

トリプルバナナ  Tripple Bananas

2011-12-24 11:02:50 | 日記








Yesterday when I was cleaning the back yard I found another banana tree has the fruits on it.

It has much more bananas comparing other two.

Each of three had gotten the fruits in a week or 10 days difference and the harvest time will be as well as same like that.

February I will so busy to harvest them but I’m looking forward to seeing them.

ビーチ・クリスマスパーティー The Beach Christmas Party

2011-12-22 17:44:18 | 日記













We had a Christmas party at beach today.

The first group started at 11:00 and they prepared for the BBQ party.

The venue was the Hammock Beach where was about 10km west from the hospital and wood tables and benches were available.

I started at 1:00pm with Edmond and Root that liked to get on a car on the luggage space.

When we arrived the earlier group already started to grill the chicken wings and its volume was so much.

Finally the gorgeous lunch was grilled chicken wings, sausages and tuna and three dishes of hors d’euvres and rice that were delivered by the catering service.

Chirdren had swum in the water and adults were talking at beach with beers and soft drinks.

I told them “Merry Christmas” and withdrew at 4:30 but the party was continued till 5:30.

Root had been satisfied having a lot of BBQs.

I got two ice cream containers of meat and fish and casaba for waiting Tiger at home.

パーティー三昧  Every day will be a Party day

2011-12-21 16:34:56 | 日記










The Christmas day will be soon coming and I got many invitations for the Christmas party.

Tomorrow we have a party of our maintenance office.

It is a national hospital but the having a Christmas party within a work time is permitted for every section.

We will go to the beach and have a BBQ party from the lunch time.

Today I was press-ganged into the shopping for the foods and drinks even within a working time too.

We bought canned beers, soft drinks, chicken meat, vegetables and a whole yellow fin tuna.

Most of attendants will take some families and total number will be more than 30.

Today it was very fine that unbelievable comparing these days and it could be fine tomorrow too.

The day after tomorrow we have a party at the house of one of JICA experts and the next day will have a dinner party with Solomon Japanese society at Kitano-Mendana hotel.

All of this week we have parties.


送別会 The Farewell Party

2011-12-20 18:31:39 | 日記




途中でピジン語以外は使ってはいけない時間帯が設けられ、私はミノサベ(I can’t)の連発でしたが楽しいひとときでした



Yesterday we have a small farewell party at our office for Mr. Garry who finished his term and went back to Australia.

The young strong boys that were helping to move out the fluoroscopy and all maintenance totally 10 people joined.

The drinks that were a part of prepared for the Christmas party and fish and chips that were bought by $100 of my contribution we shared and eat and talked.

Once there was the period that no one can speak except for pijin language and I only spoke “mi no sabe”.

Anyway it was a very nice time.

X線透視装置撤去  Romoving The Fluoroscopy Machine

2011-12-19 16:59:18 | 日記










The fluoroscopy machine that had been broken and not in order was decided to replace to new one and this time we dismantled and took out the previous old one.

All of them were so heavy and it took for full two days but six of strong young people successfully finished to dismantle and taking them out getting the advice from the Australian volunteer Garry who was the expert of the X-ray machines.

After now we will clean and repaint the room and just wait for the arrival of the new machine.

The machine is the Philips of the Netherlands and it will shipped from the Netherlands to Australian agent and send to Honiara.

It takes at least 6 weeks and the responsible doctor of the X-ray department says it will be arriving at January but how it will be?