文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

A mode like them is called highly ridiculous.

2021年10月17日 16時39分41秒 | 全般

My number card system: the fact that the opposition parties and the media opposed it. Now I have found a Communist Party member of parliament blog that demonstrates that my editorial is 100% correct.
April 25, 2020
The readers of this column should know that I have always hit the nail on the head with my editorials (all of them, no exaggeration).
The fact that the opposition parties and the media opposed the My Number card system at the time, which I wrote about in the *note* in the previous chapter.
I have found a blog by a Communist Party member of the Diet that demonstrates that my editorial is 100% correct.
The greatest disaster of the post-war era has taught us that all Japanese people must know how vicious, lax, lousy, and traitorous the people who make their living from the mass media, opposition politicians, so-called human rights lawyers, so-called cultural figures, and so-called citizens' groups are.
It is no exaggeration to say that they are the most shameful traitors to Japan because China and South Korea have manipulated them to undermine Japan and undermine the honor and trust of Japan and the Japanese people in the international community. 
They are such lousy people because there are no people like them in the countries they are converting, be it Europe, the United States, China, or Korea.
A mode like them is called highly ridiculous.

The following is from https://www.tamura-jcp.info/minutes/2019/0526094446から.
(Photo) Tomoko Tamura (Communist Party) asked a question at the House of Councillors Cabinet Committee on May 23, 2019.

The Digital Procedures Law, which promotes the digitization of administrative procedures, was passed and enacted at a plenary session of the House of Councillors on May 24 with a majority vote by the Liberal Democratic Party, the New Komeito Party, and others. The Japanese Communist Party opposed the bill.
At a meeting of the House of Councillors' Cabinet Committee on the 23rd, Tomoko Tamura, a member of the Japan Communist Party, pointed out that the law, together with revisions to the Family Registration Law and the Health Insurance Law, aims to link family registration and insurance information with the My Number system and further promote the use of My Number cards. 
She criticized the system for increasing the risk of personal information leaks since the government will manage sensitive personal information, such as birthplace and family relationships, in a single system.
According to a government survey on the cost-effectiveness of the My Number card, the cost, including initial investment and maintenance costs, is 300 billion yen. In comparison, the effect of reducing administrative work for government agencies is 442.7 billion yen.
Ms. Tamura pointed out that the surveyed expenses do not include the personnel costs required by local governments or the cost of sending out My Number cards. 
The effects are based on the assumption of a "target figure," such as using online services using the My Number. 
She said that the My Number card has a penetration rate of only 12.8% (as of March 3) and that it is doubtful whether it will be cost-effective, as there is no dire need or urgency for the public.
Ms. Tamura mentioned that in conjunction with the proposed revision of the Family Registration Law submitted in the current Diet session, the government is trying to establish a system that would allow all citizens to use their My Number to access their family register information including births, marriages, and divorces. He criticized that the management of family registers would be transferred from local governments to the national government, strengthening the state's control over the people.
From Shinbun Akahata, Sunday, May 26, 2019



