文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

A recent example is a high school girl named Greta Thunberg,

2019年11月10日 21時16分49秒 | 全般
The following is from a paper by Edward Nicolae Luttwak, who adorns the beginning of a particular feature titled 'Month Jae-in Total Collapse' in this month's issue of Hanada.
Korea, learn the truth of history
Four choices on the Korean Peninsula

Swedish hypocrisy
Another example is Sweden.
During the Second World War, the country did not change its position as a passive bystander to the inhumane actions that Germany had done throughout Europe.
The Swedes want to show themselves as the greatest and humane in the world.
A recent example is a high school girl named Greta Thunberg, who gathered a note at the speech of the United Nations Global Warming Summit.
They always preach humanity to the world, insist on saving humanity and saving the earth.
However, they did nothing in response to the humanitarian crisis during the Second World War.
Just watching the battle and eating bread gracefully.
And not only by watching the situation, but they also sold a huge amount of iron ore to Germany.
The Nazis turned it into steel and turned it into guns and tanks.
Sweden, which should be the most humane, supplied materials for German weapons.
Also, when the Germans occupied Norway, the same Scandinavian brotherhood, Sweden, did not help at all.
That is not all.
After the fact, the German troops headed for Norway, which was occupied, passed through the country easily using railroads that crossed their country.
They betrayed Norway and cooperated in transporting troops to Germany.
After the war, for example, around 1953, many European countries had already forgiven Germany, but Sweden, like the Netherlands, had an anti-German sentiment that was so overwhelming.
During the war, they were cowardly like the Dutch and cooperated with the Nazis.
After the war, Sweden preached morality to the world, but their actual action during the war was extremely immoral.
Paradoxically, that is why they want to stand at moral heights.
Many Swedish companies and business people became very economically prosperous during the war by selling large quantities of goods and resources to Germany.
It is well known that many of the Nazi gold bullion eventually went to Sweden.
Because they actively cooperated with Germany, it turned to intense anti-German sentiment after the war.
The same applies to Koreans.
At first glance, Korean behavior is incomprehensible.
However, a careful comparison reveals that the essence is the same as European attitudes towards Germany.
Countries that have been cooperative with Germany during the war will have a genuinely anti-German attitude.
Swedes claim to be the world's humanitarian defender and the rest of the world as greedy people seeking self-interest.
Because they actively cooperated with Germany until the end of the war, they began to criticize 'Germany is a terrible country!' After the war.
Since the Dutch also cooperated with Germany like a servant, after the war, it turned to 'No Germans'.
This article continues.
