文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

if you take it all apart and clean it when it is running very well, it will go out of tune

2024年06月20日 23時12分37秒 | 全般

The following is from a book of conversation between Masayuki Takayama and Emi Kawaguchi-Mahn, published on 10/30/2016 under the title Japan, US, Germany - Which countries will survive in 10 years?
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but also for people around the world.

The following is from p112, The Future of the Japanese Economy is Bright, but ......
No one but Japan has committed the suicidal act of shutting down all of its nuclear power plants, which have no problems and play an essential role in the power supply, all at once—a continuation of The Turntable of Civilization (goo.ne.jp).

Even I have no objection to the development of renewable energy technologies.
I do not doubt that it is an energy source that will become important in the distant future, and Japan should continue its research in areas such as storage batteries.
Today, many people in Germany and Japan are making money from the renewable energy industry.
Since they are given priority to purchase the entire amount at a fixed price, they can make a profit as long as they produce the electricity.
So, the renewable energy industry has employment and sales, but as an energy policy, it is only a drag on the national interest.
Economically, there is too much waste. 
The negative amount is put on the consumer's electricity bill, which is why Germany's electricity bill is the second highest in the EU.
Japan's electricity bill will go up as well.
If renewable energy is cheap, we should stop the purchase system.
Then, there will be no one left to buy renewable energy.
The other day, German Environment Minister Hendriks was visiting Japan, and all he did was praise himself for Germany's energy policy.
But in fact, the German government is now desperately twisting its head to prevent further increases in renewable energy.
They are also changing laws.
Many Japanese newspaper reporters don't know anything about this.
That is what is strange!
What was even stranger was the Asahi Shimbun on June 27 this year.
On June 28, the companies that own nuclear power plants were scheduled to hold a general stock meeting, and this article is about it.
It said, "Nine major electric power companies with nuclear power plants will hold general stock meetings together tomorrow. Shareholders will submit more than 70 proposals, most urging a shift away from nuclear power generation, but the management of the nine companies is poised to reject all of them.
However, it should not be possible for the management to bring the proposals to the shareholders' meeting for rejection.
The shareholders will decide (laughs).
When an agenda item is approved or rejected at a general shareholders' meeting, it expresses the shareholders' will as the company's owners, and management holds the meeting to hear the shareholders' intentions. 
The Asahi Shimbun may be deliberately pretending to be ignorant of this rule. 
Still, it is written as if all the shareholders want to move away from nuclear power generation, but the management may destroy it.
The article's end says, "We will listen to our shareholders and work with them to find a way to open the way to a future that does not depend on nuclear power. I hope that the management of the electric power companies will take such an attitude." 
The Asahi Shimbun is talking nonsense.
Now that you mention it, that's undoubtedly true.
If you did not pay attention to this article with interest, I am sure everyone else did as well.
But think about it.
At this shareholders' meeting, only a few people expressed their support for a nuclear power plant phase-out, and in the end, it was rejected.
Why is that?
Nuclear power generation is the most profitable and has a promising future.
Japan is currently buying oil and natural gas at the highest prices in the world.
It is because Japan is being sized up.
Yet, we are still having silly discussions about the continued use of nuclear power plants that are over 40 years old.   
They have the image that after 40 years, the plant is already falling apart. Still, nuclear power plants are constantly inspected, and the machines are replaced continuously, so even after 40 years, they are still shiny and like new.
I would like those making remarks imagining "a rusty bicycle" to go and look. 
However, the operation rate is meager due to too many periodic inspections. 
Even a watch, if you take it all apart and clean it when it is running very well, it will go out of tune (laughs).
This article continues.

2023/6/10 in Osaka
