

英語詩練習 - 2014年01月03日 - 今年一番ついてる星座は?

2014年01月03日 02時10分50秒 | 教育、子ども

Who is happy in this year - 2014

Who is happy in this year?
Aries, luck in beginning, careful in the end.
Taurus, peaceful days, if you watch your saying.
Gemini, chance will come to develop good career.

Cancer, in big hardness, good help will appear.
Leo, your potentiality, make ready to extend.
Virgo, to get nice, keep enough for paying
Libra, be brave, and for your success, do not fear.

Scorpio, patience will bring you an angel.
Sagittarius, many people appear for contribution.
Capricorn, need to find good friend for you to call.

Aquarius, need deep concern, to do things well.
Pisces, take a new step for next evolution.
And please remember, lucky does not always mean happy at all.
