Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

肌荒れを診てもらったよ。 (Visit Dr. to check May-chan's skin)

2019-05-29 14:31:57 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

How's your day going?

Mine is great.

So, on the 1st week of May, we took May-chan to the clinic for her skin trouble for the first time other than regular check-ups.

She'd had some dry spots on her body since before, and we'd frequently put vaseline on her. Though, the spot on her right cheek turned to look infected and wet, and Andy called the nurse line and asked them what we could do for that.

この肌荒れの前にも、歯が生えてきたこともあってAndyっちが病院のナースラインに電話してくれて、赤ちゃん用の痛み止め(Baby Tylenol)を飲ませても良いのかどうかなどを聞いてくれました。
In the past, Andy made a phone call to the nurse line to ask if we could use Baby Tylenol for teething ache before.

At the time, their answer was that we shouldn't use it since even Baby Tylenol still puts a strain on their livers. So, they gave us some tips to soothe teething ache instead.

As for this skin trouble, Andy just wanted to ask them what we could do for it first, but the nurse on the phone recommended him to make an appointment with a doctor just in case, so he made one 2 days after.

One solution for rough skin that we got through the phone call was Neosporin.
(We already had this in our medicine box for burn, scratch or cut.)

On Monday next week, I met up with Andy at the clinic when he's done with his work.

They scaled her weight for the first time in a month after her 4 month check up.

The worst spot, her right cheek was already much better after I used Neosporin a couple of times. It was wet before but turned to be a scab at the time of the appointment.

Recently, she tries to grab my camera when I take her pics. I bet that she was happy not to get any shots on the day. Haha.

On the appointment, May-chan's doctor was off, so the other pediatrician checked her.

As I expected, the spot on her right cheek was not that bad, so she let us know some tips and an anti-itch cram that we could try.

This is the cream. It's OTC. The doctor said that we could use only twice a day and for a week at the longest.

When I put this cream on May-chan a few times after the appointment, the troubled spots became much better. I also used this cream on some spots where she tried to scratch.

Plus, we still keep using vaseline very frequently not to make her skin dry. (Especially, after a bath time)

It was the first Dr's appointment other than regular check-ups, but May-chan was doing very good and happy the whole time.

To be honest, I was thinking, "I could wait and see a little bit more." for her skin, but I appreciate Andy for making a phone call to the nurse line promptly.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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