文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It also brought into the light of the day that China is a land of falsehoods.

2020年05月09日 17時04分36秒 | 全般

The Sankei Shimbun is now the most decent newspaper in Japan as well as in the world.
By reading the Sankei Shimbun this morning, the subscribers should have fully realized the correctness of my reputation.
First of all, I would like to introduce an article that NHK / watch9 Arima and Ian Bremmer should read with a look with keen interest.
The above two are an interview article with a great man who makes you realize how small they are.
At the same time, the great man reminds us that their cruelty is unpardonable and that they are likely to be under the influence of China.
These two people and the people who control NHK's news department are not only kindergarten children who swing around pseudo-moralism, but also make Japanese people realize that they are definitely under the control of China. It is there.
Except for the headline, I emphasize the text.

The global era is over: US historian Edward Luttwack.
The new coronavirus scourge can be described as the first crisis since World War II.
Where is the world headed?
Edward Luttwak, a US historian, known as a global authority on strategic research, explained the 'truth of the world' in which the crisis was unveiled and predicted that he would return to an era in which 'national state responsibility' increased. ――
EU loses sight of its role
-What is the geopolitical impact of the new Corona on the world?
'The first is the disconnection [of political currents] in Europe. The European Union (EU) was set up to prevent war between European countries, but it has failed to respond to the new Corona, the first war-like contingency the EU has faced. There was no shared medical information, no common medical strategy, and little mutual support (between the Member States)' 'There was no EU-led foreign policy; for example, Italy was willing to receive support from China. On the other hand, other European countries, such as Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands, refused to support China, the EU aiming for fusion lost sight of its role, and many member states quietly withdrew after Britain.' 'The US-China relations have been consistent in the sense that they continue to deteriorate. Just a dozen years ago, the United States was swept into a group flirt with China. The climate is changing, but the new Corona Accelerates changes in people's consciousness towards China because everyone knows that the virus is from China and that Chinese authorities have mishandled it.'
* Only Japanese media, such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, are in the 'Naked King' status.*
-What will happen to the 'great power competition' between the US and China?
'It will act on a Trump U.S. administration favorably. It is a battle between the US (liberal democratic) political system and the system that governs China (Communist dictatorship), but China has only two allies, Pakistan and Iran. Italy was also conquered by China. Italy is famous in history for taking the wrong side and changing attitudes later on.'
'Meanwhile, other countries are turning their backs on China and following the United States. A good example is British Foreign Minister Raab's statement on April 16 that' we should thoroughly review our relations with China.' 'Chinese President Xi Jinping justifies his strong-arm approach by arguing that dictatorship is the best way to deal with everything, including the virus. Even more so, they show their readiness to lead the world, but they are being rejected across the globe.
Responsibility to protect the public in the country
-What will be the role of international organizations and multilateral frameworks?
'The new Corona is 'a virus that exposes the truth ', exposing the inability of the European Union to function and exposing the anarchy in Italy that has caused so many deaths. It also brought into the light of the day that China is a land of falsehoods.
About Japan, it reminded them that they were wrong in their belief that Japan is safe because it is different from China,' he said.
'What is happening in the wake of the new coronal crisis is a de-globalization as a shaking back of globalization. Globalization has linked to the rise of international organizations. With the dysfunction of the European Union and the World Health Organization (WHO ), the world will retreat from globalization and multilateral frameworks and move toward nation-states taking responsibility for protecting their own people.
ー Authoritarian regimes are on the rise in Eastern Europe and other countries.
'The rise of the new dictatorships is the product of the globalization that people glorify. The intelligentsia claimed globalization as if it were a' world democracy, 'but in reality, it facilitated the tilt toward dictatorship in many countries, including Russia, which transformed from a democratic regime into a Putin dictatorship, and China, which moved from a collective leadership regime to a Xi regime.
Globalization has a high affinity for dictatorship, in part because international institutions are undemocratic: the European Union transfers the powers of elected governments to the European Commission. The weakening of democratic regimes in European countries is due to the transfer of power in each state to undemocratic regimes. As long as globalization has not contributed anything to democracy, de-globalization can't undermine democracy. '
(Interviewer Washington = Etsunari Kurose)
◇ The pandemic of the new coronavirus (global epidemic) is likely to be an opportunity to reexamine the state of world politics, economy, and society. We ask experts in various fields, both in Japan and abroad, to read and understand the impact.
