Takahiko Shirai Blog



2005-05-29 14:43:10 | 国際



私はますます関心が高まってきた。そこで「中国人権」(Human Rights in China)のウェブサイトを探し当て、公開書簡の所在などを調べてみた。胡錦涛に宛てた公開書簡そのものはそのサイトにはまだアップされてはいなかったが、ニュースは前日(2005年5月27日)のこととして詳しく報じられていた。

そこでは、天安門事件(1989年6月4日)は南京事件(1937年12月)と結びつけられていた。「中国政府の二重基準」に言及した箇所については、「戦時中の残虐行為について公式謝罪がないと日本政府を繰り返し非難する(中国)政府の二重基準」(the government of a double standard in its repeated criticism of the Japanese government regarding its lack of formal apology for war-time atrocities)となっており、「靖国参拝」という表現は見られない。


人権監視団体: 中国を二重基準と批判 靖国参拝に言及
2005年5月28日 20時05分



2005年5月28日 22時49分




中国人権 (Human Rights in China)
June 4th Families Charge Double Standard Re Nanking Massacre
May 27, 2005

Human Rights in China (HRIC) has received a copy of an open letter written by Ding Zilin and more than 100 other family members of those killed and injured in June 1989, calling for the Chinese government to recognize the same need for accountability and redress regarding June 4th as it is demanding from the Japanese government regarding the Nanking Massacre.

The family members have sent their open letter to Chinese president Hu Jintao in preparation for the impending 16th anniversary of June 4th. Noting that the Chinese government employed the same kind of brutality against unarmed protestors that the Japanese army used against helpless civilians during the Sino-Japanese War, the families accuse the government of a double standard in its repeated criticism of the Japanese government regarding its lack of formal apology for war-time atrocities. The family members call on the Chinese government to act in accordance with its policies of “people first” and “harmonious society” by resolving the controversy over June 4th with appropriate action against those responsible, and restitution to the victims and their family members. The full text of the open letter is appended to the Chinese press release.

“We fully support the open letter by the family members of June 4th victims,” said HRIC president Liu Qing. “China cannot hope for a harmonious society until it achieves resolution on nagging issues such as June 4th, which will remain a thorn in public consciousness until justice is served.”
