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Don't Cry For Me Argentina - Madonna

2014-07-14 | 本日休業
Don't Cry For Me Argentina - Madonna

サッカーW杯で 惜しくも優勝を逃した アルゼンチン
“泣かないで”と あのマドンナが 呼びかける
映画「エビータ」で 歌う一場面
政変後の1946年 大統領となったペロン
その妻として民主化施策の 先頭に立つ 
今も 国民の胸に残るが、33歳で死去

It won’t be easy, you’ll think it strange
When i try to explain how i feel
That i still your love after all that i’ve done
You won’t believe me
All you will see is a girl you once knew
Although she’s dressed up to the nines
At sixes and sevens with you

Don’t cry for me argentina
My soul is with you
My whole life, i dedicate to you
Don’t keep your distance
I need you

And as for fortune, and as for fame
I never invited them in
Though it seemed to the world they were all i desired
They are illusions
They’re not the solutions they promise to be
The answer was here all the time
I love you and hope you love me