


2014-06-17 20:29:59 | テラファイトと三鍼法とStapsalon鍼灸院


 J さん、今日はありがとうございました。


 他の亀さんたちも、今日は興味深々で J さんの話に聞き入っていましたね。

そして、「一緒にがんばろう~~! わ~~いワ~~イ」って言ってるように聞こえたのは私だけでないような・・・、他にも誰かが聞いていたような 気がしました。

この世は・・・、そしてスタップサロンも・・ 不思議な不思議な世界ですね~

ひょっとしたら、田中先生と私が帰った後、それも夜の12時が過ぎたころから朝日が昇りだすころまで、亀さんや鶴さんたちが ノソノソ パタパタ・・と、いえいえ、麻のノレンから三匹のウサギさんたちも出てきてぴょんぴょんと遊んでるかもしれません。


今日は、金のひょうたんと蛇の杖を持っているという不思議な J さんが、どうもアロンの御霊をお連れされたようですから、これからますます不思議なことが巻き起こる予感がしています。 天城抗火石さんも「ここがいい~~!」とお花の間に座られましたよ。


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Dscf4381 Dscf4383



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2014-06-17 20:27:21 | かごめかごめの真実とは


 J さん、今日はありがとうございました。


 他の亀さんたちも、今日は興味深々で J さんの話に聞き入っていましたね。

そして、「一緒にがんばろう~~! わ~~いワ~~イ」って言ってるように聞こえたのは私だけでないような・・・、他にも誰かが聞いていたような 気がしました。

この世は・・・、そしてスタップサロンも・・ 不思議な不思議な世界ですね~

ひょっとしたら、田中先生と私が帰った後、それも夜の12時が過ぎたころから朝日が昇りだすころまで、亀さんや鶴さんたちが ノソノソ パタパタ・・と、いえいえ、麻のノレンから三匹のウサギさんたちもぴょんぴょんと出てきて遊んでるかもしれません。


今日は、金のひょうたんと蛇の杖を持っているという不思議な J さんが、どうもアロンの御霊をお連れされたようですから、これからますます不思議なことが巻き起こる予感がしています。 天城抗火石さんも「ここがいい~~!」とお花の間に座られましたよ。


Dscf4379 Dscf4380_2 

Dscf4381 Dscf4383



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Things at Mr Uemori's office

2014-06-17 19:57:00 | 空海 -KUKAI-


I visited Mr Uemori’s office for first time in March 2014. There are quite a few interesting things placed in his office and I took some photos of them. I’d like to introduce them here.

Japanese maps for foreigners (written in Roman style)

Mr Uemori was introduced to an old lady who lived in an area called Sengamine. On the day that she gave him a book with a red cover, his friend rang and asked to meet up as he had something to give to Mr Uemori. The time was getting late so Mr Uemori told him to do it the next day but his friend insisted to meet asap. And on that night, Mr Uemori’s friend gave him a similar book with a red cover but  larger in size.

The book was also published by the same group which the old lady belongs to, and came to Mr Uemori’s place as if by a miracle.There were surprising maps in the big red covered book.





As you can see, these are the Japanese maps with lines like Mr Uemori makes now. On top of that, this map is written in Roman Style (The style used to write Japanese words alphabetically according to the sound). There are not only lines but words as well. Some important points which are not printed originally are hand written.
So-----it means that there were people who made important findings, and they were researching those area like Mr Uemori is doing at the moment. And they were not Japanese!

Well-----who they were and what were they searching for?

Himiko's KOTAISEKI (Praying stone) 


These are strange stones which Mr Uemori found while he was digging and researching Himiko’s tomb. They are magnetised and if you place a compass near them, the needle keeps moving and doesn’t stop at north. They have a formidable power. If you put your hands over them, you will feel very strong energy coming up from the palm of your hands. Me Uemori says if an energy sensitive person stands in front of them, their body will be forced back.
Mr Uemori thinks these stones are the Kotaiseki which were used by HiImiko when she offered her prayers.

Replica of a bronze mirror (銅鏡) Img_1958    and a bronze bell (銅鐸) Img_1960


Academically, it is said that they were the tools used in rituals at that time (around 2C) however; Mr Uemori determined that they were surveying instruments. Img9051936170001

He says they can be used as a sundial when combined. Dscf9598

Turtles     Img_1961

There are so many different sizes, colours and materials of the turtle decorations in his office. The Turtle plays important role in the story of Urashima tarou and also appears in the song of Kagome Kagome. Mr Uemori says Urashima tarou represents Moses. According to him, the story of how Urashima tarou rescued a turtle when it was abused by a human and the turtle took him to a wonderful palace at the bottom of the deep ocean, represents the story of how Moses rescued Israelis from Egypt and they reached Japan. 



Nanakosho  (Buddhism ritual implements)  Img_1957

Kongousho, which is called vajra in Sanskrit, is a ritual implement in Tibetan and Esoteric Buddhism.  This kind of ritual implement represents a weapon in Indian myths, and expresses a state that the teaching of Buddha renounces worldly desires and gains spiritual enlightenment/Buddhahood. So, Kongousho generally explains two different faces. One is “impregnable” and the other is “smash”. It is derived from the saying that ”The Buddha’s prajna (insight leading to enlightenment) is impregnable and smashes worldly desires”. 
Kongousho has several kinds and they have different shapes at both edges. This one is called Nanakosho as the edge has 6 claws around the central bar.

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2014-06-17 15:55:59 | 空海 -KUKAI-
Mr Uemori’s research and activities have been changing dramatically since the beginning of the year 2014. He feels it has reached the next level. Financing has also become one of the biggest tasks for him; to prove underground shrines, take out the holy items and enshrine them. 
He decided to open a healing salon to heal peoples' soul and bodies so that he can raise funds while he contributes to other peoples’ well-being and happiness. He shifted his office to another site and set up the new salon in the space of his former office, which is called Stap Salon. The therapy offered at Stap Salon is mixture of healing; using his invention -Terafight - the energy generating tool, Sanshinpou (three needles method of acupuncture) which is the special acupuncture technique handed down to Taoist and counselling.

Sanshinpou uses three thick and long Chinese needles. It is said that they are very effective for the effects of stroke such as paralysis and speech  impediment.




Room 301, 5cho-me 3-1 (BLDG: Welb Rokkomichi Ichibangai) Bingo-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo, Japan


Tel: +81 78 855 2816





Stap Salon detail (Japanese) 






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