

Japan life tree  Tree of Life Adam

2012-12-02 14:52:38 | 空海 -KUKAI-






It's2011、11、11 The ceremony was completed smoothly.

 Four great civilizations of God is the God of the Bible

 "142 Page Mr. From contains Uemori--"and author of the new book's.

 Civilization 4 God is the God of the Bible












Geoglyphs of Egypt Hathor God's face

Egypt Geoglyph of the face of Hathor God in Japan

Secret cipher Kabbalah taught me that Kukai

The secret code which Kuukai taught. Kabara, Davidstar, Cross

Ikuno Silver mine Asago city Hyogo, Japan

Grand Cross-(Xi'an) → イスラエルガリラヤ Lake

Big size Cross Changan ( Xian ) China → Lake galile in Israel

While cross-Rome Vatican

Middle size Cross-Vatican-Roma

China Anshan 千山 → small cross

Small size Cross → China Anshan Qianshan

Stranded, met with storms of 5/12/804 by was Kukai who departed Japan as a member of the No. 16: Envoy, in Fuzhou, China.

When Kukai who's 31-year-old. And Hakusan through ikuno, stretch the wire to the southwest at the intersection of the cross of two large and important points, such as agar-agar stalls are on the line and extend its line to China, and goes to Chile and Fuzhou. Kukai as I goes from Fuzhou to Changan (Xian), is necessary to decrypt messages three cross again is so.

Or stumbled across all this sync will.






















And then-new life trees, and


Tree of life this is not long after from the advent of the light, was written.
I think the tree of life of Jesus Christ.



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