仁木田株式会社 Nikita Co., Ltd.

居宅介護支援事業  トータルサポート太陽
障がい者就労継続支援事業A型B型 太陽工房
有料老人ホーム 太陽

わくわく I'm so excited.

2015-05-26 15:20:54 | 障がい者就労支援事業


Last Friday, we had a group study to prepare to hold a simplified version of WRAP class at a company. If you say so, two staffs are beginners, so they learned from the foundation. Mr. A has a certificate of facilitator of WRAP class. I myself took WRAP classes twice. Four of us including beginner staffs had a group study. We talked according the hand-out which was prepared. It caused laughter and finished with friendly and cheerful atmosphere.







During studying Recovery, “it is not easy to be done Recovery” is my impression. Recovery in other words, “restoration” or “to gain oneself back”, but I think “to regain a life that can live as yourself”. For example, it takes time to accept own disorders. It requires a long period. Also it takes time to study about the disorders, to connect with friends, and to support each other. Therefore, it is not easy to recover quickly.
It is important to have hope for Recovery. Under no matter what kind of situation you are in realize it clearly, study it, and protect own rights by receiving necessary supports. It gets closer to Recovery only by talking dreams and hopes with your supporters. Recovery Plans that are specialized for you will be ready as WRAP is different for every single person.
If WRAP works well, it will be a good working place. There are WRAP for work situations and it is good to think “the tools that make you cheerful with works”. Make a plan to have people know about you, and if there is a system that helps each other would be great. Write down plans on paper, it could be that person’s instruction manual, and to take a look at the paper we can know each other.
We just start from the basics, we think we want to hold a WRAP class that can be used at a company concerning many people someday. An official WRAP program takes at least two days so to have simplified version for short term, we think we will have group studies a couple of times for the starter.
If you have disorders or not, we could build good relationships with peers (friends), then I hope it is much easier to work at here. I look forward to working with you.

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