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美智子妃「理解」 非核の”ICAN”に

2017-10-20 | 気になるニュース


Empress Michiko turns 83, says Nobel award to ICAN meaningful
On the occasion of her 83rd birthday Friday, Empress Michiko welcomed the award this year of the Nobel Peace Prize to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons as a meaningful development in efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons.

"I feel it is most significant that, owing to the efforts of the atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki over many long years, the world seems to have finally turned its attention to the inhumanity of nuclear weapons and the horrifying consequences once they are used," she said in a statement.

With regard to the enactment in June of the law to allow Emperor Akihito to abdicate, the empress said she is "profoundly grateful" for people who paved the way for his retirement.
(Mainichi :10/20)