文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The daily life of the students including him and the family or the people in the neighborhood,

2015年08月15日 11時29分50秒 | 日記

Mr. Kappa Senoo was a student in the most excellent junior high school, the high school in Kobe City during prewar and wartime.

The daily life of the students including him and the family or the people in the neighborhood, and the daily life of the people in the town, the people in Kobe City whom he wrote to "boy H", is the true daily life of Japan and the Japanese in those days.

If the person all over the world reads the masterpiece of him, which is worth about Nobel Prize, people who say that stupid, Japanese is bad, Japan is bad, Japan did a bad thing, as such, following the thinking of kindergarten children, should disappear if it does the human beings who have a proper brain.
