文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

What the hell is the UN that has been letting this happen?

2022年01月14日 17時14分09秒 | 全般

The following is from today's Sankei Shimbun, FrontPage, Hong Kong Remodeling, No. 3.
The emphasis in the text except for the headline and the annotations below * are mine.
Brainwash children with Chinese-style education.
Thinking skills 'unnecessary,' Mandarin language promoted
December 13, 2021, is the day the Chinese Communist Party's view of history was drilled into the children of Hong Kong.  
'Eighty-four years ago today, Nanking was invaded by the Japanese army. As many as 300,000 of our Chinese brothers and sisters were massacred in Nanjing..." 
Last year, the Hong Kong government instructed elementary and junior high schools (equivalent to middle and high schools) to hold memorial activities for the Nanjing Massacre.
Each school held special classes on the same day that a memorial ceremony was held in China. It is a first. 
According to Hong Kong media, some students began to cry at one elementary school after seeing videos and photos of people being killed. 
There are many theories about the number of victims. The "300,000" is the figure claimed by the Chinese side.
The following day, on the 14th, a Chinese-language newspaper in Hong Kong published a comment from a child who said, "When I heard the figure of 300,000, I felt shivers."
The editorial justified it by saying, "We must help them to have an accurate view of history from an early age and nurture their patriotism.
*What is it with the Japanese government, politicians, mainstream media, and academics who do not raise any voice of protest against the Chinese government for this outrageous education or Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education? Are they the Japanese people or the people of China? What the hell is the UN that has been letting this happen? Japan and the international community have allowed this outrageous Nazism to continue.
It is a matter of course for the people of any country to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, a memorial to the war dead.
In addition to China, South Korea has engaged in even worse anti-Japanese education, or Nazism, after World War II. The person who made them criticize our country is Yoichi Kato, a reporter of Asahi Shimbun. 
He has proven the correctness of my editorial "Everything starts with one person," that I have been saying since I first appeared on the scene.
The Asahi Shimbun, which uses Kato's act as its corporate motto, is not a Japanese newspaper. Instead, it is a newspaper of China and Korea. What is the meaning of Japan-China friendship while continuing to let China carry out such outrageous education, Nazism, in the name of anti-Japanese education!
What have the members of the Japan-China Parliamentary Friendship League been doing? The reality is that they have been visiting China frequently and enjoying the honey traps! What are they doing? 
This article coneuinues.
