文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The consumption tax hike in Japan, a few years ago,

2014年02月06日 20時22分42秒 | 日記

The consumption tax hike in Japan, a few years ago, in the days of administration was not an exaggeration to say that an all-time low in every aspect, is professor of Osaka University was the alumni of the University and the person was prime minister at the time, to this person, as a result of the advised, quite suddenly, he is the started to say the consumption tax hike.

akutagawa kenji is 're writing in " The Turntable of Civilization " that at this time . Unfortunately, the consumption tax hike that says a professor at Osaka University, Japan is not able to go back to the original.

I wrote so, but before that, in the poor of the remainder of this prime minister, this government, was a big defeat in the election at that time. The defeat completely before long, shadow also see now is there no, but is as you know.

Description to prove that the editorial of akutagawa kenji, was right 100% in this respect is, is there was in the “China of surprise” that the other day, were introduced. That three is the author of this book is an excellent university professors, is the fact that the Japanese media also Society also, you know clarity.

From p265 to p266

First part omitted


I spoke of the Ministry of Finance of Japan Part 2. It is thought the Ministry of Finance have aimed at fiscal consolidation, a lot of people, and has come up with tax increase measures as measures of the best, but it thought of financial officials in fact was a story that is not so.

Because it is the ultimate goal is to increase the interest of the Ministry of their own by raising taxes , if for that , or not willing even to interfere with the fiscal consolidation route , including the economic recovery . The empirical, real GDP growth rate is accustomed to 3-4%, that the fiscal rebuilt efficiently or kick than the tax increase, it is not already known from the statistical data of each country.

Department of the Treasury, but in the familiar it, you are trying to raise taxes to pull the leg of economic recovery for some reason.

 Upon consumption tax increase bill passed, Noda former Prime Minister to come to there, was blown into the financial bureaucrats, bullshit emotional “politicians who pick up the chestnuts of fire that tax increase to antagonize of the people leaving a name " and he always believed .

The omit the last part

And editorial committee members of the mass media in Japan , and scholars who have kept pace with this , politicians and economic critics around the world , Akutagawa , should be read in look with keen interest, this article is the.

It is become a thing for economic downturn due to consumption tax hike, morons or bullshit, of you guys are, and that join supplementary budget of 5 trillion yen or more.

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