文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

However, after finishing watching, I felt something very deep, which I supposed to

2017年08月18日 22時26分22秒 | 日記

A few days ago, I learned that today's NHK family story broadcasts Ono Yoko's special feature on a special program. Today, because there was further notice, I recorded it so as not to miss it.

To tell the truth, for some reason, I recorded without expectation from my heart.

I think that something was being trimmed by aspects of the news department of NHK now, aspects such as the Asahi newspaper, etc.

However, after finishing watching, I felt something very deep, which I supposed to feel originally. John Lennon may have been a very big presence for me. There may be aspects that it was my life that I survived listening to his music. In about 10 years ago, since I was the third time of the Kyoto re-discovery, Japan I'm looking ahead, Japan's mountains, Japan of the river, Japan Mori, Japan's lake, the Japan of the sea, of course, Yoko Ono's soul is because it is because it is. Where Yoko Ono is cut from anywhere, it is the Japanese itself.

When I finished watching this program, the music that came to my mind was somehow, this song.

Stevie Wonder - Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away

Stevie Wonder - Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away

2017年08月18日 21時54分34秒 | 日記






Stevie Wonder - Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away

in order to hide the achievements of Prime Minister Abe under a cover with nonsense and lies

2017年08月18日 18時36分26秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

After this, recently, the Asahi Shimbun posted almost exactly opposite articles to the real situation, such as using almost all the stages, only Merkel in the present world ... etc.

In fact, despite being Abe's prime minister, who is the prime minister of our country, the real situation is the leaders of the world today, continuing to do the most wonderful work, the activity to do, the work to do,

No, that's why in order to hide the achievements of Prime Minister Abe under a cover with nonsense and lies,

It posted an article that praises Merkel, the prime minister of the presidency, of the outrageous G 20.

In addition to the Asahi newspaper, ignoring the prime minister of his country (in fact the fact is ignoring the prime minister who is doing the best work in the world), praising Merkel in Germany etc. The newspaper company,

Even evil empires such as China and South Korea who used Germany to attack Japan do not do foolishly ignoring the prime minister of their country and praising Merkel.

In other words, the Asahi Shimbun is the world's best traitor, it is not exaggeration to say that it is the world's fool.

Their reference to Germany, its praise is also a level that is not quite exaggeration to say that it is crazy.

When I look at this, the Asahi Shimbun is truly too cruel.

It is over there (There should not be one in my classmate, but the way the distortion of the brains of examination students is examined is not normal, among 440 of my classmates, the middle to the bottom).

It will be abnormal even further because there is no practical experience with 99% of Japanese.

He is preparing for the greatest hardship in history in Japan and waiting

2017年08月18日 18時19分58秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

Andre · Malraux who was Japanophile as the best Japanologist cited Ise Shrine as the most wonderful place in Japan,

Because I carefully read such Asahi newspaper, though I live in Osaka, it was the first time I went to the Ise Shrine last year.

When I was living in Kyoto when I was young,

Even when I was visiting Kyoto almost every weekend since I immigrated to Osaka, I did not go to the shrine.

It has been 10 years since we went to Kitano Tenman-gu Shrine where at least ten times visit this year.

Kasuga Taisha Shrine of Nara also got it.

About ten years ago, the third time I rediscovered Kyoto I visited Kyoto every weekend, Nara, Shiga,

After suffering from a major illness, after being cured completely,

The time to visit Kyoto, Nara and Shiga at times that is not exaggeration to say the best in the world,

It taught me the mistake of the Asahi Newspaper.

Trueborn Ms. Oh Sonfa, Korean, was surprised when he visited Japan for the first time...

The Japanese absolutely do not say Korean people badly,

There was the air that they should not say Korean badly.

It is also a first-hand knowledge to a man who has subscribed and read the Asahi Shimbun, and it is firsthand experience.

In order to subscribe and carefully read the Asahi Newspaper,

At that time it was deadly important for the company,

To the extent that it was cheat up to over 100 million big money,

It's first-hand knowledge, first-hand experience.

The elderly people who subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun only and carefully read it,

Continuing to say things like kindergarten children, such as anti - nuclear and anti - Abe,

It is also the biggest impediment factor in Japan,

It is their first-hand knowledge, firsthand experience.

That Asahi Shimbun,

Constitutional amendment Prime Minister Abe professed,

Even so, it is only a natural revision just to state the SDF in the Constitution. In the Moritomo · Kake riot which they went to prevent this,

Asahi, who could not bring Prime Minister Abe to retire,

This time, not only continued to deny that emperor as much,

Ms. Matsui Yayori who was a big female reporter of the Asahi Shimbun and reporters Honda Masakazu,

Hosting the Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery no longer as good as traitors,

They convicted the Emperor.

The Asahi Shimbun will use the Emperor for anti-Abe.

As the editorial board of the Asahi Shimbun, the malicious people will not be anywhere in the world other than China and South Korea.

Yama, for the editorial boards of the Asahi Shimbun,

He is preparing for the greatest hardship in history in Japan and waiting.

This draft continues.

In this chapter I tell all Japanese citizens and people all over the world that

2017年08月18日 18時12分23秒 | 日記

In this chapter I tell all Japanese citizens and people all over the world that this is the malice of the Asahi Shimbun,

It is first-hand knowledge, a firsthand experience as a human being who subscribed to Asahi Shimbun and read carefully until August three years ago.

Asahi Shimbun posted an article on August 16th front page, "Deep reflection" connected, and so on, with the biggest headline, below that, the Emperor, heading a major headline with a mention for three consecutive years was doing.

Keen-eyed people who saw this should have felt this is an extremely malignant work of the Asahi Shimbun to prevent amendment of the Constitution enacted by the GHQ.

Because this is nothing other than the political use of the Emperor by the Asahi Newspaper.

The reason why the Asahi Shimbun is really malicious is that even the Emperor uses this newspaper company for his convenience.

Keen-eyed people think of, such as it is Asahi Shimbun came to pay homage to the emperor newspaper should not even one person.

On the contrary, all keen-eyed people should know that all the speech people of Purveyor to the Asahi Newspaper have criticized the Emperor System.

Some People despised the Japanese citizen who respects the Emperor in the arrogant manner, such as "It is the result of the Japanese who told His Majesty the Emperor Etc. ...” etc. they have written a speech.

Such a human being is too many to count and Kenzaburo Oe as one of their representatives gets a Nobel Prize to be awarded by the King of Sweden, but he declares that he cannot receive the Order of Culture awarded from the Emperor, and he declined the award.

Until August of three years ago, I have carefully read the Asahi Shimbun, I have read almost all the editorials written by Kenzaburo Oe.

So I also did not have an understanding or emotion for the Emperor as we did ten years ago.

That's not all. The Asahi Shimbun is also a shrine that is the basis of the Emperor System ... that is, even thoroughly denied the shrine which is the hometown of the Japanese mind = Shinto, subscribers know with skin sensation.

This draft continues.


2017年08月18日 17時20分31秒 | 日記















2017年08月18日 16時54分25秒 | 日記

私がこの章で日本国民全員と世界中の人たちに、これが朝日新聞の悪質さであると伝えるのは、3年前の8月まで朝日新聞を購読し精読していた人間としてのfirst-hand knowledgeであり、firsthand experienceなのです。
















つまり、朝日新聞の過ちを私が指摘する、決して許さないのも私のfirst-hand knowledgeであり、firsthand experienceなのです。


それもまた朝日新聞を購読・精読していた人間にはfirst-hand knowledgeであり、firsthand experienceなのです。

私は、ために、その時に会社にとっては致命的に重要だった億を超える大金まで詐取されたほどに、それはfirst-hand knowledgeであり、firsthand experienceなのである。

朝日新聞だけを未だに購読、精読して盲信している老人たちが、反原発や反安倍などという、幼稚園児の様な事を言い続けて、日本国の最大阻害要因になっているのも、彼らのfirst-hand knowledgeであり、firsthand experienceなのである。








2017年08月18日 13時21分49秒 | 日記






































2017年08月18日 13時16分30秒 | 日記

以下は月刊誌WiLL今月号に、総力特集「加計学園」問題 ウソを吠えたてたメディアの群れと題して掲載された特集の中から、政治評論家、屋山太郎と評論家、潮匡人の対談特集からである。























As a good example of the media falling into negative existence in Japan

2017年08月18日 12時58分12秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

In the judgment of the House of Representatives on July 10, Mr. Takuya Hirai of the LDP is listening to Mr. Maekawa.

That the spirit of the "The source of a series of sentences is what do you know about that!".

Mr. Maekawa rejected all answers.

Even if he heard it repeatedly, Maekawa refused, so he ended there.

There is also a problem of his questioning load.

At that time why did not the other LDP lawmakers go to the chairperson's seat immediately and say "You should make Maekawa speak"?

Even though it was not a witness, but a reference person, it should have made him speak.

He can reveal the character of this Kake school fuss, because it was a question by Rep. Hirai.

However, LDP lawmakers do not act anything.

This is also strange.

I think that the most troubling with this funny commotion is Imabari city Ehime prefecture where the school corporation Kake School attracts.

Since Kake Gakuen itself is one management entity, there may be a purpose to develop management, but I believe that the purpose of this school corporation to establish the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is to be highly evaluated.

From the experience of BSE’s interview, it is true that there is almost no hard work on the development of academics and workmanship in closed veterinary medicine and veterinarian circles.

It is Kake Gakuen who attempted to newly enter there and tried to breathe new life into.

Many media have formed with former MEXT secretary and opposition party, sing the side striking the Kake School praises.

In this Kake problem, I would like to keep in mind that much of the media has turned around to the side that defends vested interests, on the side of preventing entrants and progress.

As a good example of the media falling into negative existence in Japan except exceptions.

It is said that the person suddenly sheds some unknown documents to the media

2017年08月18日 12時34分46秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

Mr. Maekawa who refused all answers

Mr. Maekawa is out of the question.

Why did the media carry him?

A few months ago he was criticized as an important illegal who advanced illegal recommended from high quarters.

It is said that the person suddenly sheds some unknown documents to the media.

Such facts have exposed the corrosion of Japanese central officials.

If the Asahi Shimbun received documents from Mr. Maekawa and used it for the political purpose of the Abe crush, this newspaper will eventually be destroyed without being able to escape from the advertising paper.

It is natural that the secrecy of the news source (information source) must be kept, except in the case of obtaining the consent of the person himself / herself, but this is due consideration to the interviewer.

In the case of Mr. Maekawa's document, Mr. Maekawa is giving out information from himself.

In this case, the media should not need to conceal the information source.

This draft continues.


2017年08月18日 12時27分14秒 | 日記




















2017年08月18日 12時21分56秒 | 日記













From the formal point of view, what to do with the individual projects of the national

2017年08月18日 12時18分26秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

It is unfortunate that Prime Minister Shinzo has such a problem that even if he was a manager and a friend of Kake Gakuen, it happened to be so, that there was no need to specifically answer and reply there.

From the formal point of view, what to do with the individual projects of the national strategic special zones does not involve the prime minister.

However, by making special zones, advanced policies such as legislation and bureaucratic institutions that advances the things not going forward as an exceptional measure as soon as possible will lead the prime minister himself, whether it is an individual case, there is Nothing wrong.

"This is to increase the standard of veterinary medicine and veterinarians in Japan.

Now the Japanese living world is exposed to common crisis of zoonosis such as the spread of infectious diseases. BSE does not even know the domestic sources of infection. Under such circumstances, we should definitely establish a veterinary faculty with new ideas of new concepts ", and clearly insist on the Diet and the press conference.

There is no need to worry about it that the owner of Kake Gakuen is your friend.

Since the administrative command of the prime minister is specified in the Constitution in the first place, do not hesitate to do it without hesitation.

Because it does a palliative escape, it will be strangely thrust into the opposition party.

This is regrettable. You can do it at the prime minister’s own decision.

The prime minister said that the aides said, various, media, opposition party has been attacked, dignifiedly, "My thought" "Prime minister's policy", and you should say it clearly, because it is fuzzy, It will be strange.

This draft continues.

I think that we must catch the problem from such a point of view.

2017年08月18日 11時57分54秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

The media turns into the advocacy force for antiquated

It is movement of Mr. Maekawa Kihei former MEXT vice-minister of this time that came out at such time.

I have not interviewed him directly, but it is generally said that he tried to work on an internal document using certain media such as the Asahi newspaper.

The Asahi Shimbun reportedly crushed the upper half of one side almost on the page of 17th May.

It was a MEXT internal document with a writing as if the intention of Prime Minister Abe was behind the veterinary undergraduate decision.

Is this Mr. Maekawa distributed?

The Asahi Shimbun dealt tremendously whether the aim was to destroy Prime Minister Abe towards amending the Constitution.

From that point the fuss of Kake school problem this time became big.

It is an amazing situation that media has become an advocate for veterinarians and veterinarians, rather than breaking down, antiquated.

Among them, I believe that the aim of the Asahi newspaper is to kill the Constitutional amendment, which is the Abe administration, which tried to move forward, was forced to take forward by using Maekawa former vice - minister.

I think that we must catch the problem from such a point of view.

This draft continues.