


2008-09-01 05:38:22 | Kiwi Cycling III
NZから入電あり。Mount Lyford と Kaikoura の間が地すべりで通行できない。修復工事中で11月までには通行可能になるかもしれないが、最悪500メートルを自転車を担いで行く事になるとのこと。気にしない。契約をすすめるよう架電しました。

Hi Shiro & Yasunori, a quick email to let you know that I have confirmed all the accommodation for you and have attached the bookings forms for you to confirm your tour. I would note that there has been a big slip, which has washed out a section of road between Mount Lyford and Kaikoura which is meant to be fixed by November. If it is not fixed , then you would need to carry your bikes around this area which I believe is 500m long. As I mentioned, this should be fixed by then, but I cannot guarantee this so you will need to okay with carry the bikes round if it is repaired in time.

