文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

a plot to keep Japan in a permanent political prisoner position in the international community

2021年10月14日 10時45分36秒 | 全般

I am re-disseminating the chapter I sent out on July 06, 2019, titled We, the people of Japan, were gravely negligent five years ago in August when the Asahi Shimbun officially apologized in Japan for this incident and the president resigned.
The chapter I sent out yesterday titled, "They are reporting the news as if they admire it as it is the right action to criticize power as evil.
Official hashtag ranking: Kyoto University is ranked 75th.
A person who has nothing to do with Kyoto University called Sung To Kai lived in the Kumano dormitory of Kyoto University for free for many years. It is the chapter that I sent out on 2018-05-15 titled.
Kyoto University is a national university.
Its facilities are national property. 
It was at Kyoto University that it started the horseshit scheme of comfort women in the first place.
Sung To Kai, who had nothing to do with Kyoto University, lived in the Kumano dormitory of Kyoto University for many years for free.
He ignored the GHQ's order at the end of the war that Koreans from the Korean Peninsula should return to the Korean Peninsula.
He didn't want to go back to the Korean Peninsula (where there was the worst discrimination system); that would have been the man's intention.
He even filed a lawsuit against the Japanese government, claiming that he was a Japanese citizen and should be treated as a Japanese.
In the meantime, he seduced Atsuko Aoyagi, a housewife whose husband was a doctor who had graduated from Kyushu University, into starting a movement.
It is at the time.
In the past year or two, the Asahi Shimbun has proven itself to sympathize with the totalitarian state and the headquarters of its hive, the mini-Goebbels.
In the Asahi Journal, which was the bible of the subscribers who blindly believed in the Asahi Shimbun, Sung had Aoyagi repeatedly run advertisements as the head of the paper.
It's easy to guess now where this money came from.
The person who jumped on the bandwagon was Yoon Mee-hyang, the volunteer corps task force founder and a confirmed North Korean spy.
It was Mizuho Fukushima, a lawyer at the time, Takaki Kenichi and others, and the Asahi Shimbun, especially the reporters from the Osaka Social Affairs Department. 
The use of this scheme, initiated by Sung To Kai, by the people mentioned above to attack Japan continues to damage it. 
It cannot convert its honor and credibility into a monetary amount.
The Government of Japan essentially has to make all of the above people compensate for the damage their activities have caused to Japan and the people.
The damage is still being done all over the world.
The totalitarian people who grew up with the anti-Japanese education started by Syngman Rhee have been erecting statues of comfort women and conscripts worldwide = anti-Japanese propaganda.
It is a plot to keep Japan in a permanent political prisoner position in the international community.
Its purpose is to diminish Japan's national power.
It is now clear that the Asahi Shimbun and NHK have made the most significant contribution to this scheme to extort large sums of money from the Japanese people at every turn.
The people of Japan were gravely negligent when the Asahi Shimbun made an official apology in Japan five years ago in August, and its president resigned over this matter.
We had to make the Asahi Shimbun cease publication and compensate for the astronomical damage caused by the many false reports this newspaper has been conducting to humiliate Japan.
The following is the cause of this conspiracy, which is damaging the honor and trust of the Japanese nation and the Japanese people in a way that cannot be translated into monetary terms.
The Japanese National Kyoto University allowed a person with no connection to Kyoto University named Sung To Kai to live in the Kumano dormitory for free for many years.
Why did this happen?
Subscribers to the Asahi Shimbun have unquestioningly accepted editorials praising Kyoto University as an out-of-office leader of a group because of the Takigawa incident, etc.
However, the ringleader of the incident, Takikawa Yukjitoki, was a person purged as a communist who was harmful to the Japanese nation before the war.
In other words, he was a good-for-nothing communist, but he became the president of Kyoto University.
When I found out about this the other day, I understood for the first time that this was why the Sung to-kai had been living in the Kumano dormitory for free.
On the other hand, the Kumano dormitory has become the kind of building that would not only surely collapse but would undoubtedly cause a secondary disaster such as a fire.
So far, Kyoto University has continued to neglect it.
It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire city is a world heritage site. Still, Kyoto University has finally reached the level where they can understand the folly of a national university continuing to maintain such a building.
It took 74 years after the war, and finally, it became decent.
Seventy-four years after the war, Kyoto University has finally reached a level where it could break free from the yoke of GHQ, which was a group of people who were ignorant about Japan.
Although the university still has as its staff a man who made a significant contribution to the development of North Korea's nuclear weapons, a folly that has yet to be cured.
The other day, I saw a news report that students filed a lawsuit against the university's decision to dismantle the Kumano dormitory.
The childishness and self-importance of the students' argument is the very cause of the recent incidents involving lads and lasses in good neighborhoods.
The Kyoto University students were saying that the university must support the poor students. 
They are not even ashamed of it but insist that it is their right.
Unlike those who come out of Kyoto University, some of whom are leftist pedophiles who make these kinds of claims and come out as people who harm the country, I have never seen such a thing.
I am a person who was given a brain by my teacher when I was a sophomore in high school, who told me, "You will stay at Kyoto University and carry it on your shoulders."
God's test of family misfortune and the resulting lack of money that comes with it.
When I arrived in Kyoto, for some reason, I thought to myself, "I don't need a university."
I started a real estate company in Osaka from scratch, which became the largest small business in Japan, and paid over 17 billion yen in taxes to the government.
The other day, I happened to watch a TV program hosted by a comedian who was making fun of the University of Tokyo versus Kyoto University.
He said that Kyoto University students are poor because there are far fewer companies around them to get part-time jobs compared to Tokyo University.
But that's just what the TV stations are saying as they continue to enjoy the springtime of their lives... Most of the students at Kyoto University have done well in their studies.
The people who file lawsuits like that will never become good people for the country or us.
And even if they become parents, they will only be able to raise people who attack cops.
The reason is that there is not a shred of noble spirit in their pampered attitude.
As human beings, they lack the qualifications to be students of Kyoto University, a university that represents Japan and the world, from the very beginning.
They are people who do not even understand such things.
If you are so poor that you can't even complete your studies, you have no choice but to drop out of school.
Anyway, since you have the brains to get into Kyoto University, you can do anything.
In addition, you don't need money to start a business nowadays. 
You can create a company with just one yen. 
With your brains and PC skills, you can easily accomplish any amount of crowdfunding.
If you have time for such a lawsuit, which is not only wrong but also disgusting as a human being, you should drop out of school right now and start a business together.
If you do that, you can build a company that can compete with Google.
Let's do it in unison.
The current unity is a complete mistake.
Even if you become a so-called human rights lawyer such as Mizuho Fukushima, you will be avenging Japan and the Japanese people as long as you do that.
Even if you can become a parent who raises a child who can kill others, you cannot become a person who lives a life for the sake of the world and others.
The female student who said in a newspaper interview that "Kyoto University has lost its character..." in response to the removal of the childish and vicious billboards that have been polluting the landscape of the world's most fantastic city called Kyoto, should read my article before claiming to be a Kyoto University student.
Kyoto is a city that was built by many great people long before Kyoto University was established.
NHK is so proud to say that a new sign protesting the removal of this sign has been put up...
An article reported that NHK was reporting on the protest as if they were praising it as a righteous action to criticize the power as evil.
The fact that NHK is reporting such a thing...
The fact that NHK is reporting on this is like how the Sung To Kai infiltrated Kyoto University and incited a woman who had graduated from Kyushu University.
Many Koreans living in Japan infiltrated NHK and organized the International Tribunal for Women War Criminals.
NHK became the organizer and sponsor of the Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery.
NHK continues to report on the Morikake case in sympathy with the Asahi Shimbun, using watch9 as its main battlefield.
Her de facto husband is a former Red Army criminal (who has not changed his ways and is probably still an activist).
She was arrested and indicted for defrauding the Diet members of their salaries, which were paid by the Japanese people's taxes, and resigned from the Diet after its conviction.
It is no exaggeration to say that Kiyomi Tsujimoto would be defined as a spy from the Korean peninsula in any developed country other than Japan.
NHK, which has been reporting on such a woman in the big picture every day.
Of all the reports, the one that I thought was the worst was the following.
When Prime Minister Abe and his wife flew to the recent Japan-U.S. summit meeting on behalf of the Japanese nation and the Japanese people, which was critically important for the Japanese country and the Japanese people, they were accompanied by Mrs. Akie.
It is what she said in response to the fact that Mrs. Akie was accompanying him.
It can only be described as the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
No, the politicians of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan can only be described as agents of the Korean Peninsula.
NHK's watch9 reported it as a correct situation.
It is a heavyweight of the Japanese Red Army who commits severe crimes against Japan and the world and has a close relationship with North Korea.
She is a woman who has such a man as her husband.
She was arrested and resigned from the Diet after defrauding the Japanese people of their tax money.
Which developed country's president will welcome a woman with such a background with her husband and wife!
Has NHK's news department ever thought about this even once?

