文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is the descendant of the ideal Japanese woman.

2019年09月25日 17時28分15秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
In the past, the international community praised Yuna Kim, a virtual image created by such a country.
South Korea has started a scheme to rout out Mao Asada, an absolute obstacle to letting Yuna Kim take the gold medal.
Not only did the stricter scoring standards for Makoto Asada's triple axel, the most difficult jump in the women's figure world, but he also dropped the reference point.
The trick was to raise the scoring standard for triple jump x triple jump rather than triple axel, which is the most challenging technique for female figures.
At that time, Shizuka Arakawa, who was already an executive of the Japan Skating Federation (now vice-chairman), did not raise any objection.
On the contrary, Arakawa always praised Yuna Kim as a TV commentator, and many viewers can recall that Mao Asada had only a strict evaluation.
I was suspicious that Arakawa had remarked about the ice show before and after her retirement, but when I searched the net, the profit she gained by hosting the ice show seems to be enormous.
But Rika Kihira, an unmistakable genius, appeared in the figure skating world.
Girls who jump on quadruple appeared in Russia, which had produced many ballerinas as if she had responded to Ms. Kihira.
It is finally entering the era of expression of beauty on the competition of the most challenging skills appropriate for being an Olympic sport.
Shizuka Arakawa has the responsibility, sin, and sin that Mao Asada, an unmistakable genius, was unable to win a gold medal.
Since ancient times, and as evidenced by Murasaki Shikibu, Sei Shōnagon, since ancient times, Japan, the country where women have been cherished and happy to be women,
Women with the world's highest physical abilities that embody the beauty, suppleness, and strength of Japanese women have appeared in various fields.
Rika Kihira, Rikako Ikee, Shibuno Hinako and others.
Women backed up by Asahi Shimbun and NHK, such as Mizuho Fukushima and Tsujimoto Kiyomi, have continued to wield anti-Japanese thoughts while earning a large amount of Japanese tax as their living expenses.
They continue their activities to say that they sell Japan to the Korean Peninsula and China.
They have slandered Japan and have been working forever to place Japan as a political prisoner in the international community.
They continue the activities for the Korean Peninsula and China to extort Japan's significant tax at any time.
It is while getting an annual income of about 50 million yen from the Japanese national tax!
Rika Kihira, Rikako Ikee, Shibuno Hinako and others are on the horizon opposite to Mizuho Fukushima and Tsujimoto Kiyomi.
It is the descendant of the ideal Japanese woman.
In other words, it is the descendant of Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shōnagon, who were the best women in the world since ancient times.
This draft continues.
