I will surely get the truth of hidden Japanese history to let world peace come true.
ground pictures 1
ground pictures 2
Hathor, the goddess of the ancient Egypt
Product ( tot )
Dragon ( Xuanwu and-snake and turtle ) dragons still alive to me watch, we have no choice, and
And the crane and the tortoise is now-view of everybody??!
Spread wings left the turtles, right from the Center's crane.
Tortoise and crane is in the central square Holy kissing!?
Sacrificial deer found on the central line it heh.
4-The tree of life also caught it well.
First be drawn three cross is very strange.
The large cross is head of Kukai who went to Chile and learning go to Xian, Xian now. And once to the West and to the West, go to the Galilee Israel.
2 The second cross will go to the Vatican.
The smallest cross is China's Liaoning 千山. Sengataki, you encounter peak is 千山.
Story is too strange wonders.
Or rice-Kagome
Israel national and and the "kimigayo" Kagome Kagome
Kukai is beginning " Hurry up, time is not ! "And that moved me, show signs of trouble around the world these days, when time is not really. Head of ikuno, Hyogo Prefecture extends from ishima Island, Tokushima prefecture of the golden ratio in the cross and the cross of the mainly Hachiman-Yama, 4, 3 km from there to constantly mine drew a circle radius, positive human have been made all six-point symbol, such as women's men and an artificial mountain each point drawn hexagonal bird was is modeling, mountain with two, into the basket. And mountain with modeling the geoglyphs of Nasca epic ( Egypt goddess Hathor ) and sacrifice deer face, crane and turtle, fish and Dragon (Gen Takeshi), tree of life extends from the Ise Jingu Shrine ikuno, Mount danga center line and line are flocking to the Hyogo Chuo-Cho, ikuno, kamikawa-Cho, Kanzaki is all. This positive Kagome crest of the Hexagon's center point that itself has been accepted, built the tomb of eternal sleep to get themselves straight on through pull the Hachiman-Yama in worship and Himiko of yamataikoku Queen prayer place, dedicated to two people of the Jewish King mountain,. Out of the Holy Grail and arc is a human family Covenant as soon as possible, and prove that the tomb of Himiko, Queen Himiko delivers on what world known for world peace and stability posed by them.
"Took early and give! " And say you are.
1 /- Hachiman-Yama ( Kagome's center point ) 2- Himiko's grave 3 /-male symbol 4-female symbol 5 /-bird 6 /-bird 7 /-turtle 8 / / guy maid who 9 /-ōgame
/ 10-Dragon (Gen Takeshi) / 11-Mehi
A-absolute mine mihayashi (grave dedicated to Jesus Christ)
B-old Castle Mountain mihayashi (grave dedicated to King David)
C /-and two great Jewish triangle teach Himiko's grave plot points
D, E, F, and artificial point mountain
3 Male symbol
4 Female symbols
Tree of life (table)
Tree of life (back)