the strangest episodes in the short history of the ECB, a digression from his written script to admit that inflation expectations have become unhinged and that deflationary dynamics have begun to take hold.


He abruptly switched sides, aligning himself (not the ECB) with France and Italy. He seemed to concede that the policy regime he has been defending for three years is destructive and misguided, and that the critics have been right all along.


One might suspect that he has reached the point of emotional rupture, too sensitive to continue defending the indefensible, intuitively aware that the Project is beyond saving. He already looks like a man preparing for his new destiny in Rome as Italy's salvation president.



2014-09-06 20:36:10 | Telegraph (UK)
Russian rouble hits record low as suffocating sanctions loom
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:20PM BST 02 Sep 2014
Russia's currency has dropped 25pc over the past 18 months but Vladmimir Putin shows no signs of backing down over Ukraine


The Russian rouble has fallen to record lows against the dollar as the US, Europe and Japan prepare to launch a fresh raft of financial sanctions within days unless the Kremlin pulls its troops and heavy armour out of eastern Ukraine.


The currency has dropped 25pc over the past 18 months, raising the real cost of servicing almost $610bn (£369bn) of foreign currency debt owed by Russian banks, companies and state bodies. Fresh capital flight pushed the rouble to 37.46 against the dollar on Tuesday, a level that may soon force the central bank to raise rates, driving the economy deeper into a protracted slump.


Data from Sberbank showed that net "short" positions held by speculators on the derivatives markets have reached an all-time high and are significantly more stretched than during the first wave of the crisis in March and April. Traders warn that a serious liquidity crunch is taking hold in Russian financial markets, even if this is not yet reflected on the Moscow bourse, where a strange calm still prevails.


"People are very scared," said one Moscow banker. "There is talk of Iran-style sanctions against Russia and, if we go down that route, we may not have much of a financial sector left."


The political mood has hardened in Europe after Russian president Vladimir Putin began talking over the weekend of an independent state in eastern Ukraine, with even Austria abandoning its softly-softly approach.


Austrian chancellor Werner Faymann accused the Kremlin of deploying ruthless "salami tactics" to dismember a free country, demanding that Mr Putin be brought to book. "The situation is extremely dangerous. If we don't defend liberty, we will lose it," he said.


European officials are exploring increasingly radical measures, including plans to cut off operational finance for Russian state banks and key energy companies beyond a maturity of 30 days. Any such move would impinge on routine trade for the first time. The current sanctions have already shut off funding for new projects with a credit ban beyond 90 days maturity. It is impossible for these companies to refinance debt on the capital markets. The oil giant Rosneft has requested a $42bn credit line from the government's reserve fund to cover maturing liabilities.


Analysts at Sberbank said the Russian bond market is completely shut. No Russian entity has been able to roll over or refinance a single bond since late June. It is unclear how long this can continue since they must repay more than $30bn of debt every quarter.


The central bank has pledged to support Russian lenders with hard currency if necessary and will undoubtedly bail out strategic companies in extremis but such measures would erode the country's foreign reserves. Analysts say this could become serious by next year if oil prices fall further.


"There is a serious discussion under way in Brussels for a complete embargo on purchases of Russian sovereign debt," said Alastair Newton, head of political risk at Nomura.


Officials are mulling bans on syndicated loans and the sale of hi-tech equipment for the gas industry, especially for liquefied natural gas projects.


Mr Newton said the Obama administration may opt for tougher measures than it wants at this stage to head off even more draconian demands from Congress, where calls are growing for military aid for Ukraine.


Britain, France and Germany all want broader "Tier III" sanctions against sectors of the Russian economy but any one of the EU's 28 states can veto a deal. Cyprus, Hungary and Slokavia all have deep misgivings.


Ian Bond, from the Centre for European Reform, said the need to keep everybody on board is preventing a coherent response, allowing the Kremlin to pick off the weakest links. "The chances are that we shall have another feeble package of half measures, which will only encourage Putin to press on," he said.

