文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

That's a level that requires vigilance as a Japanese race.

2023年04月26日 11時40分12秒 | 全般

The following is from Mr. Tadanobu Bando's tweet that I just discovered.
Bando Tadanobu
a foreigner
❶ To influence political decisions
❷ Mobilize children systematically
❸ Collective action in front of the Diet
That's a level that requires vigilance as a Japanese race.
I want to ask the opinion of the Japan-Kurdish Friendship Association.

quoted tweet
Isoko Mochizuki
Before I went to the Judiciary Committee, I saw Kurdish children desperately appealing in front of the parliament in the evening, "Don't pass the bill!" Just hearing the children's voices is heartbreaking...More



