文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost! Japan pays 100 billion yen a year to China, a country of “abysmal evil” and “plausible lies!

2024年06月23日 22時24分04秒 | 全般

Fraud, emissions trading, Japan gives China 100 billion yen a year! China could take over all the South Pacific island nations with this alone!
Jun 08, 2022
The following is a rough draft.
Global warming was set up by China and Canadian international fraudster Maurice Strong, and Al Gore, who is the epitome of a pseudo-moralist, joined in and let the UN preside over it.
As befits a scam, deceptions such as emissions trading were allowed to flourish.
As a result, Japan pays 100 billion yen a year to China, a country of “abysmal evil” and “plausible lies! Every year.
China can take over all the South Pacific island nations with this money alone.
China is trying to turn the South Pacific into a military base for China and to hold back the sea lanes, a lifeline for Japan.
The stupidity of the Japanese government, media, and so-called intellectuals is extreme.


2023, in Osaka



