Positive life & Unfinished dream after 60



2021-06-26 11:01:58 | 造作


On Every Saturday morning, I enjoy both of horse racing(TV) and SPOZONE(net). Today, Shohei Otani hit 24th home run. For horse racing, no horse of our co-owner's club will run today, but 4 horses will run tomorrow. I enjoy buying betting tickets, and am doing very well this year from Jan. to June with positive balance. My wife also join to betting horse racing, and she enjoys it with small amount of her pocket money and she is quite a sound gambler.

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2021-06-22 06:18:20 | 造作


This is the summer version of our garden with sun screen. Petunias of our balcony on 2nd floor are blooming even in rainy season this year. As our 2nd vaccination will be finished by mid of July, we would like to invite our grandsons for the instant swimming pool in our garden in this summer.

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2021-06-11 16:19:23 | 造作



Today, we went to Mimurodoji temple in Uji, Kyoto again this year. Last time in April, we went there in order to see Azalea, but hydrangea this time. 20,000 hydrangeas were blooming in various colors such as red, purple, white, pink, sky blue in Japanese garden.

I am quite surprised that the garden of Mimurodoji temple was crowded by sightseeing people even in week days.

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2021-06-08 08:43:37 | 造作


Lilies and hydrangeas in our garden. My wife planted lilies in flower pots and we can enjoy the gorgeous flowers every year.

Re hydrangeas, my sister in law presented it to my mother in law on mother's day and they are blooming in this rainy season every year. Petunias in our balcony on 2nd floor are blooming as if they are enjoying the rest of rainy season for just a while.


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英国トーキーでのホームステイ(47年前)Home stay in Torquay, England 47years ago

2021-06-05 16:13:38 | 造作

私が24歳(47年前)の時、英国のSouth Devon Technical Collegeにあるユーロセンターで英会話を勉強したのが1974年の9月から12月の3か月間。その時、ホームステイしたのがTorguay(トーキー)という英国南西部の町のGibbsご夫妻のお宅でした。 ご主人はタクシーの運転手で息子さんの名前がAdam(アダム、3~4歳)、娘さんの名前がRebekah(リベッカ、1歳)でした。懐かしいTorguay(トーキー)の写真をネットで見たりGibbsさんの息子さんや娘さんの名前がFacebookで見つかるのではと思って検索したら娘さんのRebekahさんらしい情報が見つかりました。Rebekah Gibbsさんは有名な女優で1973年3月、Torguay 生まれで2014年に41歳で癌で亡くなられたそうです。私の推測が正しいかどうかわかりませんがトーキーという小さな町(人口4万人)で1973年3月に生まれたRebekah Gibbsさんと言えば、その可能性はあるように思いますが、同姓同名の別人さんかもしれません。子供さんを残して41歳の若さで亡くなられたことは至極残念です。さぞかし心残りだったことでしょう。Rebekah Gibbsさんのご冥福をお祈りしますと同時に、私のホームステイ先の娘さんは今も元気に幸せに暮らされていることを願っています。



In 1974 (I was 24 years old), I stayed in England for 7 months (3 months in Torguay, south western part of England and 4 months in London). In Torguay, I stayed at home of Mr. & Mrs. Gibbs and went to the English conversation school(Euro center)at South Devon Technical College, and they had two children Adam (boy, 3~4 years old) and Rebekah (daughter, 1 year old). Now I knew that actress Rebekah Gibbs was born in Torquay in 1973, and the actress Rebekah Gibbs was a little girl (1~2 years old) at that time when I stayed in Torguay, and I suppose that the little girl might be an actress Rebekah Gibbs, though I am not 100% sure. Rebekah Gibbs passed away in 2014 by cancer when she was 41 years old. My deepest sympathies. I pray that she rests in peace. On the other hand, I hope the dauhhter of my host family is still alive and has a happy life now.

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