文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Masayuki Takayama's must-read article and my photographs. Part 2.

2024年09月07日 18時33分55秒 | 全般
A collaboration between Masayuki Takayama's must-read article and my photographs. Part 4.
A partnership of Masayuki Takayama's article and my photos, a must-read for all Japanese citizens.
April 25, 2023
When a neighbor's child is kidnapped by Koreans, the new Japanese say “long live Article 9” as if it were someone else's problem.
Jun 14, 2022
The following is from the recent book "Biden is Red" by Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
This book is one of his best works.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.
Several passages will move the Japanese people to tears.
This book is a true enlightenment for the Japanese people.
It is how the Japanese smile disappeared.
William Dickson, the Englishman who introduced the beauty of Fuji to the world in the early Meiji period, described the Japanese people as follows: "There were no faces burdened with the stresses common in everyday Western life. Everyone was smiling, and it seemed like there was no such thing as sadness in the world."
The French painter Felix Legame also wrote, "The smile of the Japanese is the basis of all courtesy, and it never disappears, no matter how unbearable or sad the situation."
Edward Morse witnessed what Legame calls the smiling face during the Great Fire of Yokohama.
He saw no tears or irritation. 
People were smiling as if there were a festival and getting on with rebuilding." 
English poet Edwin Arnold wrote, "The Japanese scenery is graceful, and the people divinely kind, charming, and courteous." 
Rudyard Kipling, who visited Japan in 1889, was also impressed by the same thing but worried about how long it would continue unbroken.
Americans said similar things.
Townsend Harris, who came aboard to threaten Japan, said, "Japan is entering a new era. I dare to ask. Will it be true happiness for Japan? 
But this merchant diplomat was a forager. 
He negotiated with the shogunate and set the currency exchange rate at "one one-dollar silver coin to three one-bu silver coins."
However, Harris made no mention of the gold-silver exchange rate.
As a result, a back door was created to obtain gold at the unbelievable rate of three koban coins for four silver coins.
Thus, the United States gained hundreds of thousands of ryo, and Lincoln was able to cover almost all of the costs of the Civil War.
Of course, Harris made a killing.
Kipling knew this and predicted that "Japan would eventually be made a territory of the United States and turned into a factory for making buttons and hooks" ("Kipling's Discovery of Japan"). 
In fact, Americans had no interest in understanding Japan.
Even Lafcadio Hearn described family members laughing at a wake as "incomprehensible." 
For the U.S., Japan was nothing more than a sitting duck, and the rest were considered incomprehensible. 
So when Japan defeated assertive Russia, Theodore Roosevelt pretended to be a mediator between Japan and Russia and ensured Japan was not given a single ruble in reparations.
The only rights in Manchuria that had been given to Japan were taken away by Hoover and Secretary of State Stimson, and Franklin Roosevelt started a war against Japan to revive the American economy. 
Thus, bombs rained down on "picturesque Japan," and everything was burned to the ground. 
On August 30, 1945, U.S. generals stationed in Japan were perplexed by the Japanese response. 
The Japanese greeted them with a warm smile, "the basis of all courtesy," as Legame put it, even as they dropped the atomic bombs. 
MacArthur was not cultured.
He could not distinguish between Legame and Green Turtle. 
He had expected the Japanese to be as terrified as runaway black slaves.
MacArthur was enjoying the euphoria of victory, but they were smiling.
Why were they smiling?
MacArthur had been chased by the Japanese in the Philippines and forced to make a humiliating escape before the enemy. 
For a moment, MacArthur thought the Japanese were mocking him for being a coward. 
Or perhaps they were laughing at the humble side of those who fawn over the powerful, like Miyazawa Toshiyoshi of Tokyo University, who had endorsed the GHQ Constitution. 
For a moment, MacArthur wondered whether the Japanese were sneering at him for being a coward.
Or it was a humble laugh to curry favor with the powerful, like Miyazawa Toshiyoshi of Tokyo University, who had expressed support for the GHQ Constitution.
Either way, it was unpleasant, so he ordered, "Put an end to the ambiguous laughter."
To enforce his order, he organized the Japan Teachers' Union and had a scholar write it down and include it in textbooks. 
Mr. Nagase, my homeroom teacher at Azabu Elementary School, also taught us to "put an end to the ambiguous laughter."
MacArthur established the "Science Council," an organization comprised of such scholars to ensure that this would take root in the future.
Toshiyoshi Miyazawa was the first to be elected as a member of the Council, who sesame-picked with a straight face, saying, "MacArthur's arrival triggered an invisible August Revolution." 
MacArthur erased the smiles from Japan, the frowns increased, and the people who passed by with umbrellas leaning against each other disappeared. 
When Koreans kidnap a neighbor's child, the new Japanese say, "Long live Article 9," as if it were someone else's problem.
I want people to know that all of this is the fault of the Council for Science and Technology Policy, which was under the control of MacArthur. 
(October 29, 2020 issue)


Today's Sankei Shimbun published a memorial article for Ishikawa Mizuho, who discovered that Asahi's reporting was fabricated.
June 14, 2022
Titles omitted.
When Takayama Masayuki, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, worked as a desk editor at Sankei Shimbun, Ishikawa Mizuho was his subordinate.
Immediately after the end of the war, GHQ threatened Asahi Shimbun with closure, and since then, in accordance with their wishes, it has been working hard to report in a way that denigrates Japan.
It is a clear fact that in all sorts of fields, various fabricated reports have been repeatedly made to denigrate Japan and hinder the strengthening of Japan's national power.
Finally, in August 2014, Asahi Shimbun officially admitted to fabricating reports on comfort women and the Yoshida memo.
At that time, the Japanese government did not seek compensation from the Asahi Shimbun or shut down its publication, and it is no exaggeration to say that it was, so to speak, an incompetent government with even less authority and power than the makeshift government of GHQ.
The basis of the Asahi Shimbun and NHK's reporting that denigrates Japan is the theory that the Japanese military is the villain.
When Asahi tried to further strengthen this theory by fabricating a report that what was a smokescreen was a poison gas operation by the Japanese military, Takayama was the editor at Sankei Shimbun.
His subordinate, Ishikawa Mizuho, saw the Asahi report as a fabrication.
A memorial article for Ishikawa Mizuho was published in today's Sankei Shimbun.
Readers of this column and Takayama Masayuki must have immediately considered the above.

A collaboration between Masayuki Takayama's must-read article and my photographs. Part 5.
However, the dosimeters were normal, and Asahi Shimbun journalists fabricated the statements...Asahi also made a fuss over the approval of the restart of the Takahama nuclear power plant.
Jun 11, 2022
The one millisievert/year lie still stands, and the number of anti-nuclear Billionaires clinging to that lie is on the rise.
This is the chapter I published on 2019-06-07.
It needs to be re-read not only by the Japanese people but also by people worldwide.
The following is from Masayuki Takayama's famous column in yesterday's weekly Shincho.
It is a brilliant article that proves that he is the only journalist in the postwar world.
This paper also proves that he is more deserving of the Nobel Prize in Literature or the Nobel Prize for Peace than anyone else.
It is the best article in the world, full of facts that all Japanese citizens and people worldwide should know.

The evil Kaguyahime
The first thing that changed dramatically after the establishment of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) in Tokai-mura was the performance of the local elementary and junior high schools.
They became the best in the prefecture. 
It is not surprising since the children of young nuclear physicists attend the school, but another change was the spread of communists. 
When they were talking about beta decay and the Cherenkov effect in the blue sky, vast ocean, and green pine forests, they would suddenly think of Gramsci or Hara Hara Tokei. 
*Hara Hara Tokei is a manual released in March 1974 describing tactics for guerrillas and methods of bomb-making, which was an underground publication of the "wolf cell." underground publication of the "wolf cell" of the East Asia Anti-Japan Armed Front, a far-left terrorist organization responsible for serial bombings of Japanese corporations in the 1970s including the offices of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in 1974. *
The Japanese government decided that nuclear power could not be entrusted to such a group, so it recruited the best and brightest to form the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC ). 
PNC was given a large budget, the performance of nuclear power plants was improved, and the dream nuclear reactor "Monju" began to operate.
PNC flourished with Jaeri's resentment on its back.
But then the tsunami and Naoto Kan brought about a dark turn.
Although incompetent, the cunning, fully-fledged man chose Korean-made solar panels over nuclear power plants.
The cunning, fully-fledged man appointed someone from his vendetta against Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAERI) to the Nuclear Regulation Authority, a position he gave full power.
Stalin placed Jewish guards in German POW camps and made them commit more atrocities than at Auschwitz.
It is similar to that.
The first Shunichi Tanaka immediately shut down all nuclear power plants as he expected.
Prove that the strata beneath the plants have not moved for 300,000 years.
Then I will let you operate it. 
It is more challenging than an order from Kaguyahime.
Most of the nuclear power plants are not even on track to restart. 
But Tanaka was still sane in his evil way. 
The Asahi Shimbun reported on the Kawauchi Nuclear Power Plant, which was finally restarted, saying, "Dosimeters in the surrounding area are not functioning, and residents do not know where to run to in the event of an accident.
The article also included a statement from a senior official at the Nuclear Regulation Authority that "the restart was too early," and an editorial the following day dismissed the move as "too sloppy to be of any use."
However, the dosimeters were normal, and a reporter made up the story.

*This fact must have surprised and dismayed everyone. I asked my friend who was with me, "What kind of a rotten newspaper is the Asahi Shimbun? *

Tanaka harshly criticized the newspaper, saying, "It is no longer criminal to incite residents' anxiety with lies.
By the way, Asahi neither apologized nor made any correction.
"Anything anti-nuclear is innocent," the Asahi sneered.
Asahi also made a fuss over the approval of the restart of the Takahama Nuclear Power Plant.
What if missiles from North Korea were to be launched at us? 
Tanaka replied, "It would be much better to drop it in the middle of Tokyo than to target a tiny nuclear power plant."
The moment you fire a missile, the North will die.
There was no way they would aim at the remote oceanfront. 
In his way, Tanaka persuaded the residents and criticized the foolish newspapers. 
But Toyoshi Fuketa, the second generation, had no such common sense.
He started his activities only with a grudge. 
First of all, he decided to decommission Monju.
It was not an elementary school experiment; he ruined a trillion-yen project with a single spill of sodium.
He thinks nuclear power plants are just another PNC monk's robe.
He has raised the hurdles for restarting the reactors to the utmost limit.
For example, the maximum tsunami on the Sea of Japan side is scientifically estimated to be 5 meters, but he is demanding that it be more than twice that amount. 
If an earthquake strikes, the plant will liquefy.
He demanded that thousands of reinforced concrete piles be driven up to 50 meters underground to "prepare for unprecedented liquefaction. 
He also demanded counterterrorism measures.
In the U.S., each nuclear power plant is required to have a backup power supply and cooling water pools in case a Phantom fighter jet crashes into a nuclear reactor building and causes a fire. 
Fuketa used this as a reference and demanded, "In Japan, we must assume a terrorist attack in which a four-engine jumbo jet crashes into the reactor building. 
To meet this requirement, a 50,000-ton cooling water pool 50 meters underground would be needed, enough to float the battleship Yamato. 
Each nuclear power plant is currently working hard to dig its underground pools.
In addition, an additional order has been issued with a deadline to install an emergency power supply and an operation control room deep underground.
There will be no approval if they don't get it in time. 
Thus, major construction projects surpassing those of the Matsushiro underground headquarters are being quietly carried out at each nuclear power plant.
The cost is several hundred billion yen. 
But the question remains.
The enemy is either Al Qaeda or North Korea.
Why should each nuclear plant be responsible for its defense?
If the NRA has concerns, it would be wise to ask the government to ensure their safety.
The lie of 1 millisievert per year still stands.
The anti-nuclear billionaire clinging to that lie has also been born in a crowd.
It is the NRA's job to uncover such wrongdoing, but they have left it alone.
The ugly Princess Kaguyahime is unbearable to watch.

We can repay a fraction of the favor engraved in our history. 
Unlike Korea, this would surely be something meaningful.
Jun 11, 2022 

We have wasted 20% of our national budget for 36 years on a country like Korea. 
This chapter, "Let's put even one-thirtieth of that money toward the U.K.," was originally published on 2019-11-12.
Kenzaburo Oe, flaunting his friendship with Shuichi Kato in a conversation with the foolish Hisashi Inoue, re-transmits the chapter he transmitted on 2018-12-29 titled Kato says there are only two geniuses in Japanese history, Kukai and Sugawara Michizane.
Masayuki Takayama's column in the Weekly Shincho New Year Special Issue also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
Subscribers must have read it with a good laugh and admiration.
However, no discerning soul can forget the importance of this paper.
They will be grateful for his presence in Japan.
Acknowledging the Anglo-Japanese Alliance
The first encounter between Japan and Britain was in the early 19th century when the Phaeton raided Nagasaki harbor. 
The Japanese were very surprised at how violent a country it was.
To find a way to deal with the situation, he first compiled an English-Japanese dictionary, "Angeria Worind Taisei" (Angeria Dictionary).
Later, when Americans who spoke the same language and were more violent came, it was of great help. 
Although this is counter-intuitive, the British did some good things. 
At the end of the Edo period, the Russian ship Posadnick came to Tsushima, ravaged the villages, and demanded a harbor lease and prostitutes. 
If the Shogunate had poorly responded, it could have occupied Tsushima.
In fact, in 1875, a Russian ship came to Sakhalin and made the same threat.
Japan could not resist the threat on its own, and Russia acquired Sakhalin. 
When Tsushima was also in danger, British Minister Allcock dispatched two warships to drive the Russians away. 
It was a good ending, but we cannot thank him enough.
When Japan faced Russia again across the Korean peninsula, the British formed a military alliance with Japan. 
All Japan had to do was to fight Russia.
If Germany and France, which hated Japan, helped Russia, Britain promised to join the war immediately and defeat Germany and France. 
No one wanted to fight against the most powerful country in the world, Britain. 
The Baltic Fleet could have rested in Cam Ranh Bay, France, before entering the Sea of Japan, but the French government did not allow it to enter the port for fear of the Anglo-Japanese alliance. 
The fleet's officers and men were still exhausted from the long voyage that took them halfway around the world, and they collided with the United Fleet off Tsushima Island.
About 20% of the great victory of annihilating the Russian fleet was due to the British.
The Anglo-Japanese Alliance was dissolved due to the cunning of the U.S. and the stupidity of Kijuro Shidehara. 
That is why the last war broke out, and Japan lost.
After the war, Japan was at the mercy of the American monopoly, but even then, Britain responded usually.
The U.S. thoroughly destroyed the aircraft industry so that Japan could never again stand up to a white nation.
It banned the operation of aircraft, their manufacture, and courses in aerodynamics.
The same was true of the automobile industry.
They banned manufacturing and research and even stopped the local production of Ford and G.M., which they had been doing before the war.
The heavy industry was to be dismantled entirely as well, but North and South Korea started the war at a very opportune time. 
Japan was able to keep its industrial strength alive as a rear base for the U.S. military. 
At this time, the British became the savior of the Japanese automobile industry.
Austin signed a knockdown contract with Nissan and Hillman with Isuzu to fill the postwar void. 
The last war began when the U.S. cut off oil supplies.
The postwar energy situation in Japan was the same. 
The government considered introducing nuclear power plants, but the U.S. firmly rejected the idea.
They believed that if Japan possessed nuclear weapons, it would one day avenge the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 
Then, the British stepped in again.
Japan acquired a British-made graphite-moderated nuclear reactor and put it into operation.
The fuel is cheap natural uranium. 
The United States was surprised by this.
Burning graphite reactors yields plutonium, which can be used to make nuclear bombs.
Japan would soon be able to possess nuclear weapons. 
The U.S. panicked and changed course.
Instead of scrapping the graphite reactors, it decided to give Japan light water reactors.
This reactor would not produce plutonium that could be used to make nuclear weapons. 
It allowed Japan to achieve a certain degree of energy self-sufficiency. 
Japan has also acquired expertise in nuclear power plants, and Hitachi is now exporting light water reactors to the U.K. to repay the favor.
This will be very helpful to the U.K., which is suffering from its departure from the European Union. 
However, Hitachi says it needs more capital to export the reactors and has no choice but to abandon the project. 
The government hesitates to assist, perhaps fearing harassment from the anti-nuclear flag-waving Asahi Shimbun.
In the past, the government wasted 20% of the national budget for 36 years on a country like Korea. 
Why don't we give even 1/36th of that money to the U.K.?
We can repay a fraction of the favor engraved in our history. 
Unlike Korea, this would surely be something meaningful.
*I could not help but shed a few tears as I re-read this brilliant article by Masayuki Takayama. A man like him is a true nationalist.
People such as Kenzaburo Oe and Haruki Murakami are called treacherists or traitors.
They are the worst Japanese people ever seen in Japanese history.
Kenzaburo Oe, flaunting his friendship with Shuichi Kato, proudly claimed in an interview with the foolish Hisashi Inoue that Kato said there were only two geniuses in Japanese history: Kukai and Sugawara no Michizane. The time for the Japanese people to realize that Kukai and Sugawara Michizane more despise no one than Oe and Murakami came five years ago in August. *

Note 1: Angeria Gorin Taisei (諳厄利亜語林大成) was the first English-Japanese dictionary in Japan, compiled mainly by Shozaemon (Shoei) Motoki and completed in 1814 (Bunka 11).
The Shogunate, shocked by the Phaeton Incident of 1808, was keenly aware of the need for British research and ordered Dutch translators to learn English and compile the dictionary.
Under the guidance of Jan Kock Bronhoff, a Dutchman stationed in England, the dictionary contained approximately 6,000 words, with pronunciations written in katakana.
While the compilation of the first English-Japanese dictionary was a significant achievement, the pronunciation of the dictionary was inadequate, with a strong Dutch accent.
In addition to Motoki, the compilers included Sadareki Baba, Yoshimori Suenaga, Takami Narabayashi, and Nagayasu Yoshio.


