Takahiko Shirai Blog



2005-05-31 20:38:43 | 国際
The Wall Street Journal
Seoul's 'Balancing' Role
May 31, 2005

South Korea's President Roh Moo Hyun appears to have taken great umbrage at a Japanese diplomat's comment that Washington no longer trusts the government in Seoul. But anyone reading the diplomat's remarks would find them, well, unremarkable and not that new.

After all, much of what Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Shotaro Yachi uttered reflects what Seoul itself is saying. Mr. Roh's desire to move South Korea away from its traditional alliances with Japan and the U.S., and closer to China -- a dubious strategy that purports to give South Korea the grand-sounding role of "balancer in Northeast Asia" -- has been subjected to much criticism in Seoul.

That is because many South Koreans have not forgotten that it was the U.S. that led the coalition that liberated the capitalist South after it was invaded in 1950 by communist North Korea. Today, 36,000 U.S. soldiers are still stationed in the lower half of the peninsula, putting their lives on the line to keep South Koreans free.

Mr. Roh recently derided Koreans who think this way. "Some educated South Koreans who speak in a way more like Americans than Americans are of the greatest concern," he said while on a visit to Turkey last month.

All Mr. Yachi added is that Mr. Roh's balancing act is one reason Japan cannot pass to Seoul confidential information on North Korea. He is reported to have told South Korean MPs that "since the United States does not have sufficient trust in South Korea, Japan finds it a problem to share information it has received from Washington with South Korea."

"The United States and Japan stand to the right, and China and North Korea to the left. South Korea appears to be moving from the center to the left," Mr. Yachi went on, according to reports in several media outlets. Mr. Yachi last Friday indirectly confirmed that he made the remarks when he expressed regrets that they had come to light even though he said he had made them in a private context.

South Korea's government immediately demanded an apology from Tokyo. So virulent has been Seoul's reaction that a summit between Mr. Roh and Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi slated for late June appeared to come close to being canceled.

But Seoul's angry reaction shows how successful Mr. Roh has already been in destroying the amity that used to prevail in the Seoul-Tokyo-Washington triangle, and how closely his government copies Beijing's own Japan-bashing rhetoric. Relations with Seoul's old allies have deteriorated in 2005.

Since early in the year, Mr. Roh has been dropping mentions of his "balancing" role into major speeches, including those he makes to the National Assembly or to armed forces. He told MPs in February that "our military should be one with the right to operate independently to serve as a balancer in Northeast Asia."

Then over the next two months South Korean news media consistently reported signs that Seoul was putting distance between itself and Tokyo. The Korea Times on March 28 quoted Defense Ministry spokesman Shin Hyun-don as saying that "in line with government policy, we are considering reducing military exchanges with Japan." This followed President Roh's own call for a "diplomatic war" with Japan over competing claims to some islands.

On April 6 the Dong-A Ilbo newspaper said the Defense Ministry was planning a policy desk that would increase military cooperation with China and Russia. This followed a policy announcement by Defense Minister Yoon Kwang-ung that military ties with China would be strengthened, putting them on par with cooperation with Japan. Mr. Yoon also said this gesture was a follow-up to President Roh's design for South Korea to become a "balancing force in the Northeast Asian region," Dong-A reported.

Also in April Mr. Roh's government vetoed a U.S. plan for a joint armed intervention in North Korea in case the impoverished but possibly nuclear-armed Stalinist state implodes. Mr. Roh's coddling of Pyongyang has, of course, also put him at odds with the Bush administration, and in line with Beijing.

But even China's government may find Mr. Roh's overly solicitous behavior toward North Korea burdensome. An opposition lawmaker told the Yonhap news agency in April that Beijing had complained to Washington that Seoul's appeasement was an obstacle to convincing Pyongyang to return to nuclear disarmament talks it abandoned a year ago.

And those who know the misery that is the daily lives of North Koreans find Mr. Roh's balancer designs a bitter irony. "It's a ridiculous idea to play a mediator's role without considering one's ally," Hwang Jang-yop, the highest North Korean official ever to defect, was quoted by the Korea Times as saying in April.

South Korea's government complains bitterly not just when diplomats remind the world of its own words, but when newspapers such as this do it. It insists that Mr. Roh intends to carry out this policy while retaining a strong alliance with the U.S. But U.S. officials have made it clear that the Bush administration isn't pleased with Mr. Roh's designs.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Christopher Hill recently told the New York Times that "If I were a South Korean looking into the future, I would be saying to myself, 'I want a special relationship with a distant power'." Mr. Hill was referring to the fact that Korea has historically been trampled by nearby powers such as Japan, China or Russia. Past attempts to play a "balancing role" have ended in disaster.

Mr. Roh will be able to explain his "vision" to President George W. Bush, when the two meet next week. Officials from both sides have been reported as saying the balancing act will be on the table on June 11, as well as Seoul's North Korea policy. "There's not much agreement between both sides," a U.S. official told us. Maybe there was so much hoopla over Mr. Yachi's comments because they were valid, not invalid.


2005-05-31 14:55:34 | 国際

2005/05/30 10:57




 委員会は11人(大統領推薦 4人、国会推薦4人、最高裁長官推薦3人)全員が民間人からなっており、委員長は姜万吉(カン・マンギル)高麗大名誉教授が引き受ける。

産経新聞 (2005年6月1日追加)
対日の韓国「恥辱の歴史清算」 反民族行為究明委が発足
2005年6月1日 09:05

 【ソウル=久保田るり子】 韓国で日露戦争から日本統治時代までの対日協力者を調査する大統領直属の「親日反民族行為真相究明委員会」が31日、発足した。今後4年間の委員会の調査活動では、故朴正煕元大統領をはじめ有力紙「朝鮮日報」「東亜日報」の創業者らも対象となる。罰則なしとはいえ、存命の遺族らを巻き込む“親日派狩り”が懸念される。








 「親日派の清算」について、韓国政府は「韓国の国内問題で日韓関係とはかかわりない」としているが、調査活動により「親日」イコール「民族の反逆者」とのキーワードが強調されそうだ。【2005/06/01 東京朝刊から】


2005-05-31 00:02:19 | 文学
Edward Fitzgerald "Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám"
矢野峰人訳 『四行詩集』から







Then to the rolling Heav'n itself I cried,
Asking, "What Lamp had Destiny to guide
Her little Children stumbling in the Dark?"
And―"A blind Understanding!" Heav'n replied.







Then to this earthen Bowl did I adjourn
My Lip the secret Well of Life to learn:
And Lip to Lip it murmur'd―"While you live
Drink!―for once dead you never shall return."


2005-05-30 20:29:15 | 国内
NHKの人気番組「プロジェクトX」は、ほとんど欠かさず見ている。5月10日放送の「ファイト! 町工場に捧げる日本一の歌」も見た。だが、「もはや、マンネリなんだな」というのが、率直な感想であった。

これは淀川工業高校のコーラスを扱った内容だったが、高校教育を扱ったものとしては、伏見工業高校のラグビーを扱った 「ツッパリ生徒と泣き虫先生」のほうがずっとよかったと思う。


合唱コンクールなどの場合、彗星のごとく突然現われ、好成績を残すということはしばしばあり得ることではなかろうか。それでは、そういうものの一例を、なぜ「プロジェクトX」で取り上げるのかといえば、その背後に他にはあり得ない強烈なドラマ性があるからだろう。その点で、「ファイト! 町工場に捧げる日本一の歌」はドラマ性が希薄過ぎた。おそらく、NHKのディレクターもそう感じたのだろう。それでフィクション紛いのことをしたのではなかろうか。(下に掲げた新聞記事参照)





2005年5月24日 07:50

 5月10日に放送されたNHKの「プロジェクトX 挑戦者たち」で、事実とは異なる内容が放送されていたことが23日、分かった。番組は、大阪府立淀川工業高校(大阪市旭区)の合唱部が全国で金賞を取るまでを描いたが、高校側は毎年80人の退学者を出す荒れに荒れた学校などの表現が事実と違うとして、訂正と謝罪を求めている。NHKはプロジェクトXのホームページから、この放送を削除した。

 問題となっているのは、「大阪府守口市、電気部品の下請けの小さな鉄工所が並ぶ」「この街から日本一の歌声が生まれた」というナレーションとともに始まった10日放送の「ファイト! 町工場に捧(ささ)げる日本一の歌」。多数の退学者が出るなど荒れていた淀川工に1979年、赴任した新米教師が「歌で生徒を変えたい」と1人で合唱部を作り、苦労の末、87年に全国コンクールで金賞を受賞するまでの日々を追う感動物語だった。






プロジェクトX: 「事実確認不十分だった」とNHK謝罪





 NHKのドキュメンタリー番組「プロジェクトX」が事実と異なる放送をしたと大阪府立淀川工業高校(大阪市旭区)が指摘していた問題で、NHKは28日放送の総合テレビ「土曜スタジオパーク あなたの声に答えます」の中で、問題の経緯を説明し謝罪した。




2005-05-30 19:45:22 | 国際









2005-05-30 14:03:34 | 国際



2005年5月30日 03:21
by 趙憲注 (hanscho@donga.com)




2005-05-30 13:57:10 | 国際
2005/05/29 12:20




2005.05.29 18:59:17 




2005/05/30 12:27





2005.05.30 12:58:24










2005-05-30 09:22:18 | 国際
平生、私は英紙フィナンシャル・タイムスに目を通すことは少ない。だが、昨日(2005年5月29日)の中央日報にフィナンシャル・タイムスの日本に関する論評が紹介されていたので、久し振りにその原文「A Sorry State」を読んでみようという気持になった。

この原文「A Sorry State」は長文で、ここにコピーすると1エントリー1万文字の制限を超えてしまう。そのため次のリンクを付けておくことにする。

A Sorry State


Denial, then, is not the whole story in Japan. And neither is the lack of official remorse. The problem is that history was politicised from the moment the American victors chose to remake Japan in their own image. This turned out to be successful in many respects: Japan has a flawed but functioning democracy; militarism is pretty much dead; and most Japanese lead secure, prosperous lives. But when constitutional law, military defence, foreign policy and history education become hopelessly entangled, the last thing people care about is the honest truth.


私もこの通りだと思うが、さて、ここで「真実を直視すること(the honest truth)」とは具体的にどういうことであろうか。

一方、フィナンシャル・タイムスのこの論評を紹介している中央日報の記事は、この結論部分を訳出していない。韓国人は「真実を直視すること(the honest truth)」について、いったいどういう見解を持っているのだろうか。

2005年5月29日 19:21:12  



マガジンは「Sorry State」という企画記事で「日本が過去の歴史問題に対して繰り返し謝罪をするのにもかかわらず、韓国や中国など周辺国との歴史論争が絶えないのは真の謝罪をしていないため」と指摘した。 マガジンは「日本の歴代首相はもちろん、明仁天皇まで謝罪を繰り返した点から先送りされ、日本が暗い過去の歴史問題を否認しないことは確かだ」と認めた。それにもかかわらずアジア国家が謝罪を受け入れないのは「日本人が過去の歴史問題を根本から受け入れられないため」という説明だ。

マガジンは「1980年代まで日本で極右的発言が盛んに行われなかったのは、2次大戦終戦後、占領軍であるマッカーサー司令部が日本の教育を変えたため」と主張した。マッカーサー司令部は日本の好戦性を抜本的に根絶するため、その根源である天皇崇拝と選民思想など極右イデオロギーを批判する教育を実施した。 日本の戦争責任と非人道的な戦争犯罪に対しても教えた。

この過程で戦争と天皇制を批判する左派知識人らが相当な社会的影響力を確保した。マルキシストを含む広範囲の左派勢力らは天皇制を封建の残りかすとして糾弾し、軍部と軍需業者を帝国主義尖兵として批判した。 特に教員労組に左派の影響力が大きく作用した点は重要だ。学生たちに左派的思考、すなわち過去の歴史問題に対する反省の気持ちを植え付けたためだ。

日本の極右派らが消えたのではない。 戦争に責任ある右派政治家たちが48年の中国大陸の共産化につながった韓国戦争の渦中に米国の反共第一主義によって復権した。 しかし彼らは過去の歴史問題に対する反省を強調する社会的雰囲気では何も言えなかった。

右派らの声が大きくなった決定的契機は91年第1次湾岸戦争だ。 日本は莫大な戦争費用を出しながらも何の発言権がなかった。 安保を依存する状況で米国の要求に従わざるを得なかった。 この事件は日本の極右派はもちろん、多くの国民の自尊心を傷付けた。 平和憲法改正と再武装の要求が感情的に受け入れられた。

こういう雰囲気を反映して拡散した代表的な例が小林よしのりの漫画『戦争論』だ。 98年に出版された漫画の第1巻は60万部売れた。


2005-05-30 01:01:47 | 文学
Edward Fitzgerald "Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám"
矢野峰人訳 『四行詩集』から







Up from Earth's Centre through the Seventh Gate
I rose, and on the Throne of Saturn sate,
And many Knots unravel'd by the Road;
But not the Knot of Human Death and Fate.







There was a Door to which I found no Key:
There was a Veil past which I could not see:
Some little Talk awhile of ME and THEE
There seemed―and then no more of THEE and ME.


2005-05-29 19:37:05 | 国際
アメリカ人に向けた事件の解説であるが、シンガポールの前首相リカンユウ(Lee Kuan Yew)の言葉が引用されているのが印象的だ。日本と中国の摩擦は東アジア、東南アジア全域に少なからぬ影響を与えている。

The Wall Street Journal
Fracas Over Canceled Visit
Mars China-Japan Detente

Beijing Faults Tokyo's Visits
To War Shrines for Discord;
Feud May Unsettle Region


May 25, 2005;

New tensions between Japan and China over an abruptly canceled meeting underscore how Asia's biggest powers are mired in a political stalemate that could upset the region's robust economy and fragile security.

Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi, who traveled to Japan on a fence-mending mission, called off a planned meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on Monday and went home. After initially saying that Ms. Wu had urgent business in China, Beijing said yesterday that Japanese leaders had spoiled the atmosphere for detente by repeatedly insisting on their right to visit a controversial war shrine. Senior Japanese politicians in turn suggested that Beijing should apologize for the cancellation.

The recriminations set back a month of tentative diplomacy aimed at improving relations inflamed by large-scale and sometimes violent anti-Japanese demonstrations in China last month. With Beijing and Tokyo once again arguing over an issue that drove those protests, relations appear locked in mutual mistrust and in a situation that highlights the lack of political will in each capital for improving ties.

"China and Japan are both standing on their old principles marking time, waiting for the other side to take the first step," said Jin Linbo, a senior policy analyst at the China Institute of International Studies. "China feels there's no room for concessions because Japan is at fault, and Japan believes it has made no mistakes."

The ostensible issue for the latest fracas -- Mr. Koizumi's recurring visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, a Shinto temple in central Tokyo dedicated to the country's war dead -- has chilled political ties for four years. Beijing views the pilgrimages as a sign of Japanese militarism and insincerity about wanting to be a peaceful neighbor. It has refused to hold summit meetings with Mr. Koizumi, relegating encounters to the sidelines of international gatherings in third countries, until he stops the shrine visits.

Both sides have so far managed to insulate their intertwined economic relationship, in which Japan has supplied much of the massive investment underpinning China's booming economy. Yet the political frictions are showing signs of upsetting energy cooperation and other economic interests, unsettling a region that has come to see Japanese investment and Chinese demand for raw and industrial materials as pillars of growth.

"If it is badly handled, and the Japanese and the Chinese do not sit down and talk about the past and how to put the past at rest, we will have more eruptions of this, which will be bad for business, bad for the region," media reports quoted Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's former prime minister, as telling a business forum in the city-state at the end of April.

Beijing and Tokyo are already at loggerheads over proposed regional and bilateral free-trade agreements. Signs of a wider spill-over could come next week when midlevel Japanese and Chinese officials hold scheduled talks in Beijing over disputed natural-gas rights in the East China Sea. The governments traded sharply escalating rhetoric over the disputed waters earlier this year and arranged the talks as part of an effort late last month to patch up ties.

But in allowing relations to resume their downward spiral, both governments seem to be choosing powerful domestic interests over larger regional concerns. Both leaderships would alienate their political bases by choosing compromise. In Japan, Mr. Koizumi's visits to the Yasukuni Shrine enjoy broad support among conservatives in his Liberal Democratic Party. His willingness to take a strong stance on foreign affairs has been a key source of his popularity with voters, many of whom feel Japan needs to be more assertive internationally.

Giving in to Beijing could give the appearance of kowtowing to pressure from Chinese President Hu Jintao, something members of Mr. Koizumi's ruling party said the prime minister can't afford to do. "The Japanese people don't want Mr. Koizumi to lose to Hu Jintao. They want him to stick to his guns," said Yoshiaki Harada, a lower-house member who serves on the LDP's foreign-affairs committee.

In Beijing, similarly, bowing to Tokyo and laying aside the Yasukuni visits would force the Chinese leadership to jettison a policy it has stood behind for four years. Doing so, Chinese political watchers said, could prove perilous for Mr. Hu, still a relative neophyte in international affairs after two years in power, opening him up to criticism from within the leadership and from ordinary Chinese, who took to the streets last month and see Japan as unrepentant for its invasion of China last century.

In dispatching Vice Premier Wu to Japan last week, Beijing was employing one of its most talented officials and diplomats to persuade Japan to concede. Ms. Wu, who has helped defuse trade spats with the U.S. and took over the health-care portfolio during the SARS pneumonia epidemic, made a conciliatory speech at an exhibition in Nagoya on May 18, describing Japan as an "important economic partner."

On the eve of her arrival, however, Mr. Koizumi ratcheted up tensions over the Yasukuni issue, telling a budget committee in parliament that "it is not for another country to interfere" in the shrine visits. The atmosphere continued to sour during meetings in Beijing on Sunday when a senior official in Mr. Koizumi's political party visibly angered a senior Chinese official by saying that China's complaints about the shrine visits were interference in Japan's internal affairs, according to Japanese and Chinese officials briefed on the meeting.

In the wake of the comments and Ms. Wu's sudden departure from Tokyo two hours before her scheduled Monday meeting with Mr. Koizumi, attitudes are hardening on both sides, Japanese and Chinese political analysts said. "If you took a poll today, probably 70% of Japanese would call Wu Yi rude," said Kazuo Kobayashi, a professor of policy studies at Sakushin Gakuin University in Japan. "This visit was going so well. She appeared amiable, friendly, charming. But with one mistake, that charming woman now looks to Japanese public opinion like an enemy of Japan."

Write to Charles Hutzler at charles.hutzler@wsj.com and Martin Fackler at martin.fackler@wsj.com


2005-05-29 19:34:16 | 国際
The Wall Street Journal
Koizumi's Refusal to Kowtow
May 25, 2005

Welcome to Round Two of the Sino-Japanese brouhaha, though tension between the two is no laughing matter. What is in evidence here is growing frustration within the Chinese government that, despite constant harangues from Beijing, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's Japan refuses to kowtow to a Middle Kingdom on the rise.

Other Asians should take notice. China is trying to make its presence felt, and Taiwan and Japan have been first to get the pressure. But other Asian peoples and states may also be in for imperious treatment if China persists in this course.

China's fury this time was caused by Prime Minister Koizumi's comment last week that he didn't understand why Chinese leaders insist on being angered by his annual visits to a shrine that houses the remains of World War II soldiers, including some classified as war criminals. "Remember the saying by Confucius, 'Condemn the offense, but pity the offender'," Mr. Koizumi said, reminding everyone that the Yasukuni Shrine also contains the remains of simple soldiers.

Beijing keeps alive the memory of Japan's invasion of parts of the mainland in the 1930s. But that was almost 70 years ago now. Japan paid a huge price for its misdeeds and has been in good standing with the international community for 60 years. During that time, the Japanese people have enjoyed a high degree of political and economic freedom, something that can't be said for the mainland Chinese. At an international conference in Jakarta last month, Mr. Koizumi offered a very public apology for Japan's past aggressions.

Chinese riots in front of Japanese government buildings and Japanese-owned businesses in China earlier this year escalated frictions between the two states. China was clearly in the wrong for allowing anti-Japanese demonstrators to damage the embassy in Beijing and the ambassador's residence. In violation of internationally agreed diplomatic conventions, Chinese police stood cross-armed while windows were broken and paint was poured on walls.

China's government may have been guilty of more than just allowing demonstrators to run riot. Beijing's line continues to be that, like spontaneous combustion, the demonstrations suddenly materialized, as like-minded Japan-haters used the new technologies of the Internet and mobile phone instant messaging to spread the word. But our attention has been drawn to a report in a little-known newspaper last week. Southern Weekend revealed what we had always known, that China has formed an undercover corps of special agents who, posing as normal on-line civilians, try to guide opinion on an Internet culture whose impact is growing in China.

So who knows who planted the seeds of protest? They came at a time when Tokyo was pressing its case for becoming a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council. If that happened it could dilute the influence China wields as one of the existing five permanent members. Japan had also sided with the U.S. in warning China about its threats to use force against Taiwan.

It wouldn't have been the first time in Chinese history that the government pleaded powerlessness as a street movement terrorized diplomats. In the "Boxer Rebellion" of 1900, rebels held the entire diplomatic corps in China pinned in their legations for 55 days. It took an international force to free them.

With its two strategies -- a minor Boxer Rebellion and an appeal for the moral high ground -- having failed, the manner of Ms. Wu's departure suggests that Beijing may be attempting a new gambit. The vice premier found time to have lunch with Hiroshi Okuda, chairman of both Toyota and of the Japanese business group Keidanren, and to speak to a business conference on Monday before standing up the prime minister.

At the conference Ms. Wu pointed out that Sino-Japanese relations were at their lowest ebb in decades, before warning ominously that unless things were turned around quickly, "it would hurt mutually beneficial relations." Japanese businesses have a big stake in China and Beijing is clearly now trying to reach over Mr. Koizumi's head.

But this is a dangerous game. The Japanese public is not amused. A Yomiuri Shimbun poll this month had 92% of respondents saying they were unhappy with China's behavior. China must understand that Japan is a democracy, and its politicians will listen to their people. Ms. Wu can be sure that her snub of the prime minister will not play well in a country famously conscious of the norms of proper behavior.

産経新聞 2005年5月28日


 【ワシントン=古森義久】 中国の呉儀副首相が小泉純一郎首相との会談を突然、中止して帰国したことなど日中間の摩擦について、米国大手紙ウォールストリート・ジャーナル(電子版)は、「小泉氏の土下座拒否」と題した社説(二十五日付)で、中国からの靖国神社参拝中止などの対日要求を「横柄」と批判し、呉副首相の言動も中国側の圧力戦略だと評した。










2005-05-29 14:43:10 | 国際



私はますます関心が高まってきた。そこで「中国人権」(Human Rights in China)のウェブサイトを探し当て、公開書簡の所在などを調べてみた。胡錦涛に宛てた公開書簡そのものはそのサイトにはまだアップされてはいなかったが、ニュースは前日(2005年5月27日)のこととして詳しく報じられていた。

そこでは、天安門事件(1989年6月4日)は南京事件(1937年12月)と結びつけられていた。「中国政府の二重基準」に言及した箇所については、「戦時中の残虐行為について公式謝罪がないと日本政府を繰り返し非難する(中国)政府の二重基準」(the government of a double standard in its repeated criticism of the Japanese government regarding its lack of formal apology for war-time atrocities)となっており、「靖国参拝」という表現は見られない。


人権監視団体: 中国を二重基準と批判 靖国参拝に言及
2005年5月28日 20時05分



2005年5月28日 22時49分




中国人権 (Human Rights in China)
June 4th Families Charge Double Standard Re Nanking Massacre
May 27, 2005

Human Rights in China (HRIC) has received a copy of an open letter written by Ding Zilin and more than 100 other family members of those killed and injured in June 1989, calling for the Chinese government to recognize the same need for accountability and redress regarding June 4th as it is demanding from the Japanese government regarding the Nanking Massacre.

The family members have sent their open letter to Chinese president Hu Jintao in preparation for the impending 16th anniversary of June 4th. Noting that the Chinese government employed the same kind of brutality against unarmed protestors that the Japanese army used against helpless civilians during the Sino-Japanese War, the families accuse the government of a double standard in its repeated criticism of the Japanese government regarding its lack of formal apology for war-time atrocities. The family members call on the Chinese government to act in accordance with its policies of “people first” and “harmonious society” by resolving the controversy over June 4th with appropriate action against those responsible, and restitution to the victims and their family members. The full text of the open letter is appended to the Chinese press release.

“We fully support the open letter by the family members of June 4th victims,” said HRIC president Liu Qing. “China cannot hope for a harmonious society until it achieves resolution on nagging issues such as June 4th, which will remain a thorn in public consciousness until justice is served.”


2005-05-29 03:29:47 | 国際
「北朝鮮問題、主要議題に」 米国防長官、日韓と協議へ







2005-05-29 02:56:14 | 国際
The Wall Street Journal
The Multilateral Moment
May 27, 2005;

Pardon us for not joining the huzzahs to Iran and Europe for this week's deal extending Tehran's moratorium on uranium enrichment. It is at best a temporary fix, at worst one more sign to terrorist states that civilized nations won't confront them over the nuclear issue.

Iran gains another few weeks to work on the nuclear program it concealed from the U.N. for 18 years, while the Europeans think up a bigger bribe. Everyone agreed to meet again in late July, when the Europeans are supposed to present a detailed list of incentives they will offer in exchange for Tehran's promise to give up its alleged "right" to enrich uranium. Iran also gains by delaying any showdown until after next month's presidential election -- in which 1,000 reformist candidates have been disqualified.

The foreign ministers of Britain, France and Germany struck their deal with Iran on Wednesday in Geneva. Yesterday, also in Geneva, the World Trade Organization agreed to open membership talks with Iran. Unlike the 22 other times this issue has come up, the U.S. did not object. Agreeing to let Iran negotiate to join the WTO was part of the U.S. promise to the European three last March in return for their agreement that Iran can't be allowed to enrich uranium. At the very least, this action ought to put to rest the caricatures of the Bush Administration as "cowboys" determined to go to war with Iran.

The U.S. has also been the very model of a multilateralist on North Korea, steadfast in pursuing six-party talks with Pyongyang. Yet this effort too has yielded precious few results. China, which purports to want to take its "rightful" place on the world stage, refuses to use its considerable leverage to influence North Korea; and Seoul, which faces the most proximate threat, keeps writing checks to make life easier for Kim Jong Il.

The result is that North Korea has recently tested a ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, appears to be gearing up to produce weapons-grade plutonium and has indicated it may be preparing to test a nuclear device. When South Korean officials met last week with their Northern counterparts for the first time in 10 months, Seoul deemed the meeting a success because the Northerners didn't walk out.

Oh, and we mustn't forget what's happening, or rather not happening, in New York, where the five-year review conference of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty ends today with no censure of Iran or North Korea in sight. Secretary General Kofi Annan even warned last week against expecting any effective action if Iran or North Korea is ever referred to the Security Council.

We review all this to make the point that if there ever was a moment for the world's believers in multilateralism to come forward, this is it. The self-proclaimed supporters of collective security around the globe have made it clear that they don't want the U.S. to act on its own to stop nuclear proliferation, so how about the world's non-cowboys taking the reins and riding to the rescue?

At West Point in 2002, President Bush said "We cannot put our faith in the word of tyrants, who solemnly sign nonproliferation treaties, and then systematically break them. If we wait for threats to fully materialize, we will have waited too long." That was three years ago. If the multilateral failure on Iran and North Korea continues, no one should complain if the U.S. feels obliged to act on its own to protect Americans from the threat of nuclear weapons in the hands of rogue governments.


2005-05-29 02:53:40 | 国際
The Wall Street Journal
U.S. to Send 15 Jets to South Korea

May 27, 2005; Page A6

WASHINGTON -- The same day the Pentagon said it is sending 15 F-117 stealth fighters to South Korea, a senior Bush administration official told lawmakers the U.S. government is plotting strategy in the event the six-party nuclear talks with Pyongyang fail.

The stealth-fighter deployment and increasingly stern language from senior Bush administration officials seem to be part of a broader push by the U.S. to let the North Koreans know they are deeply frustrated with recent impasses in the six-party talks and concerned that North Korea might test a nuclear weapon.

Earlier this week, the Pentagon abruptly suspended a nine-year-old mission inside North Korea to recover the remains of American troops killed during the Korean War. The North Koreans "have created an uncertain atmosphere. And in an uncertain atmosphere there was a judgment made by the people who are responsible for this team that it is not the best time to be there" Pentagon spokesman Lawrence Di Rita told reporters yesterday.

U.S. officials involved with the North Korean situation are frustrated over a lack of progress on multiparty negotiations meant to get Pyongyang to give up its nuclear program. North Korea has refused to join the six-country talks for nearly a year. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Christopher Hill told a Senate panel yesterday he didn't want to put a deadline on North Korean participation in the talks, "but clearly this can't go on forever." Mr. Hill said the administration was prepared to deal with North Korea "in any way, shape or form" to get them to abandon their nuclear program.

Despite the tough talk, the U.S. has few good military options in North Korea. There is no guarantee an airstrike could eliminate North Korea's nuclear program -- aspects of which could be moved or hidden. Pyongyang also has a large battery of artillery cannons that would cause massive casualties in Seoul. Military officials said the fighter deployment was part of an "ongoing measure to maintain a credible defensive posture" on the Korean peninsula.

On the diplomatic front, U.S. officials met in secret last week in New York with North Korean representatives. The Pentagon's top Asia official, Richard Lawless, appearing with Mr. Hill, told lawmakers U.S. officials are "preparing...for the possibility" the North Koreans have made "a strategic decision to abandon the talks. We certainly hope that that's not the situation."

Write to Greg Jaffe at greg.jaffe@wsj.com and Neil King Jr. at neil.king@wsj.com

The Wall Street Journal
Pentagon Suspends Searches
For Remains in North Korea

Associated Press
May 25, 2005 6:09 p.m.

WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon on Wednesday abruptly suspended U.S. efforts to recover the remains of American soldiers from North Korea, accusing the Koreans of creating an environment that could jeopardize the safety of U.S. workers.

No specifics were provided, but the move came amid rising tensions with the North Korean government over its nuclear weapons and missile programs. The recovery program was suspended once before, from October 2002 to June 2003, after the North Koreans disclosed to a State Department envoy that they had secretly been running an active nuclear weapons program.

The recovery missions began in 1996 and are the only form of U.S.-North Korean military cooperation.

Veterans groups have lobbied to keep the recovery operations going.

So far the work has returned more than 220 remains of U.S. soldiers who died in the Korean War, with the U.S. government paying millions of dollars in cash to the North Korean government for logistical support. Thousands more soldiers are still missing, and a large number of the remains are believed recoverable.

The suspension came just one day after the Pentagon announced that a number of remains of U.S. soldiers had been recovered during the first of what had been scheduled to be a series of missions this year at two former battlefields in North Korea. That announcement gave no indication there was a problem with safety.

"The United States is prepared to continue Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command humanitarian missions to locate, recover and repatriate the remains of Americans still missing in North Korea after they have created an appropriate environment," said a statement issued by U.S. Pacific Command, which overseas the missions.

A spokesman, Lt. Cmdr. Jason Salata, said the decision to suspend operations was made Tuesday by the Defense Department. He said he could not say exactly what prompted the decision.

"The overall environment that the North Koreans have created is not conducive to the effective operation of the missions, so there's a risk there and it's a force protection risk that we view as not ensuring the safest conditions for our recovery teams," Cmdr. Salata said.

The spokesman noted that the North Koreans do not permit U.S. personnel at the recovery sites to communicate with anyone outside of North Korea. This is a restriction that was agreed upon by both sides when they negotiated the terms of the current series of recovery missions. Cmdr. Salata could not say why the restriction is now deemed unacceptable.

"This presents a force protection issue for us, and we want to ensure the safest conditions for our recovery teams," he said. "North Korea has, over the last several weeks, created an atmosphere and an environment unconducive to the continued presence of American personnel in North Korea." He said he could not elaborate.

More than 8,000 U.S. troops are still missing from the Korean War, which ended in July 1953.