Positive life & Unfinished dream after 60



2022-02-28 20:38:24 | 造作




ウクライナの英雄、ボクシング、ライト級王者、ロマチェンコがウクライナ軍に入隊しました。数ではなく士気の高さで母国を守ってほしい! 上記の日本のウクライナ大使館の口座に寄付金を振り込みました。 Hero of Ukraine, Lomachenko who is the champion of Light weight division of boxing joined to the Ukraine Army. I wish Ukraine people will protect their country by their brave spirit. I donated some amount to the bank account of Japanese embassy of Ukraine today.

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2022-02-21 10:37:02 | 造作


This is the trend graph of John's Hopkins University in USA about the number of infected people (red), number of death (white), number of vaccination (green) in the world. After the extension of infection by Omicron variant, there was high peak in the number of infected people, but it is gradually decreasing. The number of death is also decreasing gradually. Though the reason of decrease of infected people came from vaccination in past, the reason of decrease come from herd immunity mainly this time. I hope that corona disaster will go to the termination in coming 2~3 months.

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2022-02-02 08:41:11 | 造作


I found out the reason why old man walk bent over. I had low back pain last week, and had an ache around my hip for 4~5 days and stayed at home. Last night, I tried to walk bent over, then I didn't feel any ache on my low back, and knew that walking upright affect to my nerve and joint around my hip badly, and walking bent over is good for the nerve and joint around hip. Apes walk bent over, and human can walk upright which is one of the evolution of human compared with apes, and I found out the value of walking upright this time very much. For a few more days, I will walk bent over in order to avoid an ache around my hip, but I want to walk upright within a few days.

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