Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

6 The Fifth Step/移植に向けての準備 (The Preparation for the Transfer)

2024-03-18 13:24:18 | 5thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 4)

Hello there!




How are you doing today? 




さて、今日も私達夫婦の4回目の体外受精治療、The Fifth Stepシリーズでございます。
Okay, this is about our 4th IVF treatment again. 




Like I wrote in the last article of this series, the result of PGT-A(Preimplantational Genetic Test for the detection of Aneuploidy) returned "Normal", which made Andy and me so relieved. 




After that, we talked to our doctor and our transfer was scheduled on Dec. 18th. 




For the transfer, they made a plan for me like this. 



11月25日 ピルを飲むのをやめる。
Nov. 25th   Stop taking pills

11月27日~28日 Lupron(リュープロレリン)注射0.1㎖、アスピリン錠81㎎を摂取開始。
Nov. 27th-28th  Start taking Lupron 0.1ml and Aspirin 81mg


12月8日 子宮内膜チェック
Dec. 8th   Uterus Lining Check


11月29日~12月12日 Lupron(リュープロレリン)注射0.05㎖に減らす。エストラジオール錠剤2㎎を1日3回摂取開始。引き続きアスピリン錠81㎎を摂取。
Nov. 29th   Reduced the dosage of Lupron to 0.05ml and started taking Estrogen 2mg 3 times a day. Continue Aspirin 81mg.


12月13日 Lupron(リュープロレリン)接種をやめる。引き続き、エストラジオール錠剤2㎎を1日3回摂取。新たに、プロゲステロン注射1mlを1日1回開始。Medrol(メドロール)を16㎎摂取開始。
Dec. 13th-17th  Stop taking Lupron. Continue Estrogen 2mg 3 times a day and Aspirin 81mg. Started taking Progesterone shots and Medrol 16mg. 


12月14日~17日 エストラジオール錠2㎎を1日2回に減らす。引き続きプロゲステロン注射&Medrol(メドロール)を摂取。


12月18日   移植日
Dec. 18th  Egg Transfer



I did a lot of self-shots for egg retrievals, but I needed to do self-shots and take some medications fro the transfer too. 




I'd already done an Egg transfer twice in Japan, but I noticed a couple of differences between Japan and MN in the preparation for a transfer through this cycle. 



In the past 2 transfers in Japan, I needed to put estrogen stickers on my belly from the Day2 of my cycle.(What estrogen is...)




And, from 5 days before the transfer, I started taking progesteron with vaginal tablets. 






I just took those 2 medications above for the past transfers in Japan. 




On the other hand, here in MN, besides the 2 medications above, they told me to take Lupron by self-shots, which I did for egg retrievals too. 



そして、製品名がLupronで、GnRH アゴニストと呼ばれるもの。
The brand name is Lupron, GnRH Agonist. 



Yeah, I'd done a lot of self-shots for egg retrievals already, so there's no difficulty for me to do the Lupron shots. 



Even though I was taking the same medications this time as the ones that I took in Japan, the shapes of them were different. They gave me estrogen patches to put on my belly in Japan, but the clinic here gave me estrogen pills to take in through mouth. 



Honestly speaking, I got a very itchy skin from the estrogen patches in the last 2 transfers in Japan, so I was very happy when they gave me the medicaton in pills here in MN. 



Also, the shapes of progesteron prescribed were different between Japan and MN. In Japan, they gave me progesteron in vaginal tablets, which was simple and easy, but here in MN, they gave me the medication in oil and I had to do self-shots with it, which was a big pain in the butt. 




The self-shots that I did for egg retrievals were all subcutaneous injection, but the shots with progesterion in oil were intramuscular injection, which means that I had to do a shot or 2 in my butt everyday. 




And the shots in butt were super painful!!




I couldn't insert needles in my butt on my own, so Andy did the shots in every morning until the transfer just as directed by our doctor. 




If you've done a intramuscular shot, you'd know the pain. Not only the moment of the prick hurts but also in a while after the shot, the pain gradually gets worse and lasts long. 




After a shot in the morning, the pain gradually got worse in the afternoon and remained on the next day too. 


Needless to say, Andy did shots alternately on the right and left side of my butt, but I had to take another shot before the pain from the prior shot was relieved. 




So, my butt was in pain all day everyday, which was the biggest challenge in the treatment. 




Also, they gave me a medication called "Medrol" here in MN, which I'd never use in Japan. 




メドロール 画像拝借元



As for Medrol, it's a steroid with anti-inflammatory effects and used for preventing immune disorder. With this medication, a small dosage of aspirin is used to get your body ready for an egg transfer. (Medrol)




日本語での詳しい説明を見つけたので、リンクを貼っておきます。「小児用バッファリン(低用量アスピリン)と メドロール(ステロイドホルモン)服用について 」
I found a good article in Japanese about Medrol and aspirin for egg transfers here. 「小児用バッファリン(低用量アスピリン)と メドロール(ステロイドホルモン)服用について 」




Again, I just took 2 kinds of medication for transfers in Japan. 




Compared to that, here in MN, I took 5 medications, Lupron, Estrogen, Progesteron, Aspirin and Medrol.




I assume that there are differences depending on clinics either in Japan or the US, but my personal experience was what I said above. 




Anyways, the pain in my butt 24/7 was very inconvenient and uncomfortable, but we finally reached Dec. 18th, the transfer day. 




Okay, this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!




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