文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Fight back against Xi Jinping!

2020年08月27日 23時32分13秒 | 全般

President Trump announced two significant points at a press conference on the day the Republican party convention held. The most important of which aired on every news program I watched, except watch9.
'We will make sure China is held accountable for spreading the virus,'
I feel relieved, and I'm sure the rest of the world felt the same way when they saw this report.
This column continues to post on goo and ameba, and the most searched chapter on goo is "What did she cross with the coronavirus to create the new virus? And how it mutates, she must have confirmed it. She must reveal the whole process of its creation. Shi Zhengli, it's your duty as a human being", which I was proud of.
I wrote this chapter with 100% certainty because it was a conviction based on strong intuition obtained from the real papers of Ms. Keiko Kawazoe, a spirited journalist.
The special feature in the monthly magazine Hanada released yesterday was "Fight back against Xi Jinping! My conviction was further reinforced by a paper titled "The Wuhan coronavirus is too good for Xi Jinping" by Lîm Kiàn-liông, a doctor, critic, and political activist number one batterer of.
This paper is a must-read, not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
You can't get it from a bat to a person. 
As a medical scientist specializing in genetic engineering, I have been checking and verifying various papers on the virus since the Wuhan coronavirus problem.
As a result, I have discovered several points about this virus that seems to me to be mysterious by all accounts.
(1) Who was the first patient?
First of all, of course, there is a first infected person with Wuhan coronavirus, and it can always be identified.
For example, in Japan, we know that a Japanese man in his thirties living in Kanagawa Prefecture, staying in Wuhan, was the first person to be infected.
However, China has not identified the first infected person. 
If a disease has never been seen before, a medical professional would immediately recognize it as strange and not miss it.
Moreover, identifying the first patient and tracing the infection route is an apparent epidemiological investigation and even a public health rule because it will help determine the source of the virus.
Therefore, it should be the duty of the country to find the first infected person. 
However, China has yet to disclose who and where the first person is.
Every country can identify the first infected person in their country.
If China is the source of the outbreak, there is no reason it cannot be identified. 
Perhaps China has identified the first infected person but has not made it public.
Why is China ignoring the ironclad rule that investigation of the outbreak's cause = prevention of recurrence?
Isn't there an inconvenient truth for China?
(2) Bat-to-human transmission
Secondly, the virus is said to have been "transmitted from bats to humans, " but there has not been a single case of direct transmission from bats to humans in any studies. 
For example, bird flu and swine flu can be transmitted directly to humans, but this is only possible because livestock is in close contact with humans.
There have been many instances in human history where viruses have naturally mutated over and over again to infect humans due to thousands of years of contact with domestic animals - there are many such examples. 
However, bats do not have a history of being in such close contact with humans.
If a bat will infect humans, it would always have to be through an intermediate host. So what that intermediate host is, we still don't know what that intermediate host is regarding the Wuhan coronavirus this time around.
Incidentally, during SARS, it was said that it was transmitted to humans via Masked palm civet, but Masked palm civet still doesn't have much contact with humans either.
In Guangdong province, we eat Masked palm civet as a high-class dish, but it's not as close as it could be.
So, there are still questions about SARS in this regard.
Unnatural seafood market closures
(3) Where is the bat? 
Third, where did the bat that harbored the virus come from in the first place?
Even if it was "transmitted from bat to human," the bats are in Wuhan's hibernation in November-December.
Furthermore, the bat identified species is the Greater horseshoe bat, and its reproductive site is in Yunnan province.
It is 1,000 kilometers away from Wuhan, and there is no way a bat could fly to Wuhan on its own. 
Even if they were brought there for some reason, people in Wuhan are not in the habit of eating bats, so bats are not sold at the South China Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan.
Monkeys, wolves, sheep, rats, etc. were sold at the market.
The bat is eaten in the southwest region and around Guangdong province. 
Some believe that pangolin is the source, but pangolin is used in medicine, not as an ingredient in Chinese cuisine.
It is costly and is sold in the Chinese medicine market, not in the regular market, so it was not in the Wuhan South Seafood Wholesale Market, and it is not commonly eaten in the first place, so it is unlikely to be the source of infection.
(4) Market closure and disinfection 
The fourth is the unnatural closure of the market. 
The market was closed on January 1, 2020, after a study showed that most of the initial viral cases were related to visitors to the Wuhan South China Seafood Wholesale Market or employees working at the market.         
It would be understandable if they just closed it down, but all the animals sold here were destroyed.
It was announced that a virus was detected in the process, but no details have been released as to what kind of virus was detected and how it was detected. 
On top of that, the scene should have been preserved and examined as evidence, but it was thoroughly sanitized.
They say it was done to "prevent human infection," but if that's the case, all they have to do is barricade the area to prevent anyone from entering.
There is no need to erase anything that can identify the virus's source on its own. 
Furthermore, China says that 30 percent of the initially infected patients had no direct or indirect contact with the seafood market.
So where precisely those 30 percent of people got infected is not clear.
If the information is released, it's removed immediately.
This article continues.
