文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Please study your history for those of you who work for the Chinese media

2022年01月16日 21時29分48秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by Kaoru Arimoto that I just discovered.

Retweeted by Taro Sekihei
Kaori Arimoto
It's not going to happen.
Please study your history for those of you who work for the Chinese media.
The Japanese did not worship the Sui Empire, the Great Tang Empire, or the Yuan Empire.
We learned and took in what was necessary but boldly eliminated unnecessary and barbaric.
We never accepted eunuchs, imperial examinations, or Lingchi.
That is the Japanese people.
#Japan Chronicles

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Chinese media: "If China surpasses the U.S. and becomes the world's strongest, the Japanese will worship China" https://sn-jp.com/archives/67201

