文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I hope that this will ensure the safety of the Imperial Family and lead to a stable future for Japan

2022年01月07日 11時37分59秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
In the case of (1), if the system is such that neither the men who marry female members of the Imperial Family nor their children become members of the Imperial Family, even if the number of members of the Imperial Family is secured through this method, there is a drawback in that they will not be able to assume the throne.
Of the three proposals, the best measure would be (2).
As Tsuneyasu Takeda has often pointed out on "Genron TV," there are currently more than 20 male lineage members who are younger than Prince Akishino and belong to the imperial line.
Furthermore, in recent years, many children have been born in the former Imperial Family, and the number of male lineage boys is increasing.
In other words, there are quite a several male lineage males who belong to the imperial line who are eligible for adoption.
These former members of the Imperial Family are relatives of the current members of the Imperial Family, and they know how difficult the daily life of the Imperial Family is.
At the same time, they know how hard it is to be a member of the Imperial Family. At the same time, they know better than to suggest that they would like to return to the Imperial Family.
The role of the government is to communicate with these former members of the Imperial Family and help them choose the right person or the right family.
It should also discuss the matter with the members of the Imperial Family and help ensure that the adoption of a child from the former Imperial Family goes smoothly with mutual understanding and cooperation.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's responsibility is to start building a support system for Hisahito as soon as possible.
Plan to weaken Japan 
As for the return of the former members of the house of a prince of the blood to the imperial register, some people are opposed to the idea, arguing that the return of people who were civilians for more than 70 years after the end of World War II is uncomfortable.
However, Her Majesty the Empress was a civilian.
The same is true for Her Imperial Highness Princess Noriko and Her Majesty Empress Masako.
Even so, the public enthusiastically supported the three of them joining the imperial family, didn't they? 
It was not the Japanese people who wanted the former members of the Imperial Family to leave the Imperial Family.
As mentioned above, it was merely ordered out of the blue by GHQ.
The weakening of the Imperial Family was also a significant pillar of the occupation forces' plan to weaken Japan.
The former members of the Imperial Family have continued to interact with the Imperial Family long after they became civilians.
Now that the number of members of the Imperial Family is small, I think it is natural for these members to return to the Imperial Family through adoption.
It is time to break the spell of GHQ's plan to weaken Japan.
Mr. Akira Momochi, a constitutional scholar, also strongly supports proposal 2).
Mr. Momochi's point is interesting.
If you go back in the history of the Imperial Family, you will find that the adoption of children by the Imperial Family has often taken place.
For example, in the four hereditary princely families (the Fushimi, Katsura, Arisugawa, and Kan'in Imperial families), the successive heads of the families were "grace children" (nominally adopted children) of the Emperor.
After receiving the proclamation of the imperial prince (recognized by the Emperor as the imperial prince), he inherited the palace family. Still, when the lord was absent, the prince of the Emperor was adopted, and the palace family continued to exist.
In the case of the Katsura family, which lasted for 11 generations, seven of the heads were adopted by the Emperor's prince.
The other families above also have a history of adopting boys from the imperial lineage. 
The adoption system is also used in the private sector.
There are various forms of adoption, including the adoption of babies and adults.
It would be better to think positively and welcome a group of members of the Imperial Family who can serve as friends and advisors to support Hisahito.
I hope that this will ensure the safety of the Imperial Family and lead to a stable future for Japan.


