Positive life & Unfinished dream after 60


KJ 50 years anniversary

2021-08-10 08:19:15 | 造作

We celebrated KJ 40 years anniversary in Senri Hankyu hotel in 2011, and I am very pleased to know that KJ will celebrate 50 years anniversary(Aug.11th).  It is said that the average life span of company is 30 years, so I am proud of such long life of KJ.

I was happy that I could work in KJ for 38 years from 1976 to 2013.

I understand it was very hard to run KJ for this decade, as it was really difficult to foresight the business situation and change of trend in coming 3-5 years compared with 10 years ago.

I really hope the development and prosperity of KJ and Kurz group with good international network and teamwork in future.

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Photo (TT)
2021-08-10 08:35:39
This photo was taken after the year end party of KJ in 1999 at Esaka. I have a king of nostalgic feeling as if Esaka is my home town.
Explanation about this photo (TT (correction))
2021-08-10 08:37:09
This photo was taken after the year end party of KJ in 1999 at Esaka. I have a kind of nostalgic feeling as if Esaka is my home town.
Another photo (TT)
2021-08-10 09:51:27
This photo is the memorial photo of KJ 20 years anniversary in Roko Hotel with Dr.Kurz.
