文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The "Koreanization" of the Democratic Party in the U.S. is tremendous.

2023年04月05日 23時08分02秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by Mr. Ryusho Kadota that I just discovered.
The "Koreanization" of the Democratic Party in the U.S. is tremendous.
Thirty-four counts of "concealing sexual intercourse with a former pornographic actress... paying hush money to a lawyer... to gain an advantage in an election... making 34 false statements in business records... repeatedly listing 'legal fees' as 'legal fees,' which is not true." The "listed as "legal fees" is not true."
The U.S. society has become leftist and is running toward totalitarianism of strong-arm power.
Is the "world's hegemonic power" changing after all?

Quoted tweets
Chieko Nagayama
What do you mean by "34 counts"?

The indictment states, "He was charged with concealing sexual intercourse with a former pornographic actress and other women...and paying hush money to a lawyer...to gain an advantage in an election...and repeatedly making "34 false statements" in business records about multiple payments. "The statement "attorney's fees" is untrue."

Is the U.S. OK? It's on a level that makes you wonder.

