文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China is guilty of first-degree murder. 

2020年05月15日 22時11分09秒 | 全般

The following is from an article by Mr. Yukihiro Hasegawa in the monthly magazine Hanada, which is a must-read for everyone in Japan and around the world, entitled 'Reparations Hell awaits China.'
Why don't the NHK and other T.V. media report the following at all?
How deeply they are under Chinese control, and
It proves that China is fiercely manipulating the Japanese T.V. media, opposition politicians such as the DCP, and their sympathizers such as the JFBA, and so-called civic groups.
The NHK I am referring to is the closeness of CCTV within NHK headquarters in the first place.
Arima's comments so far attest to China's ferocious leadership of Arima, especially in WATCH 9.
At the same time, there is 100% of 5W1H in this paper, especially the utter loss of the television media. In other words, this paper is a real paper. On the other hand, newspapers such as the Asahi Shimbun and T.V. media such as NHK are reporting fake news. For whom? It's for China.
The emphasis in the sentence except for the headline is mine.
It is a hell of a lot more than the new Corona. 
As the infection of the new coronavirus spreads, there is a fierce condemnation of China around the world.
Lawsuits against the Chinese Communist Party and the government are expected to be filed around the world in the future.
The number of damages thrust upon China will be astronomical, at least in the tens of trillions of dollars (thousands of trillion yen). 
In such a situation, will Chinese President Xi Jinping be able to survive?
I see it as 'impossible.'
The world is not so naive as to allow the person who caused a great disaster to sit in the seat of power.
Mr. Xi is not the only one.
After the plague has subsided, what the Chinese Communist Party must face is a "hellscape that is more than a new type of corona" that threatens to cause the party to collapse. 
The first is the United States. 
In the House of Representatives and Senate, the history of the Chinese Communist Party has concealed facts and spread infection,
An international investigation to determine the truth and a resolution requesting compensation for the victims was submitted.
The skeleton of the resolution that Senator Josh Hawley (R) introduced in the Senate on March 24 reads as follows 
The Senate calls for a resolution to implement the following five items
(1) Condemn the Chinese government's decision to cover up the outbreak of the new coronavirus and its spread in the country in the first few weeks of the outbreak.
(2) Analyze and evaluate the fact that the Chinese government's decision to cover up the outbreak and spread of the epidemic has spread to the Indo-Pacific region, Europe, and the rest of the world.
(3) It reveals that a Chinese government has a persuasion burden about the influence that the decision which is concealed a plague outbreak and infecting expansion with had on life and life of the people in the whole world.
4) Conduct an international investigation by public health officials in the United States and other affected countries into how the Chinese government's response caused the new coronavirus pandemic (a global pandemic).
(5) Tell the international community to quantify the damage that the Chinese government's response to the new coronavirus has caused to the health and economic well-being of the people of the United States and the rest of the world, and
(B)A mechanism will devise to get the Chinese government to compensate each country for the damage it has sustained.
China is guilty of first-degree murder. 
Adding oil to Mr. Hawley's fire of anger was a tweet by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian that the U.S. military may have brought a virus to Wuhan (March 12).
In response, U.S. President Donald Trump fired back, calling it the 'China virus' and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called it the 'Wuhan virus.
It is just a foretaste of what is to come. 
In the United States, there has been a spate of private lawsuits. 
One of the lawsuits, filed in Nevada, demanded damages from the Chinese government, with five companies, including a restaurant and florist in Las Vegas, two real estate companies, and a CPR training company. ‥
The plaintiff is represented by Robert Egret, a nationally known and astute attorney.
He has represented the victims of the October 2017 Las Vegas mass shootings and won settlements totaling $800 million (about ¥86.4 billion) in a lawsuit against a hotel management company. 
Egret said, "The five plaintiffs represent tens of millions of small and medium-sized micro-enterprises that have been affected by the new coronavirus, and they too can be named as plaintiffs.
The final damage is expected to be in the trillions of dollars (hundreds of trillions of yen). 
In Texas, attorney Larry Klayman, a former prosecutor for the U.S. Department of Justice, and others have filed a class-action lawsuit against the Chinese government and the Chinese military seeking $20 trillion (about 2160 trillion yen) in damages.
A similar lawsuit has been filed in Florida. 
According to the New York Post, a U.S. paper dated April 5, Trump said that the Chinese authorities banned exports of masks and other medical supplies to the U.S. medical supplies companies operating in China. "That act is considered a first-class murder," said Jenna Ellis, senior adviser defense for the re-election campaign, revealing that the Trump administration is considering legal action against China.
In the U.S., the whole country is about to start holding the Chinese government and the Communist Party accountable.
This article continues.
