Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

セカンドステップ・その18 (The Second Step vol.18)

2018-01-02 14:07:48 | 2ndステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 1)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

Okay, I want to write another article of the Seconod Step Series (My infertility treatment) and I'm going to talk more about our big project of this year that I mentioned on the last article yesterday.

The series of Second Step articles are about our experience of infertility treatment in the past. So, there's some time gap between the article and the real-time situation.

On the last article, I wrote about our first insemination with some medicarion at the new infertility clinic.

At the new clinic, I took some medication like Clomid or etc... for insemination. (I did 4 inseminations at the previous clinic, but all of them were without any medication.)

With all the medication, we did insemination 3 times from April through June, but unfortunately, I didn't get pregnant.

After the 3 time trials, we talked to our doctor about options we could take next.

At the meeting, our doctor expained to us that there's an option that we could keep doing insemination with stronger medications. Also, there's another option for us to steu up to IVF.

Andy and were talking about IVF even while we're trying inseminations, so what we heard from our doctor didn't surprise us.

Though, there was an idea more than just a big surprise.

It's still when we were trying inseminations, we were saying,

"If we don't get pregnant through inseminations, probably the next step will be IVF."


One day, Andy came to me and said,

"Hon, what do you think we're going to do IVF in Japan?"

When I first heard the idea, I was pretty much shocked.

I'd never had the idea "IVF in Japan" until Andy told me that and even when I heard the idea,

"Wait! what? Can we really do that?"

I couldn't believe it's possible.

Of course, I trust the medical technology in my country and didn't doubt that it's technically doable, but our life is here in MN and there are the finance, your jobs and much more that you have to take care of.

I couldn't take it as a realistic idea when I first the idea, but since then, I just couldn't get it off my head.


Okay, I just say the concludion first. We, Andy and Hit-chan, are going to stay in Japan for 3 months from January to April and try IVF there!!!

We've been through a lot of thrill and frustration in the process to make this dreamy idea happen, but I want to talk about it here sometime soon.

Anyways, to our family and friends in Japan, we'll be there soon! Thanks ahead for your support!

Okay, it's a long story, so I'll pause it here today. Thanks for reading again.

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