文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

At Last, "Japan Must Revise the Constitution" Appears in a Leading U.S. Newspaper

2022年12月21日 12時52分15秒 | 全般

A long time ago, an elderly female professor of the Royal Ballet School of Monaco, who prima ballerinas around the world greatly respect, visited Japan.
She spoke at that time about the significance of an artist's existence.
She said, "Artists are important because they are the only ones who can shed light on hidden, concealed truths and express them."
No one would dispute her words.
It is no exaggeration to say that Masayuki Takayama is not only the one and only journalist in the postwar world but also the one and only artist in the postwar world.
On the other hand, many of those who call themselves artists, such as Oe, Murakami, and Hirano, do not even deserve the artist's name.
They have only expressed the lies created by the Asahi Shimbun and others rather than shedding light on hidden truths and telling them.
Their existence is not limited to Japan but is the same in other countries worldwide.
In other words, only a minimal number of actual artists exist.
This book also keenly proves that I am right when I say that no one in the world today is more deserving of the Nobel Prize in Literature than Masayuki Takayama.

At Last, "Japan Must Revise the Constitution" Appears in a Leading U.S. Newspaper
People have yet to realize it because they are still in real-time.
Years later, when they look back, they realize, "Ah, that time."
Regarding the attack on the "MoriKake" issue, former Prime Minister Abe completely neutralized the leftist attack with his death.
In the face of such worldwide acclaim, the attack on the "MoriKake" issue is nothing more than a mosquito's buzz to my ears, nothing more than an expression of their despicable nature.
For India, a country whose population is about to surpass that of China, to go into mourning for the Japanese prime minister is an unprecedented event in the history of the world.
Even Putin, with whom Japan has been at loggerheads, sent a telegram of condolence.
It proves that the world held him in such high esteem.
That is why the LDP and the Japanese people must not let this man's death go to waste.
We must take advantage of this great asset and make further strides to revise the Constitution, increase our national defense capabilities, and play an even more central role in the Japan-U.S. alliance or the Siege Net for China in the West. 
This past July, a major U.S. newspaper, the Washington Post, published an editorial, "Japan must change its Constitution."
It also said, "This is the legacy and homework left by former Prime Minister Abe," and that "the proposed constitutional amendment would only legitimize what has already become a reality: Japan's possession of land, sea, and air forces.
Furthermore, "Former Prime Minister Abe passed away too soon."
"We must not forget the impact he had on Japan and the world."
Japan is expected to contribute far more to global security than before Russia invades Ukraine, so if this much is written, Prime Minister Kishida can no longer run away.
It seems as if the Washington Post is suggesting that we "become a decent country."
The nation should think carefully about the meaning of the phrase "former Prime Minister Abe has passed away too soon."
If the Kishida administration does not move forward with constitutional reforms with its quibbles, there will be a big payback.
That would be the biggest betrayal against former Prime Minister Abe and the Japanese people.
In Asahi's survey, 51% of the respondents agreed with including the Self-Defense Forces in the Constitution, so the constitutional change will be far away if they miss this opportunity.

The "justice" of the media is only deteriorating. 
The biggest enemy, however, is the Asahi Shimbun.
In fact, Asahi is suffering from a deteriorating business environment, and now they don't even provide cab fares for their reporters to make their nightly rounds. 
Don't they make the night rounds? 
In effect, it's as if they can't. I also heard they must take the subway and cannot use hired cars.
In the 2022 financial results, operating income is about 9.5 billion yen in the black, thanks to the price increase in the previous year, but sales still fell by more than 20 billion yen.
In 2021, we were in the red by about 44.2 billion yen.
In the first place, the Japanese newspaper industry was so arrogant that it never imagined that newspapers would disappear. 
But what is the cause of the newspaper's disappearance? 
Some say it is the influence of the Internet, but the most significant cause is the shift to condominiums. Newspaper people have forgotten this.
Even if they wanted to deliver newspapers to high-security condominiums, they could no longer do so because an entryway stopped the delivery.
So residents stopped taking newspapers.
If the newspaper is inserted in the mailbox downstairs, people don't feel close to it anymore, do they? 
As this trend continues, the tendency that newspapers are unnecessary is spreading. 
Because of poverty, newspaper reporters can no longer gather enough stories.
The Sankei Shimbun, where I worked, was a poor company, but we were free to do interviews; of course, we could use cab tickets, and we had enough money for interviews.
That is why I was able to gather a variety of stories. 
But now, they are restricted.
So what do they do?
As in the case of the Social Insurance Agency that destroyed the first Abe administration, when the pension system was established, Takeo Hanazawa, then head of the Pension Division of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, once said, "Now we have money we can spend lavishly.
It was in 1961 when the universal pension system was established, and it is a famous story. 
They really were able to use the money jab-jab, weren't they?
Literally, they could use the money without thinking about the future. 
It would be 30 years before the pensions were actually paid out, and they had already retired.
So they built many buildings and spent a lot of money without thinking about profitability.
However, 30 years later, the system was found inadequate, and the "missing pension problem" emerged.
The mass media was all over the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW).
At that time, the prime minister said, "I take full responsibility ......," so they jumped on it without covering the issue. 
So that's how they have been trying to trivialize the situation.
A typical example is NTV on the night of Mr. Abe's death.
Izumi Oguri, a member of the political editorial board who was a female TV announcer, said of Mr. Abe, "He had two sides to him," in a nuanced way. On the other hand, when we talked about the Moritomo Gakuen, he would become a bit of a disapprover and ramble on one-sidedly, and then he would leave. 
That's natural. 
They hurl baseless slander, and Mr. Abe's wife has even had contempt thrown at her by them.
So he said, "If anything happens to Akie or me, I will quit immediately," meaning, "Show me the grounds."
In short, he meant, "If there is a fact that my wife was involved in any kind of meddling or bribery," didn't he?
He intended to do so.
But when those around him said that one word, they were all in a rage, saying, "All right, let's take him down."
If you could write an article just by using the end of a word, there would be no need for an interview.
Even political reporters began to use this foolish method of capturing the backs of other people's words.
This article continues.
