文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Even if that lie came to light, it was the same as the New York Times.

2018年07月12日 15時29分27秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Mainichi reporter's lie article ‘Slash a hundred people’

Akioka kept informing that he was also fine today for a year and a half even after to be watched by Mao Zedong, Lin Biao crashed and died while running away.

Even if that lie came to light, it was the same as the New York Times.

Asahi Newspaper also did not correct the article.

'It is news that we can write' means 'We do not care about genuineness and we just want to think about it as news.'

It then was Katsuichi Honda who came out following Akioka.

He wrote the series ‘Traveling in China’ that the Japanese army was so brutal just by imagination.

But, his imagination is not so sturdy.

Honda was troubled with copy, he used 'Slash a hundred people' that is a lie created by Asami Kazuo who was ruffian reporter of the Mainichi Shimbun, and he wrote it the lie as he heard from the Chinese.

Do not borrow others' lie without permission.

When flaw comes out to 'Slash a hundred people', Honda is also suspected, other Pingdingshan massacre and Fushun's a pit of ten thousand corpses are still nonsense and came to light.

Asking, why such a lie was favorite, this man said.

The series ‘Traveling in China’ is a journey to hear the Chinese people saying all one has to say, it is not ‘coverage’ in that sense (‘Sound Argument’ December 2014 special issue number ".

This draft continues.
