Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

最近のめい画伯の作品・お絵描き編 (May-chan's recent artworks / Drawings)

2022-03-18 08:35:36 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi everyone!

How are you doing today?

So, the other day I shared some of May-chan's artworks with blocks and Play-doh here. Today let me show you some of her recent drawings.

She recently likes playing with the water in the bucket rather than painting itself, so we don't play with paint as often as before anymore.

She likes using markers to draw and prefers working on the floor.

This is the entire picture of one of her artworks.

"A Person on a Ladder" She recently changed her drawing style and started drawing body parts with a human face.

"A Person with a Hat" She drew a flower on the tummy. What long eye lushes!! He has a tail too.

It's belated or too early, but she drew a Christmas tree too.

With a blue marker, she drew a Snowman! How cute!!

She's working on her new piece on the floor as usual that day.

She said the one upper on the ladder was May-chan and the one lower was Mommy. (I have a tail! Yay!)

I requested her to draw Daddy with a hat on. His mouth is cute! I like the angle of the feet.

On this day I opened and spread a cardboard box and made a big canvas for her.

The big canvas apparently stimulated artist May-chan's creativity.

Let me show you what she drew on the big canvas one by one. Again, he/she has a tail, but a human. He/ She also has a pretty flower on the tummy.

Another human.

This is also a human. He / She has 3 fingers.

At last, this is a work that she made on the day when Grandma & Grandpa visited us.

This is Grandma.

I told her, "Grandma wears glasses!" and then she worked so hard on drawing the glasses.

She actually couldn't draw as she pictured them in her head on the first try and was so disappointed. Though, she looked contemplating so seriously for a couple of minutes and then started drawing again. On the 2nd try, she did a great job on drawing the glasses, didn't she?
(When I saw May-chan contemplating so seriously about how to draw the glasses, "Aww, she's really thinking about what she wants to draw in her head!" I was so impressed.)

Anyways, this is all about her recent drawings that I wanted to show you guys today.

Just as the block and Play-doh works, May-chan used to copy what I make but now she's able to create something from scratch and enjoys making her original artworks.

Again, she's surprised me so many times with her wonderful artworks and I'm really looking forward to what she'll make and entertain me with next.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!! Take care!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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メレちゃんとの生活 (Days with Baby Meredith)

2022-03-16 08:38:05 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

I'm doing pretty well.

So, I've written about this some times here, but I've watched my friends' lovely daughter, Baby Meredith (Mere-chan) 3days a week since last year. It's already March in 2022 and May-chan and I still enjoy the days with Mere-chan just as much as last year.

Today I want to share some pictures of the lovely Mere-chan here.

She turned 7 months old in February, and literally learns new things on a weekly basis and amazes me how quickly one human being grows up at this age.

She thankfully loves May-chan a lot and always tries to chase her.
(Though, our lovely 3 year-old daughter, May-chan, is now learning to share her toys and Mere-chan's a good helper to make May-chan learn it in a way.)

May-chan was like this before, but recently wants to take care of Mere-chan more and more. She helps to hold the baby's bottle like this or brings me a fresh diaper, which makes my life easier sometimes and harder the other times. Haha

Again, Baby Meredith really loves May-chan. Every time May-chan laughs, Baby Meredith laughs too.

Mere-chan's now able to sit down in the chair for a longer time and sometimes enjoys watching Japanese cartoons with May-chan too.

Last year she was calm and quiet on the bouncer most of the time, but she's become much more active now. She can crawl around and also pull herself up like this.
(Still, she's not good at getting down from the standing position by herself, so I took out the bumble bee from May-chan's closet so that it could cover and protect Mere-chan's head just in case she accidentally fell.)

When Mere-chan gets too tired to crawl or sit down in the chair, she loves hanging out on my back.
(I love the carrier stuff a lot. When I want to do chores, I can have her on my back and she sometimes falls asleep there.)

When she's tired and fussy, I usually hold her on my frond and tap her back gently. Then, she falls asleep very smoothly.

Now she loves real food too! She loves rice porridge, so I mix apple sauce or banana puree with the porridge.
(She loves oatmeal too!)

At my house, I feed her solid food once a day. She empties out this size of bowl most of the time, which makes me happy and want to cook for her more!

On relatively warm days, I try to take the girls out and let them play in the yard. I brought out her chair that day so that she could watch May-chan playing better.

Until that day, I just put her on the snow or the slide during outdoor time, but she seemed happier in the chair because she could see more things at the higher eye level.

She can't move freely in the yard, but it's become a much bigger space where she can move around on her own inside the house. So, I've lately had to pay more attention to both girls to stay safe.

Taking care of the 2 girls is also more energy consuming and physically harder to me as well, but she still smells like a baby and always smiles when I do peek-a-boo, which makes 3 days of my week more soothing and joyful.

I don't know how much longer I'll take care of her, but as long as I can, I'll cherish this 3-girl-noisy life with her. Haha.

Okay, today I shared some cute pictures of Baby Meredith here.

Thank you for reading again!! Take care!!


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自家製七味を作ってみた (Homemade Shichimi Seasoning)

2022-03-14 09:41:28 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hi there!

How's your life treating you?

As the title says, I tried to make Shichimi seasonings (which is one of the very classic and popular spice mixes in Japan) at home for the very first time in my life.

The reason why I tried to make it from scratch was because I loved the spice mix and used it all the time even after I moved to here. When I first moved here, I was purchasing a tiny jar of S&B brand which's popular in Japan and also available here.

This one. The jar is only 4 inch high.

Still, the products are imported or something and relatively expensive to buy the tiny jar size. So, one day I purchased this.

A big package for restaurant use.

So, after I got the big bag, I kept it in the freezer and refilled the small jar whenever it's running low. Though, the big bag was really big!!

I'm the only person who uses the spice mix in my family, and the amount that you use is on each serving is not that much either!

Of course, it was nice and more reasonable for me to use a bigger package, but it lasted way longer than I'd originally expected. Anyways, I kept refilling the tiny jar with the giant bag for years and then finally emptied out the package the other day!!! (Yay!!)

FYI, the expiration or best by date on the package was 2014. LOL
(Yup, it was expired, but I still enjoyed it.)

When I was using up the big package, Andy offered me, "I'm going to some spices from Penzys, so if you want something, I'll order them together."

Andy uses a lot of spices in his cooking, so he sometimes order spices from this shop.
(Thankfully, we had gift cards of the shop which Dad&Mom gave us for a Christmas gift.)

So, what a good timing! I googled what ingredients that I need to make Shichimi seasoning and learned some different recipes. Some of them could be made with ingredients that I can get from Penzys, so I asked Andy to order those spices for me.

Ta-da!! Here are the ingredients that I used to make Shichimi seasoning for the first time at home.

From the left, black sesame seeds, poppy seeds, orange peel, ginger powder, Japanese pepper(Sansyo), Chinese pepper, seaweed flakes(Aonori) and red pepper powder.
(One recipe that I found said that they use Chinese pepper (I already had it in my spice rack.) too, but I ended up skipping it this time.)

Once you get all the ingredients ready, all you need to do is just mix them together! The ratio on each ingredient is also totally up to you.

To be honest with you, I had no idea about how much of which kind I should mix, but "You never know until you try!" So, I decided to just mix them as I liked on the 1st try.
(Of course, I wrote it down.)

Here is my very first Shichimi seasoning recipe. (It was the 1st try, so I just made a small batch.)

・黒ごま 小さじ1/2
Black Sesame Seeds Tea Spoon 1/2

・陳皮 小さじ1/2
Orange Peel Tea Spoon 1/2

・生姜粉 小さじ1/4
Ginger Powder Tea Spoon 1/4

・ケシの実 小さじ1/2
Poppy Seed Tea Spoon 1/2

・山椒 小さじ1/4
Japanese Pepper (Sansyo) Tea Spoon 1/4

・青のり 小さじ1/4
Seaweed Flakes (Aonori) Tea Spoon 1/4

・唐辛子 小さじ1/4
New Mexico Hatch Chile Powder Tea Spoon 1/4

・唐辛子 小さじ1/2
Aji Panca Chile Powder Tea Spoon 1/2

As for the red peppers, I didn't know much about red peppers in general, so I asked Andy for advice since he uses and tries a lot of different kinds of peppers in his cooking. Then, he recommended these 2 kinds which he already had in his spice rack.

This one and...

this one.

Just in case, I tried a pinch of each beforehand, but I'm not a huge fan of spicy food in general, so I couldn't tell much difference in 2 of them. Haha

Again, all you need to do is just mix them together. So, I mixed all the ingredients and finished the experiment.

I was originally thinking to try my first homemade Shichimi seasoning with Udon noodles because I got frozen Udon noodles at a Korean grocery store and Udon noodles were one of the best matching dish with Shichimi seasoning in general. Though, I wasn't raving for Udon noodles so much at the time, so I tried my Shichimi with miso soup for the first time.

Here it goes!


I had been using Shichimi seasoning expired in 2014, for 8 years!, so compared to my old Shichimi, my homemade one had much more aroma of the ingredients, especially orange peel and Japanese pepper and it was super delicious!

As for the spicy level, it didn't have much heat even to me who's not a big fan of spicy food, so I'd like to use more red pepper when I mix the spices next.

Other than that, all the ingredients were harmonized very well even though I freely mixed them just as I liked.

A couple of days after, I tried my Shichimi with Udon noodles too!

On the 2nd time when I tasted my homemade Shichimi, I realized that I preferred the flavors of Japanese pepper and orange peel more stronger in the seasoning.

So, I'm going to add more of red pepper, Japanese pepper and orange peel in the next batch. Besides that, I'd like to make a version with Chinese pepper too.

Based on the first recipe, I'll do more experiments and want to enjoy different versions of Shichimi seasonings.

Okay, this is all about how I tried to make Shichimi seasoning from scratch for the first time at home!

Thank you for reading again. Bye for now!!


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最近のめい画伯の作品・ブロック&粘土編 (May-chan's recent artworks / Blocks&Play-Doh)

2022-03-12 07:54:53 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hello folks!

How's your day going today?

So, our lovely daughter, May-chan, is a non-stop girl. She keeps moving around most of the time, but there's a time that she stops and focuses on something, which is an art time.

I've introduced her artworks here before, but let me show you some of her recent works today.

May-chan is such a prolific artist, so I picked up her blocks and clay works only for today.

May-chan loves playing with blocks lately and amazingly creates an original world with blocks on her own.

This is one of her block worlds.

What I was so impressed was the slide. She put the yellow ladder, but the piece that she used for it was originally a fence. She rotated and put it on the slide as a ladder.

She also put the same piece on the piece with tires and said "Fire truck!!"
(I can't deny that I let her be on a screen time longer recently, but she's picked up a lot of new words that I didn't teach her such as "Fire truck" or "Ambulance" in Japanese. So, that makes me feel screen time isn't always that bad.)

She put the girl (Mommy) on the left and kitty on the right, and then...

Daddy showed up behind the door! (She started calling the girl and boy dolls "Mommy" and "Daddy" on her own.)


前半 我が家のバレンタインデー2022 (Valentine's Day 2022 1/2) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


前半 我が家のバレンタインデー2022 (Valentine's Day 2022 1/2) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I wrote this on the article about Valentine's day, but Andy and I gave her a new set of Duplo as a Valentine's day gift.

So, her block world was upgraded too. She added a tree and some flowers.

As for the small Rubik's cube in the front, she says it's a swing. She got the Rubik's cube as one of small toys in a Christmas stocking, but utilized it very well in the block world, which made me so impressed too.

She nicely put the eggs on the table too. Haha

Okay, here are a couple of her play-doh works next.

Compared to letting her play with blocks or drawings, letting her play with Play-doh makes a bigger mess and requires me more patience Still, May-chan loves playing with Play-doh, so I let her play with it as often as my patience lets me do. Haha.

Even though she plays with clay less often, her Play-doh skill has been improved.

This is a strawberry. When she first started playing with Play-doh, she only kneaded or rolled it. Recently, she makes specific figures too.
(Her strawberry might be disturbing to someone who has trypophobia. I'm sorry ahead if you are.)

She also made some human-shaped ones too.

When May-chan was more little, I always showed her how to draw or make specific shapes first and she exactly copied them. Now, she's much more creative and freely draws lines just as she pictures in her head. So, all I need to do for her is admire her artworks and tell her how wonderful they are.

I assume that she gets inspirations from YouTube mostly, but she surprises me on a daily basis by creating something I'd never taught her.
(In a Japanese expression, "Children grow up on their own" sounds very true to me.)

May-chan is now 3 years old and more motivated on making artworks too. As the first and biggest fan of her art, I'm always looking forward to what she'll show me next.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!! Take care!

Peace to Ukraine and to the entire world.

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我が家の晩御飯メニュー 9 (Our dinner menus 9)

2022-03-10 15:29:11 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

This article is already the 9th article in this series, Our Dinner Menus.

Okay, let's get onto it!

It was a free day which Andy and I could eat anything we wanted to eat individually. My dinner was like this.

I made Takikomi-Gohan (flavored rice) which I'd been craving for.

I made some deep-fried shrimp, green beans and also ham.

There were a couple of hard-boiled eggs in the fridge, so I homemade tartar sauce too.

I hadn't eaten ham cutlets for a long time, but they matched the tartar sauce and turned out pretty good.

For dinner of the day, I made my most favorite food that I hadn't eaten for a while too

そう、たこ焼き~。この為だけに紅生姜も自分で作ったりしてね。(笑) この日はAndyっちにも転がすのを手伝ってもらいました。
Takoyaki! I pickled gingers from scratch just to make Takoyaki. Hehe. I asked Andy to help roll them on the plate too.

Here they are!! I'm 100% sure that Takoyaki is most delicious when they're freshly made.

I'd never made this mistake in my life and I realized that on the next day, but I had completely forgotten to put Tempura crumbles in the Takoyaki which I thought was one of the most important ingredients for my Takoyaki!! Even though I had them in the freezer!!

Neither Andy and I noticed it at all even when we're eating the Takoyaki. So, that made me think..."I actually don't have to put Tempura crumbles in my Takoyaki??" LOL

This day was a "we don't wanna cook" day. LOL Neither Andy and I wanted to cook.

Still, we had Andy's special Lasagna in the freezer which he made from scratch for Christmas dinner, so we reheated it. Then, we also make some garlic bread and salad too.
(Even though it was "we don't wanna cook" dinner, Andy made the Lasagna from scratch (both the sauce and pasta sheet) and also I baked the bread as well. So, the dinner was still decently cooked at home overall.)

The dinner of the day was very fancy. The main dish was Sashimi.

I made Poke with Ahi Tune which my friend, Ume-chan, got for me at ALDI.

Here are Eel and Softshell crab.

The special dish of the day was Sashimi of Horse Mackerel!


美味しい日本の魚が 大好き

”FAVCO" Alaskan Seafood 
Directly from the Alaskan seafood proc...



I introduced this seafood shop to you guys here a couple of times, but we ordered all the seafood except for the Ahi Tuna from ALDI.

It was the first time for us to try Horse Mackerel sashimi from the shop, but they're very good and not fishy at all. (Still, Andy who's a fan of Horse Mackerel in general was saying, "This doesn't smell fishy at all, but also doesn't have the unique flavor of Horse Mackerel either.)

The biggest hit of the night to Andy was the Softshell crabs.

We ordered them for the first time too since Andy loved Softshell crabs. I had never cooked Softshell crabs before, but the freshly-deep-fried crabs were outstanding. We're definitely going to order them again!

Okay, the last one was this. A Korean dish called Bibimbap. (Rice in a bowl with some meat and veggie toppings on top.)

I got a craving for it first in a while and made it.

We have Kimchi all the time in the fridge recently, so why not? We put some on top too.

I usually cook ground beef for Bibimbap, but I tried to use skirt steak instead that day. (We usually use the skirt steak as Korean BBQ.)

Though, for some reason, the skirt steak turned out so chewy. I was very disappointed by that.
(When we ate it as Korean BBQ, we really enjoyed it. Maybe, it's because of the package or my cooking skill.)

Okay, this is all dishes on the 9th article of the series.

Thank you for reading again. I hope you enjoyed it!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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