Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

日本での体外受精 その3 (IVF in Japan vol.3)

2018-01-07 20:18:32 | 2ndステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 1)

How are you doing today?

I've got recovered today and started a new week as usual.

Okay, this is another article of Second Series today.

The series of Second Step articles are about our experience of infertility treatment in the past. So, there's some time gap between the article and the real-time situation.

After I got a respond from this really nice clinic in Kyoto, I found out that they can do IVF for us and got some ideas for the costs too.

So, I started to find a place to stay in Kyoto so that I can estimate the costs of stay too.

I'll say this first, but finding a place to stay is the MOST difficult part to make the IVF in Japan idea come true.

For our dreamy plan, Andy got a permit to work from Japan from his company, but that means he's going to work from midnight to 8am in Japan time.

So, we easily imagined that Andy's going to work while I sleep and he's going to sleep while I'm up in Japan.

That's why, a must thing for a place to stay is that the place has a bedroom, living area and another room for Andy to work in.

Of course, staying in a hotel costs a lot, so I tried to find a weekly apartment which has a kitchen, furniture or washer and you can rent by weeks. Yeah, it's more reasonable when you stay longer too.

What's very hard for me is that most of the weekly apartments in Kyoto are for single person, so they don't have many options for place with an extra room besides the bedroom and the living room.

Plus that we want to have an extra room, this is Andy's first long stay in Japan, so he was saying,

"I'd like to stay in an area where there are shops, bars or convenience stores I can walk to by myself."


With these 2 main requests, "Extra room for work" and "In a convenient area", I also wanted to add this "Easy access to the clinic" to the place to stay as well.

As you probably know, my hometown, Kyoto, is one of the biggest touristic city in Japan and you wouldn't have an issue to find so many places at convenient locations for reasonable prices.

Though, if you try to find a place with an extra room, there are less than 10 options up on the result.

Still, I found this great property which is a house, not an apartment room, very close to Kyoto station!!

So, I showed Andy some pics of the property and he loved it too! The house looked just perfect for us!

"Okay, I'm going to book this one!!"

I was so excited!

To be continued...

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