文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The mass media created all of the problems that Japan faces today.

2022年06月29日 12時03分28秒 | 全般
The following is a rough draft.
Born in Japan with a brain as a genius, I have been a fan of Nagashima since he was a student at Rikkyo.
I spent many years as a Giants fan as it was; this is the view, following Hiroshi Furuta's definition.
The other day, my subscription to MLB.TV, which had not gone well the previous year, went entirely smoothly.
And to use the definition of Hiroshi Furuta, one of the world's leading scholars of the postwar era, I instantly transcended.
The difference between MLB.TV and the Japanese professional baseball organization (NPB), and the Japanese media were dizzying, a difference between heaven and earth.
It was at this point that I understood everything.
The mass media created all of the problems that Japan faces today.
Concerning Mr. Murofushi's criticism of the SDGs, TV Tokyo, a subsidiary of the Nikkei Shimbun, a media outlet that is both vicious and foolish, has hired a female student at Keio University named Naomi Trauden to spread the SDGs, a testament to their viciousness and foolishness.

The media, represented by the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, are the vested interests that have been the main obstacle to Japan's progress.
The vaccine scandal fabricated by Asahi has severely retarded Japan's pharmaceutical administration.
It has tried to choke off Japan's world-class nuclear industry by publishing anti-nuclear articles based on ignorance and malicious intent and forcing several engineers to commit suicide.
They have produced numerously fabricated and biased reports to protect their vested interests and undermine Japan and the Japanese people.
It is a clear fact that the Constitutional law reporting represented by Asahi and NHK has been relentlessly defending the postwar system of Japan created by GHQ, which is their vested interest.
The fabricated military comfort women reports initiated by the Asahi Shimbun to further enhance their authority and undermine Japan and the Japanese people have severely damaged the international credibility of Japan, a country whose civilization's turntable is turning into a matter of divine providence.
Japan's ability to speak out and lead the world for the next 170 years, along with that of the United States, has been severely damaged.
As a result, the world has become unstable and extremely dangerous, which I have mentioned many times.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine and China's attitude have proven my thesis more than enough.

The Japanese people, including myself, will no longer tolerate their folly.
Divine providence, the reality of the world, and the truth have brought down the hammer on the vicious stupidity of the Asahi Shimbun, NHK, and others.

To protect their vested interests, they have been attacking the regime.
Oddly enough, they are not attacking the Kishida administration because they know that Kishida is a politician who will not change the vested interests they have built up, i.e., the postwar system.
They do not criticize or condemn him because they know he is a politician who talks about the three non-nuclear principles and Hiroshima like a fool.
It is long before the Japanese people realize that the true evil is this genuinely macabre.

To be a true patriot who is a student enrolled in an excellent university representing Japan, or a young researcher with a beautiful brain genuinely given by God and who truly loves Japan. I tell you.
There is a difference between heaven and earth in the MLB and Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) aspects. A detailed examination of the differences in these aspects will reveal all of Japan's problems. Finish my "Transcendence" into a dissertation, get a Ph.D., and save Japan and the world.
If so, you will have the best postwar university scholar to lead Japan and the world.
A true intellect who can advance the "turntable of civilization" alongside the United States will be born.
This article continues.
